The Schadenfreude Thread


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The announcement that Justice Kennedy was retiring produced a volcanic reaction second only to that of November 8, 2016.

The great Yogi was correct...
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

...and, I'm not often counting my chickens before they hatch....

But it sure does look like there will be a conservative court decades into the future.

Now, for more sticking my finger in the Liberal eye....

1. "What a letdown – you libs were totally promised that you and your elite cohort would rule forever, unchallenged, over the filthy hordes infesting America’s non-coastal regions, and then all of a sudden those nasty Normals got militant and elected Donald Trump. It’s not fair, damnit! And it just gets worse and worse as things in America, under Trump, get better and better.

2. This prosperity and this relative peace are the worst things ever. Well, for you liberals.

3. ...Bill Maher pining for a recession, apparently so Trump will somehow get tossed out of office to make room for some liberal to come in and …

4. ...there’s Nancy Pelosi, fresh from bathing in a tub of 100-dollar bills, complaining that more cash in your pocket is a bad thing because it means she can’t spend it the way she chooses – and she chooses to spend it on greedy foreigners, lay-about bums, and other Democrat constituencies.

5. Their anger is a giveaway. In poker, it’s called a “tell.” A tell is a little thing a player does that gives away the hand he’s holding. Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for their power.

6. Never have so many been so angry about so little bad news."
Kurt Schlichter - It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

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The collapse of most of the Northeast and left coast will spark some of the biggest corruption scandals in history.
Liberals will be okay. Morons like yourself will never realize it but even conservatism is largely based on liberal values. Is anyone talking about getting rid of social security? Unemployment insurance? Basic services? No.

Liberals will be fine. Meanwhile, you're stuck...with yourself. Poor PC.
The announcement that Justice Kennedy was retiring produced a volcanic reaction second only to that of November 8, 2016.

The great Yogi was correct...
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

...and, I'm not often counting my chickens before they hatch....

But it sure does look like there will be a conservative court decades into the future.

Now, for more sticking my finger in the Liberal eye....

1. "What a letdown – you libs were totally promised that you and your elite cohort would rule forever, unchallenged, over the filthy hordes infesting America’s non-coastal regions, and then all of a sudden those nasty Normals got militant and elected Donald Trump. It’s not fair, damnit! And it just gets worse and worse as things in America, under Trump, get better and better.

2. This prosperity and this relative peace are the worst things ever. Well, for you liberals.

3. ...Bill Maher pining for a recession, apparently so Trump will somehow get tossed out of office to make room for some liberal to come in and …

4. ...there’s Nancy Pelosi, fresh from bathing in a tub of 100-dollar bills, complaining that more cash in your pocket is a bad thing because it means she can’t spend it the way she chooses – and she chooses to spend it on greedy foreigners, lay-about bums, and other Democrat constituencies.

5. Their anger is a giveaway. In poker, it’s called a “tell.” A tell is a little thing a player does that gives away the hand he’s holding. Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for their power.

6. Never have so many been so angry about so little bad news."
Kurt Schlichter - It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

Yes, right now, Trump is big and Goliath!
Liberals will be okay. Morons like yourself will never realize it but even conservatism is largely based on liberal values. Is anyone talking about getting rid of social security? Unemployment insurance? Basic services? No.

Liberals will be fine. Meanwhile, you're stuck...with yourself. Poor PC.

"...even conservatism is largely based on liberal values."

I so appreciate it when you show up for your daily education.

Take notes, now...

Leftists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Now....don't let me catch you posting absurdities again!
The announcement that Justice Kennedy was retiring produced a volcanic reaction second only to that of November 8, 2016.

The great Yogi was correct...
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

...and, I'm not often counting my chickens before they hatch....

But it sure does look like there will be a conservative court decades into the future.

Now, for more sticking my finger in the Liberal eye....

1. "What a letdown – you libs were totally promised that you and your elite cohort would rule forever, unchallenged, over the filthy hordes infesting America’s non-coastal regions, and then all of a sudden those nasty Normals got militant and elected Donald Trump. It’s not fair, damnit! And it just gets worse and worse as things in America, under Trump, get better and better.

