The Rubio-Lee kabuki tax reform dance


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Reviewing The Rubio-Lee Proposal For Tax Reform


"Last week, Republican Senators Marco Rubio (Fla) and Mike Lee (Utah) released a fairly detailed plan to overhaul the existing Code. The creatively-coined “Rubio-Lee” plan has garnered a lot of attention, and considering Republicans currently control both the House and Senate, it should certainly be taken seriously. Let’s take a look at the plan’s most interesting talking points:"

After reviewing the Rubio-Lee tax reform plan it is obvious there is no reform at all. Does “reform” not mean to do away with that which was corrupt from the beginning? Does the Rubio-Lee “tax reform” plan make an attempt to do away with income taxation which is the worm at the root of corruption and an immoral system of taxation? Of course not. In fact the Rubio-Lee tax reform plan is intentionally designed to keep an unbridled direct taxing power intact and goes on to manipulate it in such a manner as to create a new set of winners and losers. And this is what a direct tax on “income” is about___ placing in the hands of government an arbitrary power to constantly determine which individuals, businesses and investors shall be burdened with the cost of financing the functions of our federal government, and who shall be blessed with avoiding this immoral tax.

The Rubio-Lee tax reform plan is also about keeping this hideous form of direct taxation alive which allows our federal government to attack political foes and punish those who dare to exercise free speech that exposes the evils of our federal government.

Our founders were fully aware of the destructive and oppressive nature of direct taxation. In fact, this issue was touched upon by Representative Williams during a debate on Direct Taxes on January 18th, 1797:

"History, Mr. Williams said, informed them of the annihilation of nations by means of direct taxation. He referred gentlemen to the situation of the Roman Empire in its innocence, and asked them whether they had any direct taxes? No. Indirect taxes and taxes upon luxuries and spices from the Indies were their sources of revenue; but, as soon as they changed their system to direct taxation, it operated to their ruin; their children were sold as slaves, and the Empire fell from its splendor. Shall we then follow this system? He trusted not."

Now that “Republicans” control both Houses of Congress, let us not forget it is within their power to actually offer real tax reform, and by this I mean sending to the States an amendment to our Constitution to do away with federal taxes calculated from profits, gains, salaries and all other forms of lawfully realized “incomes” and move to a consumption based tax system to fill our national treasury. My preference is the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment which begins with:

“SECTION 1. The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.

Have we not suffered enough under our nation’s experiment with federal taxes calculated from “incomes” to at least consider withdrawing this power and returning to our Constitution’s original tax plan? Would it not be a blessing to the American People if those we elected to Congress during last election would rise to the occasion and introduce a Bill to actually reform our federal tax system by doing away with taxes calculated from incomes and start this important discussion?

Seems that Rubio and Lee have different plans, and they prefer to do our Washington Establishment’s kabuki dance on tax reform, which is no reform at all!


“Honest money and honest taxation, the Key to America’s future Prosperity“ ___ from “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan”, no longer in print.

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