The Revolution Turns Inward: Dems Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Revolution Turns Inward: Democrats Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks

The Revolution Turns Inward: Democrats Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks
July 11, 2019 ~ By Guy Benson
When Mary Katharine Ham and I speak publicly about our book, End of Discussion, we often spend a fair amount of time lingering on the subject of the Left's weaponization of identity politics. Leftists very frequently seek to disqualify opposing viewpoints by claiming that those with different ideas are motivated by prejudice or bigotry, citing a parade of "-isms" as a substitute for substantive debate. This has become such a standard form of discourse, we've argued, that when internal disagreements arise, many people apply the same demagogic tactics on their fellow partisans, having effectively forgotten how to argue in good faith or on the merits.
She later clarified that she "absolutely" does not consider Pelosi a racist, of course -- just as Kamala Harris so generously said about Biden, despite implying the opposite. AOC is just asking questions, you see, and again suggesting that sharp criticism of her squad is literally dangerous ("incitement," perhaps?), another familiar silencing tactic:
Consider it a warning shot, old, white, Democrats. If a political skirmish breaks out, identity will be gratuitously raised and used as a weapon. You'd best understand and fear the hierarchy. Ah, but both wings of the party can play that game: Those points were reportedly disseminated in a mass internal email among Democrats. It's true that AOC's chief of staff -- last seen wearing a shirt bearing the visage of a literal Nazi collaborator -- has indeed done precisely that. I expect that fact has been tucked away in the grievance file by his intra-party critics for the next time he or his boss are defending the Squad's anti-Semitism. These are the rules you've created, liberals. Enjoy.

Let the sharks feed....on each other. Solves many problems. Can’t wait until Stalin v. Trotsky Redux.
We must be careful using that word "ladies" this may result in someone accusing us of being sexist (while at the same time not considering to be sexist, of course).
Since they're colorful ladies, they can always segue to racism. History, not that these freaks know any, shows that the "revolution" always eats itself over time.
With the left the revolution never ends as all five year plans turn into ten & then fifteen year plans. Let them at each other, they are so very adept at tearing things down they might as well start to demolish themselves. It was only a matter of time and the right person to do it. Thank You President Trump for making the left implode, Damn the torpedoes, Godspeed and full steam ahead. My suggestion, invest in popcorn producers, this is gonna get fun.
Oh you are seeing the Baby Boomers getting ousted from the party. The country will be doing the same in the next couple of cycles.

Bah, election starts July of NEXT year as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, but a lotta people are getting turned off by this stuff right now, and I'm not seeing the light at the end of this tunnel just yet. The Dem Party has this big confrontation going on between the establishment Dems and the progressive Dems, and that ain't going to change anytime soon IMHO. And that's gotta start costing them right now, in terms of donors who won't be giving their money to what might be considered a losing cause by some moderate Dems and Independents. Already has started in some instances, or so I've read. People that might've voted for a Dem at the state and national level are going to get disgusted with this crap and stay home. And from what I see right now, their convention next summer ain't going to be much of a Come To Jesus meeting.
If Dems win everything, it will literally be a crime to be white in this country.
They ALWAYS turn on each other.

They are completely insecure and live in fear that their political opponent might be a bigger psychopath.

That's why Progressives are history's most prolific mass muederers
The democrats shooting themselves in the foot again. I agree with the points in the oped. As an old white democrat, I lament what has happened to my party.
The Revolution Turns Inward: Democrats Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks

The Revolution Turns Inward: Democrats Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks
July 11, 2019 ~ By Guy Benson
When Mary Katharine Ham and I speak publicly about our book, End of Discussion, we often spend a fair amount of time lingering on the subject of the Left's weaponization of identity politics. Leftists very frequently seek to disqualify opposing viewpoints by claiming that those with different ideas are motivated by prejudice or bigotry, citing a parade of "-isms" as a substitute for substantive debate. This has become such a standard form of discourse, we've argued, that when internal disagreements arise, many people apply the same demagogic tactics on their fellow partisans, having effectively forgotten how to argue in good faith or on the merits.
She later clarified that she "absolutely" does not consider Pelosi a racist, of course -- just as Kamala Harris so generously said about Biden, despite implying the opposite. AOC is just asking questions, you see, and again suggesting that sharp criticism of her squad is literally dangerous ("incitement," perhaps?), another familiar silencing tactic:
Consider it a warning shot, old, white, Democrats. If a political skirmish breaks out, identity will be gratuitously raised and used as a weapon. You'd best understand and fear the hierarchy. Ah, but both wings of the party can play that game: Those points were reportedly disseminated in a mass internal email among Democrats. It's true that AOC's chief of staff -- last seen wearing a shirt bearing the visage of a literal Nazi collaborator -- has indeed done precisely that. I expect that fact has been tucked away in the grievance file by his intra-party critics for the next time he or his boss are defending the Squad's anti-Semitism. These are the rules you've created, liberals. Enjoy.