2. This prosperity and this relative peace are the worst things ever. Well, for you liberals.

3. ...Bill Maher pining for a recession, apparently so Trump will somehow get tossed out of office to make room for some liberal to come in and …

4. ...there’s Nancy Pelosi, fresh from bathing in a tub of 100-dollar bills, complaining that more cash in your pocket is a bad thing because it means she can’t spend it the way she chooses – and she chooses to spend it on greedy foreigners, lay-about bums, and other Democrat constituencies.

Wouldn't you be angry if you had a license to steal and it was revoked as with recent SCOTUS decisions against the political arm of organized crime

5. Their anger is a giveaway. In poker, it’s called a “tell.” A tell is a little thing a player does that gives away the hand he’s holding. Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for their power.

6. Never have so many been so angry about so little bad news."
Kurt Schlichter - It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

In 2008 the regressives here told us that the Republican Party was dead.

What happened guys?
In 2008 the regressives here told us that the Republican Party was dead.

What happened guys?

They were preparing a ticker-tape parade celebrating the end of America.

They should have paid attention to the Declaration of Independence...

There are four references to ‘Divine’ in D of I…
1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’
2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,”
3) Supreme Judge of the world,
and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

America has been given another chance.
Liberals will be okay. Morons like yourself will never realize it but even conservatism is largely based on liberal values. Is anyone talking about getting rid of social security? Unemployment insurance? Basic services? No.

Liberals will be fine. Meanwhile, you're stuck...with yourself. Poor PC.
And additionally, what POTUS apologists don't get, and probably never will, is that the Republican party is not conservative anymore.
In 2008 the regressives here told us that the Republican Party was dead.

What happened guys?
Yeah, I distinctly recall Paul Bagala crowing on MSLSD the Republican Party would be dead for a generation or more. My, time sure flies, huh?

The bonus in all the left’s pants wetting about the future of the Supreme Court is watching them eat their own over it. Mr. Mika on Morning Joke today laid the blame squarely at the Hildebeast’s feet for running such a lousy campaign, highlighting her lack of a message to voters. Then on whatever the show is that follows Joke - hot babe host by the way - some black guy guest was blaming Barry for it because he didn’t recess appoint Garland when he had the chance. Not sure if he had any valid point there as I’m not up on how a recess works when it comes to the SC, but nonetheless Ears is responsible for this mess according to him.
Liberals will be okay. Morons like yourself will never realize it but even conservatism is largely based on liberal values. Is anyone talking about getting rid of social security? Unemployment insurance? Basic services? No.

Liberals will be fine. Meanwhile, you're stuck...with yourself. Poor PC.
And additionally, what POTUS apologists don't get, and probably never will, is that the Republican party is not conservative anymore.

Gads, you're a moron.

"Trump’s first year: conservative feats despite chaos"

You should stick to topics with which you are cognizant....but, then, you'd be mute.
7. "...they constantly bemoan success,...

But what do they care about our prosperity anyway? They are actively against our prosperity!

Proud, self-sufficient people don’t need or want them.

The entire business model of the Democratic Party is to keep Democratic constituencies poor and then give them money looted from non-Democratic constituencies. If the Democratic constituencies stop needing handouts, uh oh. What would they need the Dems for anymore?

Better a recession with them in power than prosperity without them in power. Which kind of shows where “Normals’ Happiness” ranks on the Big List of Liberal Priorities – at the bottom,..."
Kurt Schlichter - It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

And, not just keeping their constituencies poor....keeping them ignorant.

Democrat voters do no know what the party stands for.
The collapse of most of the Northeast and left coast will spark some of the biggest corruption scandals in history.

Expand on that, please, willie.
New York was founded on the fraudulent purchase of Manhattan and kept on track by Tammany Hall. (two defaults in the last century)

New Orleans as a pirate base that competed with RI.

JFK's maternal granddad won his final reelection as mayor of Boston from a jail cell.

The left coast was founded by the claim-jumpers of 1849 the same people who abandoned the low profit gold mines of GA,TN & NC for the generally no net profit mines of CA

Chicago was founded on the dubious Michigan-Illinois canal. (two fraudulent bankruptcies prior to the Civil War)

ad infinitum
In 2008 the regressives here told us that the Republican Party was dead.

