The ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy Theorists Just Can’t Let Go

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
In the latest episode of "On Contact," host and Truthdig contributor Chris Hedges sits down with Aaron Maté of The Nation to discuss the release of the Mueller report. They explore how the liberal fixation on "Russiagate" has handed Donald Trump a massive gift ahead of the 2020 election, and how the Democratic Party has failed to offer a meaningful alternative to his political movement.

Hedges also explains why Mueller's findings "should end one of the most shameful periods in modern American journalism—one that rivals the mindless cheerleading for the Iraq War by most of the press." Watch a video of their conversation above.

The 'Russiagate' Conspiracy Theorists Just Can't Let Go

Here is yesterday's episode of On Contact ;

Don't be to hard on 'em. Only their faith keeps them from killing themselves.
We have to be hard on them if they refuse to hear the alarm clock, like 16 year old kids
waking up to their first part time jobs at the local Pizza Hut.
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All Russian Collusion Threads need to now be moved in to "Conspiracy Theories" unless we are talking about punishing the Hoaxers and COUP Co-Conspirators.

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