
VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
Radioactive waste from Germany:

The waste originated in the north of Italy, Germany and Switzerland. To the south there are very few industries. Only recently has it been made public declaration of racketeer Carmine Schiavone. In 1992, the cousin of the boss of the Casalesi clan had been arrested and even then showed investigators where they were hidden hazardous waste. "It's about millions of tons," he said, among other scraps of hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.
In 1997, he described in detail in a commission of inquiry Parliament as the events were held in Campania, had the names of some transport companies involved and had told him that the Germans would have led tir radioactive waste in cases of lead. He said that his clan, which takes its name from his hometown Casal di Principe, in the early 90s in this way earned at least 700 million pounds, approximately 350,000 Euro per month. He was told by what methods the Camorra had been elected more than 100 mayors from Campania and how many police were on the list of salaries. The declaration of Schiavone culminated in the sentence: "The locals all risk of dying from cancer in twenty years." The interrogation was declared secret document by the Parliament. Only now, 16 years later, two members of the protest movement have been awarded Five Star that the text was published. For the inhabitants of the "Land of Fires" further proof of the fact that the state has never had an interest to reveal the truth to them and protect them. "If we had known even then young people would have lived elsewhere. And all those mothers who lost their children because of cancer they would not have to be born here, "says Don Maurizio Patriciello from Caivano which is a kind of national leader of the movement against the toxic waste, born two years ago in his parish . Don Maurizio gave voice to people, observe and Enzo Mauro. The Camorra Schiavone, repentant under protection, has appeared on television and has spoken or state control: "If we are guilty, they are much more than all those who made it possible: police, prosecutors and politicians." Politicians, however, dampen the tone. We must not forget that it is a former criminal, warns the president of the Committee on the Environment, the Social Democrat MP and environmentalist Hermes Realacci. "During the interrogation of then revealed some truth and told a lot of nonsense." The investigators, in fact, they would never have found radioactive waste and prosecutors would follow all directions given.

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