CDZ "The" Shooting and the Confederate Flag


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
... so, is the logic leap here supposed to be that if we ban the Confederate Flag, less hatred and shootings will occur?

Or is this just and "excuse" to bring this issue back to the forefront?
... so, is the logic leap here supposed to be that if we ban the Confederate Flag, less hatred and shootings will occur?

Or is this just and "excuse" to bring this issue back to the forefront?

I don't know the details, haven't heard about this association but is someone making that argument? Because it makes about as much sense as Prohibition did.
I don't know the details, haven't heard about this association but is someone making that argument? Because it makes about as much sense as Prohibition did.

Sitting in McDonald's yesterday (yeah yeah I know) anyway, they were showing Obummer talking about the evilness of guns, then, the next story was something about not flying the Confederate Flag. I just have to believe this is NOT a coincidence... or maybe just a ploy by the news channel (I was not paying attention to which one it was.. maybe CNN (liberal) - anyway, maybe a ploy for us to "assume" the tie-in (which I at least gave pause to..)
I don't know the details, haven't heard about this association but is someone making that argument? Because it makes about as much sense as Prohibition did.

Sitting in McDonald's yesterday (yeah yeah I know) anyway, they were showing Obummer talking about the evilness of guns, then, the next story was something about not flying the Confederate Flag. I just have to believe this is NOT a coincidence... or maybe just a ploy by the news channel (I was not paying attention to which one it was.. maybe CNN (liberal) - anyway, maybe a ploy for us to "assume" the tie-in (which I at least gave pause to..)

Sounds more like an appeal to emotion, with TV ratings in mind.

Exactly why I keep pointing out, no commercial media makes a dime out of an ideology. They make many dimes through pressing their audience's personal buttons. An symbol with emotional baggage would be ideal for that. Make it a divisive one, and watch the ratings soar.
No, I think the linking here has to do with domestic terrorism. This goes back to the early days of the Obama administration.

It is neither a left or a right issue.

Even if a Republican gets elected to the Oval office, the Tea Party movement, or small government movements will continue to grow so long as the globalists have infiltrated both parties. The truth of the matter is, Americans, real Americans no longer have any real say over where their government is headed. All big government types support the TPP and the TIPP. Most folks that understand what these mean for jobs and small communities, what these mean for freedom and American sovereignty and freedom are more than a little worried.

Much like the ideals of the Whiskey rebellion, folks are beginning to realize, what has been made by the elites supreme court rulings has only benefited the global elites, it has never benefited the sovereign states or the sovereign people.

Not only is "nationalism" like the patriotism of your average American distasteful to the globalist, but regionalism is even more distasteful. Having pride in one's community or region is even more distasteful, for it empowers localities. Far off elites want to consolidate power to themselves, they don't want you to have power over your own life.

That is why independence movements and balkanization movements are nothing but a threat to them unless they are the ones in charge of the governments that are balkanizing.

Where once the Confederate movement symbolized local pride, local governance, and the ideal of self rule, now, by an effort by the MSM, it is going to be associated with domestic terrorist, militia movements, racists, and a whole slew of bad actors that the Federal government, and more specifically, the internationalist feel is a threat to their power grab.
I don't know the details, haven't heard about this association but is someone making that argument? Because it makes about as much sense as Prohibition did.

Sitting in McDonald's yesterday (yeah yeah I know) anyway, they were showing Obummer talking about the evilness of guns, then, the next story was something about not flying the Confederate Flag. I just have to believe this is NOT a coincidence... or maybe just a ploy by the news channel (I was not paying attention to which one it was.. maybe CNN (liberal) - anyway, maybe a ploy for us to "assume" the tie-in (which I at least gave pause to..)
I think the story might have been about not flying that flag at the statehouse in Charleston. At least not flying that flag at full staff as the American flag and the South Carolina state flag were lowered to half staff in memory of the victims of the massacre at the church.

Lowering the Confederate flag altogether or at least flying it at half staff would be the appropriate thing to do. There can be no pride found in that flag following the massacre. Not flying it seems to be an example of simple human decency in the aftermath of such a tragedy.

If that flag represents "Southern heritage" as it is most benignly said, lowering it would grant dignity and respect to the victims. If, on the other hand, that flag represents White Supremacy, flying it shows a hubris that cannot be orally defended.
I drove across SC today, noticed the Stars 'n' Stripes at half-mast. Didn't see a state flag at all. But yeah in the contexts of flag-fetish protocol it would have been absurd to fly the latter higher than the former.

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