The Source of the Left's Inappropriate Behavior

Oh this is the left accusations, I forgot Bill O'reilly, Moore and Trump are on the right. Sorry

1. "Oh this is the left accusations..."
Please try to articulate your point more clearly.

This is not about is about the Left destroying the culture that bought our civilization to fruition.

Now...focus like a laser, and respond to this:

But this issue is far bigger than Lauer or's about how Liberalism has destroyed our culture and is poised to destroy our civilization.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.

6. These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

The aim is to reverse thousands of years of tradition....and they have been mightily successful.
You live in a very simple, black and white world, I'm envious. You define liberalism as evil so every evil must be caused by liberalism. An endless feedback loop. Bravo.

The world is black and white. Only Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes live in a gray, murky world of degenerate evil.

I kinda like the way the finest President in the last 100 years put it....

"...raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people..."

The left say Reagan was senile and wracked with Alzheimers and dementia. I don't see any of them with his wisdom and foresight. Poor devils.

Ronnie was struggling by the end of his presidency
A shell of his former self

I don't know how Fat Donnie will survive the rigors of the office
Oh this is the left accusations, I forgot Bill O'reilly, Moore and Trump are on the right. Sorry
You neglected to bring up Roger Ailes. I wonder what the cause of their misbehavior was? Maybe they are closet liberals?

This is not about is about is about the Left destroying the culture that bought our civilization to fruition.

Now...focus like a laser, and respond to this:

But this issue is far bigger than Lauer or's about how Liberalism has destroyed our culture and is poised to destroy our civilization.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.

6. These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

The aim is to reverse thousands of years of tradition....and they have been mightily successful.
"This is not about individuals.."
My apologies, I was confused because the OP began by talking about Juanita Broaddrick, Dorothy Rabinowitz, Ronan Farrow, Matt Lauer, Andrew Lack, and Harvey Weinstein.
Oh this is the left accusations, I forgot Bill O'reilly, Moore and Trump are on the right. Sorry
You neglected to bring up Roger Ailes. I wonder what the cause of their misbehavior was? Maybe they are closet liberals?

This is not about is about is about the Left destroying the culture that bought our civilization to fruition.

Now...focus like a laser, and respond to this:

But this issue is far bigger than Lauer or's about how Liberalism has destroyed our culture and is poised to destroy our civilization.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.

6. These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

The aim is to reverse thousands of years of tradition....and they have been mightily successful.
"This is not about individuals.."
My apologies, I was confused because the OP began by talking about Juanita Broaddrick, Dorothy Rabinowitz, Ronan Farrow, Matt Lauer, Andrew Lack, and Harvey Weinstein.

How about you reading the OP again and this time, employ some much needed reading comprehension. OK?
Oh this is the left accusations, I forgot Bill O'reilly, Moore and Trump are on the right. Sorry

1. "Oh this is the left accusations..."
Please try to articulate your point more clearly.

This is not about is about the Left destroying the culture that bought our civilization to fruition.

Now...focus like a laser, and respond to this:

But this issue is far bigger than Lauer or's about how Liberalism has destroyed our culture and is poised to destroy our civilization.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.

6. These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

The aim is to reverse thousands of years of tradition....and they have been mightily successful.
You live in a very simple, black and white world, I'm envious. You define liberalism as evil so every evil must be caused by liberalism. An endless feedback loop. Bravo.

"You define liberalism as evil so every evil must be caused by liberalism."

Why are you apologists for Liberalism/evil never able to focus.

Every one of you posts is simply of the 'is not, issssss noootttttt' variety.

I'm should try to be as specific as your education and ability allow.....

...or, is that what you have done.
"I'm specific...."


Specifically, how has "Liberalism has destroyed our culture"? I look around and I see a wonderful culture. Certainly our culture has changed but it has always changed.

Specifically, show us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx. Just because you don't like either doesn't mean they are the same thing.

"Specifically, show us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx. Just because you don't like either doesn't mean they are the same thing."

1. "Us"????

"The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."

2. " us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx."

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy....

These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
2. " us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx."

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy....

These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You provided the aims of the CPUSA but neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA.
Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
Again you neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA. Maybe it is not so easy?
2. " us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx."

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy....

These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You provided the aims of the CPUSA but neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:
Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
Again you neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA. Maybe it is not so easy?

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:
Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
A major problem with your thesis PC is that you don't address the origins of the Democratic party under Hitler's role model Andrew Jackson.
Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
Again you neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA. Maybe it is not so easy?

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
Why yes, Marx has a heavy influence on the 50% divorce rate in the US, even more sinister is his influence in Texas that has a post baby delivery mortem rate that is higher than third world numbers....Wow that man is amazing.... Why George Soros is just under him in notoriety by the rightist...
2. " us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx."

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy....

These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You provided the aims of the CPUSA but neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
"And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation...."

And yet again you neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA. I'm thinking you can't do it, just admit you were wrong. Show you're a better person than some others that can never admit error.
2. " us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx."

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy....

These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You provided the aims of the CPUSA but neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
"And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation...."

And yet again you neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA. I'm thinking you can't do it, just admit you were wrong. Show you're a better person than some others that can never admit error.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:
Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
The world is black and white. Only Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes live in a gray, murky world of degenerate evil.
Your world maybe, the real world has only grays.
Better see an eye doctor, Mr. Magoo.
Spoken like an ideologue that refuses to see beyond his beliefs.

Oh, the irony!

I've proven the point a number of times, and you simply post 'is not, isssss noootttttttt!!!'

Clearly, you're an ideologue that refuses to see beyond his beliefs.
2. " us how modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx."

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy....

These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You provided the aims of the CPUSA but neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
"And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation...."

And yet again you neglected to show any connection between modern Liberalism and either Karl Marx or the CPUSA. I'm thinking you can't do it, just admit you were wrong. Show you're a better person than some others that can never admit error.

Modern Liberalism is the spawn of Karl Marx, the pillar of whose doctrine is the destruction of the family, and religion.
These are two of the aims of the CPUSA (Communist Party, USA):

a. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

b. . Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

10. After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Articles: The Abolition of the Family

And....if the simpletons of the Left.....who never read books.....need even more proof of Marx, and Modern Liberals consubstantiation....

11. "5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
The family:

Marx admits that destroying the family is a thorny topic, even for revolutionaries. “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists,” he writes.

But he said opponents of this idea fail to understand a key fact about the family.

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie,” he writes.

Best of all, abolishing the family would be relatively easy once bourgeois property was abolished. “The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore
You keep posting the same things over and over. It's almost as if you're stuck in a loop...

Admit it, you're a mindless web bot that accumulates random right-wing web pages and just reposts them in response to questions. Nothing to be ashamed of, for AI you're fairly sophisticated.

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