The Social Politics of Food Network/HGTV etc...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
We watch almost no "network" television (ABC/NBC/CBS etc)... We do however enjoy HGTV for house ideas and travel ideas and Food Network for shows like Triple D and Chopped from time to time.

Having said that, are the people in control of those Networks actively pushing the Gay Agenda or do Gays seek out the Reality Portion of these networks to get themselves exposure?

In the case of Chopped, the Host/Creator is Gay.

Chopped almost always has 1 out of 4 people that are Gay.

25% representation as opposed to about 5% tops in the general population.

Not only are they on the show, last night's show gives an example of the "Agenda" being push as it is with every "Gay" contestant.

The Gay guy was previously Married to a Woman and has 3 Adult Children with her.

He is now Gay... The thing that struck me about him and others that I know is that when the "coming out" happens, so does the "Act".

What's with the fucking Homo Voice?... You didn't talk like that for 40 or 50 or 60 years of your Life but now you do?

Can someone explain that to me?... It's an act, I just want to see it Rationalized.

As for HGTV and Food Network over-representing Homosexuals...

Do you think it's being done Deliberately or do you think the Pool of "Contestants" is being overwhelmed by Exhibitionist/Activist Gays?

I've seen every cliché on those shows from, "I wanted to come on Chopped to prove to my Parents that being Gay is OK" to the Inner City Hispanic Lesbian that seems to be more and more prevalent in recent years.

Then there's the Green Agenda along with it on HGTV... But that's another Discussion. :thup:


The people on those shows are interior decorators and chefs, that's all the explanation needed.
The people on those shows are interior decorators and chefs, that's all the explanation needed.

"Couples" Home shopping or having work done to their Homes...

As for Chefs being Gay... Really?

I don't know one. The Gays I know are all Professionals. They are either Lawyers, Legal Assistants, in Teaching or the Corporate/Business World.

Every Chef I know, and my two Sister-in-Laws are both Married to Chefs, are not Gay.

I don't believe it's by happenstance that Gays are over-represented on these shows.

I think it's by Design and Scripted.


Feel free to turn off the television.

Many of us have. We used to love HGTV years ago, now there is nothing there but a vapid collection of faux reality (heavy on the faggotry), all geared to an audience under 30. Ditto for FOOD Network.

These used to be wonderful resources filled with interesting shows on home improvement and cooking in a way that there was knowledge to be gained. Now? Politically correct vomit.

PBS now has an offshoot called CREATE, and it's much closer to old school real deal television. Some great cooking shows.
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Food Network definitely wasn't a place for Homosexuals to tell their Tales of Oppression on every other show just a few short years ago...

It is now.

I am going to go Google this and see what comes up.



From their Facebook page... :rofl:



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