Let the sharks feed....on each other. Solves many problems. Can’t wait until Stalin v. Trotsky Redux.
We must be careful using that word "ladies" this may result in someone accusing us of being sexist (while at the same time not considering to be sexist, of course).
Since they're colorful ladies, they can always segue to racism. History, not that these freaks know any, shows that the "revolution" always eats itself over time.
With the left the revolution never ends as all five year plans turn into ten & then fifteen year plans. Let them at each other, they are so very adept at tearing things down they might as well start to demolish themselves. It was only a matter of time and the right person to do it. Thank You President Trump for making the left implode, Damn the torpedoes, Godspeed and full steam ahead. My suggestion, invest in popcorn producers, this is gonna get fun.

They always eat their own eventually. Nancy Pelosi is stuck being white. For a while her self hatred protected her but now she will fall to the white hatred she used to ride
The Revolution Turns Inward: Democrats Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks

The Revolution Turns Inward: Democrats Now Blasting Each Other With Mindless Identity Politics Attacks
July 11, 2019 ~ By Guy Benson
When Mary Katharine Ham and I speak publicly about our book, End of Discussion, we often spend a fair amount of time lingering on the subject of the Left's weaponization of identity politics. Leftists very frequently seek to disqualify opposing viewpoints by claiming that those with different ideas are motivated by prejudice or bigotry, citing a parade of "-isms" as a substitute for substantive debate. This has become such a standard form of discourse, we've argued, that when internal disagreements arise, many people apply the same demagogic tactics on their fellow partisans, having effectively forgotten how to argue in good faith or on the merits.
She later clarified that she "absolutely" does not consider Pelosi a racist, of course -- just as Kamala Harris so generously said about Biden, despite implying the opposite. AOC is just asking questions, you see, and again suggesting that sharp criticism of her squad is literally dangerous ("incitement," perhaps?), another familiar silencing tactic:
Consider it a warning shot, old, white, Democrats. If a political skirmish breaks out, identity will be gratuitously raised and used as a weapon. You'd best understand and fear the hierarchy. Ah, but both wings of the party can play that game: Those points were reportedly disseminated in a mass internal email among Democrats. It's true that AOC's chief of staff -- last seen wearing a shirt bearing the visage of a literal Nazi collaborator -- has indeed done precisely that. I expect that fact has been tucked away in the grievance file by his intra-party critics for the next time he or his boss are defending the Squad's anti-Semitism. These are the rules you've created, liberals. Enjoy.

Let the sharks feed....on each other. Solves many problems. Can’t wait until Stalin v. Trotsky Redux.
We must be careful using that word "ladies" this may result in someone accusing us of being sexist (while at the same time not considering to be sexist, of course).
Since they're colorful ladies, they can always segue to racism. History, not that these freaks know any, shows that the "revolution" always eats itself over time.
With the left the revolution never ends as all five year plans turn into ten & then fifteen year plans. Let them at each other, they are so very adept at tearing things down they might as well start to demolish themselves. It was only a matter of time and the right person to do it. Thank You President Trump for making the left implode, Damn the torpedoes, Godspeed and full steam ahead. My suggestion, invest in popcorn producers, this is gonna get fun.

They always eat their own eventually. Nancy Pelosi is stuck being white. For a while her self hatred protected her but now she will fall to the white hatred she used to ride

That is why AOC attacked Pelosi with the racist card.... White Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are racially attacking white people. The antithesis of racial equality. PMS/DSA Democrats have become the 21st Century KKK by renaming them as Antifa.

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