What happened guys?
Yeah, I distinctly recall Paul Bagala crowing on MSLSD the Republican Party would be dead for a generation or more. My, time sure flies, huh?

The bonus in all the left’s pants wetting about the future of the Supreme Court is watching them eat their own over it. Mr. Mika on Morning Joke today laid the blame squarely at the Hildebeast’s feet for running such a lousy campaign, highlighting her lack of a message to voters. Then on whatever the show is that follows Joke - hot babe host by the way - some black guy guest was blaming Barry for it because he didn’t recess appoint Garland when he had the chance. Not sure if he had any valid point there as I’m not up on how a recess works when it comes to the SC, but nonetheless Ears is responsible for this mess according to him.

Recognize the dunce who had this in his sig?

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Even his avi is a lie.
The collapse of most of the Northeast and left coast will spark some of the biggest corruption scandals in history.

Expand on that, please, willie.
New York was founded on the fraudulent purchase of Manhattan and kept on track by Tammany Hall. (two defaults in the last century)

New Orleans as a pirate base that competed with RI.

JFK's maternal granddad won his final reelection as mayor of Boston from a jail cell.

The left coast was founded by the claim-jumpers of 1849 the same people who abandoned the low profit gold mines of GA,TN & NC for the generally no net profit mines of CA

Chicago was founded on the dubious Michigan-Illinois canal. (two fraudulent bankruptcies prior to the Civil War)

ad infinitum

Sooo......who's bringing those cases to court?


PC...perhaps you’ve made a critical error considering we’ve got lefty clowns in here, so I offer...

Schadenfreude: pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.

Wouldn’t want them to be left out of the fun.
In 2008 the regressives here told us that the Republican Party was dead.

What happened guys?
Yeah, I distinctly recall Paul Bagala crowing on MSLSD the Republican Party would be dead for a generation or more. My, time sure flies, huh?

The bonus in all the left’s pants wetting about the future of the Supreme Court is watching them eat their own over it. Mr. Mika on Morning Joke today laid the blame squarely at the Hildebeast’s feet for running such a lousy campaign, highlighting her lack of a message to voters. Then on whatever the show is that follows Joke - hot babe host by the way - some black guy guest was blaming Barry for it because he didn’t recess appoint Garland when he had the chance. Not sure if he had any valid point there as I’m not up on how a recess works when it comes to the SC, but nonetheless Ears is responsible for this mess according to him.

Recognize the dunce who had this in his sig?

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Even his avi is a lie.
Recognize the line but blank as to the idiot who came up with it.
In 2008 the regressives here told us that the Republican Party was dead.

What happened guys?
Yeah, I distinctly recall Paul Bagala crowing on MSLSD the Republican Party would be dead for a generation or more. My, time sure flies, huh?

The bonus in all the left’s pants wetting about the future of the Supreme Court is watching them eat their own over it. Mr. Mika on Morning Joke today laid the blame squarely at the Hildebeast’s feet for running such a lousy campaign, highlighting her lack of a message to voters. Then on whatever the show is that follows Joke - hot babe host by the way - some black guy guest was blaming Barry for it because he didn’t recess appoint Garland when he had the chance. Not sure if he had any valid point there as I’m not up on how a recess works when it comes to the SC, but nonetheless Ears is responsible for this mess according to him.

Recognize the dunce who had this in his sig?

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Even his avi is a lie.
Recognize the line but blank as to the idiot who came up with it.

The dunce calling himself a rightwinger.
The collapse of most of the Northeast and left coast will spark some of the biggest corruption scandals in history.

Expand on that, please, willie.
New York was founded on the fraudulent purchase of Manhattan and kept on track by Tammany Hall. (two defaults in the last century)

New Orleans as a pirate base that competed with RI.

JFK's maternal granddad won his final reelection as mayor of Boston from a jail cell.

The left coast was founded by the claim-jumpers of 1849 the same people who abandoned the low profit gold mines of GA,TN & NC for the generally no net profit mines of CA

Chicago was founded on the dubious Michigan-Illinois canal. (two fraudulent bankruptcies prior to the Civil War)

ad infinitum
The bailout disburser for each state that goes into default and gets a federal bail out will bring suit for corruption in order to save federal tax dollars.

Sooo......who's bringing those cases to court?


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