The Russians Are Not Our Friends


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
But China is our pal!!!! least according to leftards that embrace any communist regime.
They’re going to be talking about Russia the entire Trump presidency. I’ve never seen anything more pathetic
The Benghazi hoax was pretty damn pathetic dude.

Doesn't get any worse than that.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

We have a lot of enemies its true. We had an attack last year too where about 70K plus people died due to ... opioids coming through Mexico. They send us a lot of their poor people, who then send billions of US dollars back into Mexico...
I would say Mexico is NOT our friend, ... Trump is dealing with that one. Russia, yeah they hacked our computers like they do every year... and spent a couple hundred thousand dollars on Face book adds.
I say we tackle, the people who are actually killing us first, and worry about Hillary not getting elected later.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

And on top of that Trump sells them 25% of our, wait
They don't want to give up, do they!:rolleyes:


The Mueller report goes into great detail about the Russian involvement in US elections, and the Trump cult refuses to believe it.

Trump himself admits the Russians got him elected, and the Trump cult still doesn't believe it.

Trump cult, your DearLeader himself said we liberals have been absolutely correct. Of course, he walked it back, but the damage was done. He accidentally told the truth. That cat's out of the bag, and it's not going back in.

Trump cultists, you've all been running cover for a hostile foreign power for years now. That's no longer debatable. Do you have any regrets about betraying your country like that, or do you only regret getting busted?

The Trump cultist philosophy is displayed below. There's no doubt that all of the Trump cultists here agree with the sentiment. Look at the post just above, made by an open traitor to the USA. Needless to say, no liberal would ever say "I'd rather be Russian than Republican", as we're not traitors.

Ohhhhh I believe it. I believe every word. It's all TRUE. With everything you say accepted as absolute fact, the Russians are STILL better than democrats.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
The Russians have been at this since the Eisenhower administration
Now it’s a big deal cuz trump beat a cow
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

Are Democrats really this low, to keep the Russia hoax going now ?
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
Yes we do ——>Democrats. <——
Who warned us about the Boston Bombers? Who told us about their going to a Chechen training school? Who said those were innocent refugees who were the victims of islamophobia? Who is it that after all we have done in slandering the Russian character still works with our scientists and carts American asses to the space station. Who was it that was forced to step in in Syria and stop the shitstain obama from giving his Isis allies chemical weapons?

Democrats are pure evil. Being a democrat is much more than a traitor to America. Being a democrat is being a traitor to humanity. Democrats boo God and kill babies. That's what kind of filth they are. They hate this country, its flag, its anthem, its history and its people. Then have the nerve to mewl "look over there. Don't look at us. It's Russians."
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

The only people getting "riled up" are snowflake dems and libs.

No voting machines were hacked and no votes were changed.
Our elections are safe.
In the mind of the American Liberal, Russian Facebook Ads were an "attack on America". Mortars fired by radical Muslims on an unprotected compound blowing apart four un-armed Americans is a "hoax".

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