The Right To Bear Arms

Uh, so you believe that when the colonists came into North America, into unknown lands, that we came unarmed into a unknown and dangerous frontier? Why did King George demand confiscation of all firearms, to never give them back? Why worry about colonial firearms and seize them if they weren't prevalent. Did colonists not hunt? Were they all vegetarians. I think the burden of proof is on you to back your claim given the contrary evidence in early colonial America.

No, American's didn't fight over it, until it become a divisive political tool.

Speculation and hyperbole don't fair well in any logical discussion.

I've argued that the 2A's primary purpose is defense from a tyrannical gov't. Self defense is a secondary attribute that comes from the 2A. Along with the 2A, state constitutions, at the forming of the constitution also, back up the 2A, and a few states, are more specific when providing the right of citizens to be armed.
Sorry, I can't help you there -

Sorry, I can't help you there -

So you're going to claim technology deficiency to not have to respond? Cause you don't know how or use Multi-quote (and technically, it's not multi-quoting" to break up your post. Multi-quoting is quoting multiple posters in one reply.

Sheesh this is laziness.
So you're going to claim technology deficiency to not have to respond? Cause you don't know how or use Multi-quote (and technically, it's not multi-quoting" to break up your post. Multi-quoting is quoting multiple posters in one reply.

Sheesh this is laziness.
No, I don't suffer fools gladly. I don't sit in a pub with a mate and have a conversation in a multi-quote format. If you do, knock your pan in.
Wingnuts haven't said or done anything to convince anyone that assualt weapons are a part of the second ammendment so in that way, yes, it is obsolete.
We are using technology to communicate that the FF's could not imagine that allows us to communicate with thousands in an instant. Is the 1st obsolete because we can weaponize speech now and cause people to commit suicide? If you don't believe that, check into the number of teenagers killing themselves after being cyberbullied on social media.
I've also requested a comparison between an Assault Weapon and a Non-Assault Weapon several times. No response.

From the press accounts, the bright lights on the left think assault weapons have "high magazine clips" and "things that flip up on the shoulder". And they look Vewy Scawwwyyyy!!!
Most descriptions boil down to "big, black and scary-looking".



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