the results of austerity in england

Your words CG .

You claimed we would be better off with austerity.

Time has proven you wrong.

We are better off than the UK
Ask your self WHY the right keeps doubling down on a failed idea?

Because they dont want a recovery
In a weak economy that depends heavily on consumer spending, austerity can only make things worse.
LMAO no country is taking austerity measures to improve their economy.

Sorry TM, wrong premise.
Puerto Rico is doing very well TM.
Austerity by your definition is working very well there.
As well as other parts of the world where it is being used.
The Dem's are not allowing the bills that should be passed in order to implement what you seem to think austerity means.
By the way TM austerity means the reduction of luxuries and consumer goods.
That is not what the Repubs are doing.
To a lefty the reduction in entitlements is a reduction in luxuries.
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Its plain common sense.

History has poroven it over and over.

some idioits never learn the lessons of history
Government spending is good, but when they don't have the money, and deficit spending gets out of control, austerity measures need to be taken in order to preserve sovency.
Your ideas have failed you fool.

There has never been a time when austerity worked like the right claimed

Yea, it does. It's hard. But it makes long term fiscal sense. Pay down your debt... just like paying off your credit card... it's hard while you're doing it, because you have to spend less and work hard and don't see the 'reward' in the short term. You have the intellect of a 4 year old. Twit.

you guys have been claiming austerity would be quiker you fucking dumb ass

Who claimed austerity would be quick? Austerity is time consuming and rather painful. It does however work. I know this is a tough concept for a kool aid drinking progressive like yourself, TM...but you really CAN'T spend yourself out of debt.

While England is sucking it up and working to fix themselves...we keep right on adding trillion dollar deficit on top of trillion dollar deficit to our national debt DESPITE having our credit rating downgraded. And our "reward" for all that debt? Economic growth in the 1 to 2% range.
How so?

austerity is to feel pain, it's short term pain, needed to preserve a future.

The best example is Greece. Their not cutting because it's good for their economy, they're cutting to save their economy.
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then I expect not one of you cons to complain EVER AGAIN complain about the recovery being too slow and your ideas would have been quicker.

You lose the election if you cant say that.
Lets see you all say.

Well Austerity is better because it takes longer and does the same thing in the end BUT it hurts more
Austerity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reasons for taking austerity measures Austerity measures are typically taken if there is a threat that a government cannot honor its debt liabilities. Such a situation may arise if a government has borrowed in foreign currencies that they have no right to issue or they have been legally forbidden from issuing their own currency. In such a situation, banks may lose trust in a government's ability and/or willingness to pay and either refuse to roll over existing debts or demand extremely high interest rates. In such situations, inter-governmental institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may demand austerity measures in exchange for functioning as a lender of last resort. When the IMF requires such a policy, the terms are known as 'IMF conditionalities
Puerto Rico is doing very well TM.
Austerity is working very well there.
As well as other parts of the world where it is being used.
The Dem's are not allowing the bills that should be passed in order to implement austerity.

Puerto Rico to get $34 million for energy efficiency in federal stimulus money - NY Daily News

they also closed every fucking school and raised taxes

That is not true;
Puerto Rico

You are the one who refuses to see that the Governors policies have worked.
It is the Dem's who won't cut back spending that caused us to have our credit rating downgraded.
Your ideas have failed you fool.

There has never been a time when austerity worked like the right claimed

Yea, it does. It's hard. But it makes long term fiscal sense. Pay down your debt... just like paying off your credit card... it's hard while you're doing it, because you have to spend less and work hard and don't see the 'reward' in the short term. You have the intellect of a 4 year old. Twit.

Austerity is hard for whom? The working class and the poor? Yep. The wealthy? Not so much and based on GOP plans, not at all.

Just like you don't raise taxes during recession/the start of a recovery, you don't cut needed programs that hekp the working class and poor. You wait until the economy is stronger. Does that mean you don't cut spending? No. You cut programs that are basically duplicate programs, tighten the belt on programs that are filled with waste and cut programs that can endure cuts because of bloated budgets. Take spending on defense, if we cut spending on defense by 50%, the US would still be spending more on defense than Russia and China combined, plus the UK and France. Right there is a savings of $350 billion annually. Of course that would never happen.

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