The Right is addicted to false flag attacks


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The Right is having a collective orgasm over the Paris false flag attacks.

They are so giddy over this, just look at all the threads being started over these 9/11 wannabe's.

If there was another 9/11 attack in the US, the Right would be in Heaven.
Cowardly low life muslims killed 129 innocent people in France and wounded MANY more. Are you saying those islamic savages that gutter trash never killed anybody? LINK.
False flag attacks? Link?
I thought you'd never ask?

Paris Attacks: Another False Flag? Sifting through the Evidence

What do the globalists do when they want to create, reignite and keep their war on terror fought indefinitely? They simply carry out a series of false flag attacks using Muslim terrorist stooges as their hired guns to do their damage. That’s what 9/11 was all about in the US, 7/7 in UK, the 3/11 train attack in Spain, the Hebdo Paris attack last January, and now this latest Paris encore reenactment part two.

In any unsolved crime the first question asked is who benefits by motive with an actual means to execute the crime?
It's the final countdown, baby!

Cowardly low life muslims killed 129 innocent people in France and wounded MANY more. Are you saying those islamic savages that gutter trash never killed anybody? LINK.
And you're sitting there, in your living room, in front of a big wide screen TV, a massive hard on with a cheeseburger on the end of it, bottle of Bud in one hand, .357 in the other, watching it all go down.

Admit it. You're addicted to doom and gloom?
Cowardly low life muslims killed 129 innocent people in France and wounded MANY more. Are you saying those islamic savages that gutter trash never killed anybody? LINK.
And you're sitting there, in your living room, in front of a big wide screen TV, a massive hard on with a cheeseburger on the end of it, bottle of Bud in one hand, .357 in the other, watching it all go down.

Admit it. You're addicted to doom and gloom?
129 people died at the hands of the lowest life form to ever leech out of the middle east. No big screen no cheeseburger and no bud.
I'm old school and prefer my 38.

The large scale killing of islamics and their supporters I think will become world wide sport. Israel has every reason it needs now to pull the rest of that islamic trash OUT of the west bank and put them in Gaza.
False flag attacks? Link?
I thought you'd never ask?

Paris Attacks: Another False Flag? Sifting through the Evidence

What do the globalists do when they want to create, reignite and keep their war on terror fought indefinitely? They simply carry out a series of false flag attacks using Muslim terrorist stooges as their hired guns to do their damage. That’s what 9/11 was all about in the US, 7/7 in UK, the 3/11 train attack in Spain, the Hebdo Paris attack last January, and now this latest Paris encore reenactment part two.

In any unsolved crime the first question asked is who benefits by motive with an actual means to execute the crime?
It's the final countdown, baby!

Ok, there's the theory, now where's the proof?
129 people died at the hands of the lowest life form to ever leech out of the middle east. No big screen no cheeseburger and no bud.
I'm old school and prefer my 38.

The large scale killing of islamics and their supporters I think will become world wide sport. Israel has every reason it needs now to pull the rest of that islamic trash OUT of the west bank and put them in Gaza.
What did Gazan's have to do with this, Pal?
129 people died at the hands of the lowest life form to ever leech out of the middle east. No big screen no cheeseburger and no bud.
I'm old school and prefer my 38.

The large scale killing of islamics and their supporters I think will become world wide sport. Israel has every reason it needs now to pull the rest of that islamic trash OUT of the west bank and put them in Gaza.
What did Gazan's have to do with this, Pal?
Some of the oldest terrorist groups started there. Those who started in the 60s and 70s. Its time to contain them BACK to that area and MAYBE remove them altogether.
and the left is addicted to spreading LIES. they don't care if they mislead the American people as long as they think they can score some brownie points for THE PARTY.
All heil the progressive democrat/Socialist/commie party of the United States
Some of the oldest terrorist groups started there. Those who started in the 60s and 70s. Its time to contain them BACK to that area and MAYBE remove them altogether.
You don't say anything over the million Iraqis who are dead, because of our illegal and immoral war there. You don't say anything when Israel murdered over 2600 Palestinian's last summer. But 129 get killed in Paris, then you get aggravated.

There's something wrong with that picture.
and the left is addicted to spreading LIES. they don't care if they mislead the American people as long as they think they can score some brownie points for THE PARTY.
All heil the progressive democrat/Socialist/commie party of the United States
Mislead the American people? Like Iraq had WMD's?
For over 10 years, the right has been making up bullshit excuses to keep us in a constant state of war and what happened in Paris is just another installment of that.

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