The salary is not matching what was listed on the conditional offer but I am not going to TRIP


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue

Be happy to have the job and do not complain before starting the job...
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
It's a strong job market.

Take advantage of it.

Pounce on the opportunities
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
Congratulations on getting your new job, fbj. :thup: And best wishes that it works out well and supports your family in a good way.
was it in writing? if so, you have every right to simply ask HR if there's been a mistake and present the paperwork. I would do it informally, just find them at lunch or wander by their desk and ask the question, but I'd definitely ask if what they're paying isn't what they offered in writing.

be tactful, but get yer moniez....

And congrats. Good for you.
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue

Be happy to have the job and do not complain before starting the job...

I wasnt complaining just inquiring what the salary would be since I received two different numbers
was it in writing? if so, you have every right to simply ask HR if there's been a mistake and present the paperwork. I would do it informally, just find them at lunch or wander by their desk and ask the question, but I'd definitely ask if what they're paying isn't what they offered in writing.

be tactful, but get yer moniez....

And congrats. Good for you.

The first salary mentioned on the job description and then it was slightly higher on the conditional offer. Then the final confirmation had the original salary which was lower than the one on the conditional offer
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
So if you plan to retire in 20 years or so, start invest 100 dollars a month into dividend paying stocks of 6 to 10 percent returns and in 20 years, you could have over 1/2 million dollars of investments and around $40,000 dividend income. Not too many understand this, but over the long haul, you make out like a bandit.
On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
Congratulations on getting your new job, fbj. :thup: And best wishes that it works out well and supports your family in a good way.

On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
So if you plan to retire in 20 years or so, start invest 100 dollars a month into dividend paying stocks of 6 to 10 percent returns and in 20 years, you could have over 1/2 million dollars of investments and around $40,000 dividend income. Not too many understand this, but over the long haul, you make out like a bandit.

On 6/24 during the interview I was told the salary for the state position was 60K. Then when offered the job on 7/5 which was a conditional offer, I was told the offer was $61,330 contingent on the successful background check. Background was successful and the written confirmation that came in the mail has the salary as 60K again. So i sent a email to HR this morning and have not received a response so I will just ask about this on monday when I start.

But the reason I wont make a big deal is because I never made over 45,000 my entire life so whether it's 60 or 61 it wont make that much of a difference because my financial situation will still be a life changing moment. I can't make too much of a deal out of it since 60K was the first number I was told and 61K was the second. So it's kind of a first world issue
You don’t need to reject it or make a fuss

But you are entitled to ask how the salary was arrived at. Normally, government jobs have a set pay scale. You are hired at a location on that pay scale. I have never seen a pay at EXACTLY 60,000 on a government pay scale

$61,330 seems like a pay they would offer. $60,000 on the nose does not
was it in writing? if so, you have every right to simply ask HR if there's been a mistake and present the paperwork. I would do it informally, just find them at lunch or wander by their desk and ask the question, but I'd definitely ask if what they're paying isn't what they offered in writing.

be tactful, but get yer moniez....

And congrats. Good for you.

The first salary mentioned on the job description and then it was slightly higher on the conditional offer. Then the final confirmation had the original salary which was lower than the one on the conditional offer

They made an offer. You accepted. That's a contract.

You have the right to ask the question. I'm not advocating getting nuts about it, and going all legal in pointing out the offer-acceptance thing, because they'll likely shit-can you if you come off as a PITA, but there's no reason to not ask. 1000 bucks is a thousand bucks. You shouldn't lose points for pointing out a clerical error.

Of course it's not my job or my income, so do what's best for you....
was it in writing? if so, you have every right to simply ask HR if there's been a mistake and present the paperwork. I would do it informally, just find them at lunch or wander by their desk and ask the question, but I'd definitely ask if what they're paying isn't what they offered in writing.

be tactful, but get yer moniez....

And congrats. Good for you.

The first salary mentioned on the job description and then it was slightly higher on the conditional offer. Then the final confirmation had the original salary which was lower than the one on the conditional offer

They made an offer. You accepted. That's a contract.

You have the right to ask the question. I'm not advocating getting nuts about it, and going all legal in pointing out the offer-acceptance thing, because they'll likely shit-can you if you come off as a PITA, but there's no reason to not ask. 1000 bucks is a thousand bucks. You shouldn't lose points for pointing out a clerical error.

Of course it's not my job or my income, so do what's best for you....

well I still have written confirmation of the $61,000 so I will ask on Monday

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