The Senate-House Impeachment Battle

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
What do you expect: Senate law suit, dismissal or what?

Other than Pelosi getting told the limits of the house my crystal ball is foggy

So,what CT resolutions are out there that you favor for the rest of us to point fingers at and laugh. please post as often as you wish.
BREAKING NEWS: McConnell to move to the floor, the motion to take from the house, control over the completed and voted on Articles of Impeachment.

Just now on Hannity: The senate is now going to vote to take control over their constitutional duties of trial for voted on impeachment articles. Information coming out in just the last few minuets indicates that the senate is going to set a trail date and if they (the House) refuses to show up the articles will be dismissed with prejudice. Sen Howley and 10 others sponsored the motion.

This is about to blow up on democrats big time...
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Tell us again how Nancy is such a political genius?! WTF? She looks like a moron now.

Can't wait to see how the MSM spins it....the BIG COVERUP!!
Tell us again how Nancy is such a political genius?! WTF? She looks like a moron now.

Can't wait to see how the MSM spins it....the BIG COVERUP!!
Trey Gowdy explained how it will work on Tuckers show and I missed it the first time.. Its going to be epic... The gloves are off..
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And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.

I was worried that something like this might happen which is why I did not put this thread in satire.
Not much of a battle since The Senate holds all the cards.

The Judge will probably order The Democrat Senators running for President to recuse themselves.

What do you expect: Senate law suit, dismissal or what?

Other than Pelosi getting told the limits of the house my crystal ball is foggy

So,what CT resolutions are out there that you favor for the rest of us to point fingers at and laugh. please post as often as you wish.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.

I was worried that something like this might happen which is why I did not put this thread in satire.
The Democrats have been making it a satire since day one.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.
YES! Conflict in interests.... they must recuse... Which means the senate will have no chance of a vote for the articles... An acquittal is assured.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.

I was worried that something like this might happen which is why I did not put this thread in satire.
The Democrats have been making it a satire since day one.

I agree. They have turned their impeachment into a joke.

The only thing Pelousy controls is the House. McConnell runs the Senate. He should tell her stupid ass to send the articles or he will pronounce the whole shit show null and void.

Could the Dems be any more stupid??

I think not.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.

I was worried that something like this might happen which is why I did not put this thread in satire.
The Democrats have been making it a satire since day one.

I agree. They have turned their impeachment into a joke.

The only thing Pelousy controls is the House. McConnell runs the Senate. He should tell her stupid ass to send the articles or he will pronounce the whole shit show null and void.

Could the Dems be any more stupid??

I think not.

How much are you willing to bet that the Ds could not get dumber? And what odds are you giving ?

Just wondering.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.

I was worried that something like this might happen which is why I did not put this thread in satire.
The Democrats have been making it a satire since day one.

I agree. They have turned their impeachment into a joke.

The only thing Pelousy controls is the House. McConnell runs the Senate. He should tell her stupid ass to send the articles or he will pronounce the whole shit show null and void.

Could the Dems be any more stupid??

I think not.

How much are you willing to bet that the Ds could not get dumber? And what odds are you giving ?

Just wondering.

I sure won't take that bet. Not after what I've seen since 2016. They are imbeciles one and all.
And democrats forced to sit in the trial rather than out on the campaign trail....

I would think that Senators campaigning for President would be required to recuse themselves or drop out of the race. Campaigning opponents of Trump sitting on the trial seems fishy to me.

I was worried that something like this might happen which is why I did not put this thread in satire.
The Democrats have been making it a satire since day one.

I agree. They have turned their impeachment into a joke.

The only thing Pelousy controls is the House. McConnell runs the Senate. He should tell her stupid ass to send the articles or he will pronounce the whole shit show null and void.

Could the Dems be any more stupid??

I think not.

It's the Nazi mentality of the Democrat party. Piglosi runs the House, and now she's threatening the advancement of the articles to the Senate unless she can run that show too. Mind you, these are the same clowns that impeached a President because he didn't cooperate with their demands.

This is a good example of why these people should never be in charge. Give them an inch, they take a mile. Leadership of the House to the commies means that they control the entire government, not just one branch. They are going to control the executive. They are going to control the judiciary. They are going to control the entire Congress.

This is why in November, the voters should just say "no." No to having such an abusive controlling group of people in any segment of our government. This is the USA, not the USSR.
BREAKING NEWS: McConnell to move to the floor, the motion to take from the house, control over the completed and voted on Articles of Impeachment.

Just now on Hannity: The senate is now going to vote to take control over their constitutional duties of trial for voted on impeachment articles. Information coming out in just the last few minuets indicates that the senate is going to set a trail date and if they (the House) refuses to show up the articles will be dismissed with prejudice. Sen Howley and 10 others sponsored the motion.

This is about to blow up on democrats big time...
/----/ The democRATs will simply Impeach the president again and again and again to mollify their rabid base.

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