The snap receivers should work.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The bill would also require more older workers to prove they have a job or are in a training program in order to receive food stamps. Currently, able-bodied adults between 18 to 49 and who don't have children are required to work 20 hours a week or enroll in a work training program to receive aid from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the formal name for the food-stamp program.

What is one suppose to do IF not working. I agree!
49 sure doesnt sound older. I have always been against free money if one is capable of working.
From the article you didnt read
But the bill would raise that requirement for people up to age 65,
The fucked up govt wants to raise SS requirements to people aged 70. Make this the same.
After all, 70 is the new 40!
From the article you didnt read
But the bill would raise that requirement for people up to age 65,
Got me there. But again, even though I have not yet attained 65, it doesn't sound old enough for free money, if capable of working.
I am trying to last till then but my younger side tells me to quit.
I retired a couple (3?)of years ago, right before covid. My wife was a sound financial planner so I got to retire at 60. I keep getting piddly little jobs because it drives me (and my wife) crazy if I don't have structure and something to do. I don't do advice, but retire if you can. It is great.
The bill would also require more older workers to prove they have a job or are in a training program in order to receive food stamps. Currently, able-bodied adults between 18 to 49 and who don't have children are required to work 20 hours a week or enroll in a work training program to receive aid from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the formal name for the food-stamp program.

What is one suppose to do IF not working. I agree!
Many snap receivers do work. They work at Walmart. And they make so little that they qualify for SNAP.

You know what we found after giving SNAP receivers more money during the pandemic? It worked! They were suddenly able to eat, pay rent and buy the medicines they need. The bonus snap went back to what it was before the pandemic. Now those poor people have to go back to choosing. Do I buy my medicine or food today?

You are a cold hearted bitch P.
Well ... maybe we should stop giving food stamps to STUPID PEOPLE ...

Morons don't know the food stamp program is a FARMER SUBSIDY ... only assholes think farmers are lazy ... next will be income tests at the ER? ... literacy tests at election stations ... patriot tests for driver's licenses ...
Well ... maybe we should stop giving food stamps to STUPID PEOPLE ...

Morons don't know the food stamp program is a FARMER SUBSIDY ... only assholes think farmers are lazy ... next will be income tests at the ER? ... literacy tests at election stations ... patriot tests for driver's licenses ...

I love it that Republicans are arguing against poor people. Do they think this is a winning strategy?

Hey poor women! You have to have your baby if you get pregnant. But we're taking away food stamps so you may want to keep it in your pants.
I love it that Republicans are arguing against poor people. Do they think this is a winning strategy?

Hey poor women! You have to have your baby if you get pregnant. But we're taking away food stamps so you may want to keep it in your pants.
All this does it make able bodied poor people go out and get a job.
Your cliche bullshit doesnt exactly work here.
The bill would also require more older workers to prove they have a job or are in a training program in order to receive food stamps. Currently, able-bodied adults between 18 to 49 and who don't have children are required to work 20 hours a week or enroll in a work training program to receive aid from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the formal name for the food-stamp program.

What is one suppose to do IF not working. I agree!
ble-bodied adults between 18 to 49 and who don't have children are required to work 20 hours a week or enroll in a work training program to
Some would say:

Many snap receivers do work. They work at Walmart. And they make so little that they qualify for SNAP.

You know what we found after giving SNAP receivers more money during the pandemic? It worked! They were suddenly able to eat, pay rent and buy the medicines they need. The bonus snap went back to what it was before the pandemic. Now those poor people have to go back to choosing. Do I buy my medicine or food today?

You are a cold hearted bitch P.
You can't use SNAP benefits for meds.
Well ... maybe we should stop giving food stamps to STUPID PEOPLE ...

Morons don't know the food stamp program is a FARMER SUBSIDY ... only assholes think farmers are lazy ... next will be income tests at the ER? ... literacy tests at election stations ... patriot tests for driver's licenses ...
True. SNAP is intended to promote agriculture as well as aid the poor.

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