The sickness of anti-Semitism.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
If we do not confront this hatred, it will consume us.

It’s often been said that a society that allows anti-Semitism to flourish is in a particularly deep kind of trouble. That a society that fails to keep anti-Semitism in its box not only fails to stand by its Jewish citizens, but also risks becoming consumed and deranged by it. That anti-Semitism’s toxic cocktail of hatred and conspiracism can all too easily lead a reasoned, tolerant society to sicken. If so, Britain looks very sick indeed.

We are seeing Jew hatred at its most visceral. According to the CST, the incidents were at their peak not when the IDF rolled into Gaza, or when this awful war – that Hamas started – began to claim civilian Palestinian life. No, they peaked just a few days after 7 October, just after Hamas had killed and raped its way through southern Israel, long before Israel’s full military campaign had begun. As the CST puts it, the initial surge in anti-Semitic abuse, graffiti and violence represented a grotesque carnival of ‘celebration’ – celebration, that is, of the murder and maiming and defilement of Jews.

If we do not confront this hatred, it will consume us.

It’s often been said that a society that allows anti-Semitism to flourish is in a particularly deep kind of trouble. That a society that fails to keep anti-Semitism in its box not only fails to stand by its Jewish citizens, but also risks becoming consumed and deranged by it. That anti-Semitism’s toxic cocktail of hatred and conspiracism can all too easily lead a reasoned, tolerant society to sicken. If so, Britain looks very sick indeed.

We are seeing Jew hatred at its most visceral. According to the CST, the incidents were at their peak not when the IDF rolled into Gaza, or when this awful war – that Hamas started – began to claim civilian Palestinian life. No, they peaked just a few days after 7 October, just after Hamas had killed and raped its way through southern Israel, long before Israel’s full military campaign had begun. As the CST puts it, the initial surge in anti-Semitic abuse, graffiti and violence represented a grotesque carnival of ‘celebration’ – celebration, that is, of the murder and maiming and defilement of Jews.

Anti-semitism has been a fact of Jewish history going back to some of the earliest manuscripts of the Old Testament. The reason so many Jews are lawyers, judges, bankers, manufacturers/retailers and such that they were forbidden to own real property throughout much of the Middle Ages forcing them into profitable professions they were allowed to do. Evenso, the Roman Empire in those days and Russia, Germany et al in more modern times have blamed the Jews for all their troubles and persecuted them or drove them off their land/property again and again.

And since more angry, judgmental, wrong headed, sometimes downright evil people refuse to learn from history or misuse history as their weapon against people today and for other nefarious purposes, innocent Jews are still often targeted for discrimination, personal attacks, insults, retribution, silly accusations etc.

Honorable people neither engage in such activity nor condone it. Unfortunately too much of higher education, media, even religious organizations choose not to be honorable.

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