The Results Of A GOP Election Loss


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Romney was not the man for the job, according to the people. He was too nice and we all know that often, nice finishes last.

According to Thomas Sowell, here is what happened and why and what we can expect in an Obama future.

I am only pasting the last few paragraphs. If you want to read the first ones, the link is available.


"Quite aside from the immediate effects of particular policies, Barack Obama has repeatedly circumvented the laws, including the Constitution of the United States, in ways and on a scale that pushes this nation in the direction of arbitrary one-man rule.

"Now that Obama will be in a position to appoint Supreme Court justices who can rubber-stamp his evasions of the law and usurpations of power, this country may be unrecognizable in a few years as the America that once led the world in freedom, as well as in many other things.

"Barack Obama’s boast, on the eve of the election of 2008 — “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” — can now be carried out, without fear of ever having to face the voters again.

"This “transforming” project extends far beyond fundamental internal institutions, or even the polarization and corruption of the people themselves, with goodies handed out in exchange for their surrendering their birthright of freedom.

"Obama will now also have more “flexibility,” as he told Russian president Dmitri Medvedev, to transform the international order, where he has long shown that he thinks America has too much power and influence. A nuclear Iran can change that. Forever.

"Have you noticed how many of our enemies in other countries have been rooting for Obama?
You or your children may yet have reason to recall that as a bitter memory of a warning sign ignored on Election Day in 2012."

Nice Losers - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online

Romney was not the man for the job, according to the people. He was too nice and we all know that often, nice finishes last.

According to Thomas Sowell, here is what happened and why and what we can expect in an Obama future.

I am only pasting the last few paragraphs. If you want to read the first ones, the link is available.


"Quite aside from the immediate effects of particular policies, Barack Obama has repeatedly circumvented the laws, including the Constitution of the United States, in ways and on a scale that pushes this nation in the direction of arbitrary one-man rule.

"Now that Obama will be in a position to appoint Supreme Court justices who can rubber-stamp his evasions of the law and usurpations of power, this country may be unrecognizable in a few years as the America that once led the world in freedom, as well as in many other things.

"Barack Obama’s boast, on the eve of the election of 2008 — “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” — can now be carried out, without fear of ever having to face the voters again.

"This “transforming” project extends far beyond fundamental internal institutions, or even the polarization and corruption of the people themselves, with goodies handed out in exchange for their surrendering their birthright of freedom.

"Obama will now also have more “flexibility,” as he told Russian president Dmitri Medvedev, to transform the international order, where he has long shown that he thinks America has too much power and influence. A nuclear Iran can change that. Forever.

"Have you noticed how many of our enemies in other countries have been rooting for Obama?
You or your children may yet have reason to recall that as a bitter memory of a warning sign ignored on Election Day in 2012."

Nice Losers - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online


Mention Sowell, and I swoon.

When I heard the 'more flexible' comment, I believed that Americans would react as I did....

...and realize that this man was keeping secret plans to behave in ways that would preclude re-election.

Appears I overestimated the folks.

Why is it the Republicans have let America down by not using every method at their disposal to draw attention to Obama's illegalities?
You didn't over estimate the people. You underestimated the amount of corruption in our society. Our culture has deteriorated beyond belief and despite our counter cultural efforts, we aren't able to gain back the ground as quickly as we are losing it.
Romney was not the man for the job, according to the people. He was too nice and we all know that often, nice finishes last.

According to Thomas Sowell, here is what happened and why and what we can expect in an Obama future.

I am only pasting the last few paragraphs. If you want to read the first ones, the link is available.


"Quite aside from the immediate effects of particular policies, Barack Obama has repeatedly circumvented the laws, including the Constitution of the United States, in ways and on a scale that pushes this nation in the direction of arbitrary one-man rule.

"Now that Obama will be in a position to appoint Supreme Court justices who can rubber-stamp his evasions of the law and usurpations of power, this country may be unrecognizable in a few years as the America that once led the world in freedom, as well as in many other things.

"Barack Obama’s boast, on the eve of the election of 2008 — “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” — can now be carried out, without fear of ever having to face the voters again.

"This “transforming” project extends far beyond fundamental internal institutions, or even the polarization and corruption of the people themselves, with goodies handed out in exchange for their surrendering their birthright of freedom.

"Obama will now also have more “flexibility,” as he told Russian president Dmitri Medvedev, to transform the international order, where he has long shown that he thinks America has too much power and influence. A nuclear Iran can change that. Forever.

"Have you noticed how many of our enemies in other countries have been rooting for Obama?
You or your children may yet have reason to recall that as a bitter memory of a warning sign ignored on Election Day in 2012."

Nice Losers - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online


Mention Sowell, and I swoon.

When I heard the 'more flexible' comment, I believed that Americans would react as I did....

...and realize that this man was keeping secret plans to behave in ways that would preclude re-election.

Appears I overestimated the folks.

Why is it the Republicans have let America down by not using every method at their disposal to draw attention to Obama's illegalities?

I don't know the answer to that question. Obama's regime ran the best act, and I do mean act. The moochers couldn't couldn't out vote the makers of their sustenance.

Romney was my last choice, for I would have preferred Newt, as he was raw enough, and brilliant, to have scored more points than the cultured Romney. Still, when you have a political power that will break the law and bus in thousands of people to vote, who don't speak English, that is who we get. The cleverest.

From Ethiopia to the polls:

Willard lost because he's an idiot that's out of touch with reality. His own party didn't even like him, he was just "not the other guy" This doesn't win elections like we saw in 04'.
Willard lost because he's an idiot that's out of touch with reality. His own party didn't even like him, he was just "not the other guy" This doesn't win elections like we saw in 04'.

What we are seeing is what happens when a Constitutionally empowered free press decides to throw off the mandate they received form the founders. Our founders saw a free honorable press as the ultimate balance, to protect the people form men in government, who would seek power over appropirate governing and deprive us of our liberty. When the press makes a choice to support a single ideology, instead of simply reporting the pros and cons of all ideologies equally, you get an ignorant, illinformed electorate like we have now.

The man in the street interviews we all laugh at, are only possible in a society where there is no agressive, balanced press doing its job to keep our population adequately informed. When the press tells the people they are doing their duty by voting, without truly knowing the complete background and postions of people they are voting for, undermines the whole purpose of a free press. Instead of a media that reports only the who, what, when and where, then allowing the consumer to draw their own conclusions as to the why, we now have reporters giving us opinion, telling us what our conclusions should be.

A complicit press poses a greater danger to our society and our way of life than any individual and if we continue to allow them to get away with it, the results will be on us. Everyting our dear leader has gotten away with is only possible with the cooperation of the press and a willingness of the majority of the people to remain ignorant.
What we are seeing is what happens when a Constitutionally empowered free press decides to throw off the mandate they received form the founders. Our founders saw a free honorable press as the ultimate balance, to protect the people form men in government, who would seek power over appropirate governing and deprive us of our liberty. When the press makes a choice to support a single ideology, instead of simply reporting the pros and cons of all ideologies equally, you get an ignorant, illinformed electorate like we have now.

The man in the street interviews we all laugh at, are only possible in a society where there is no agressive, balanced press doing its job to keep our population adequately informed. When the press tells the people they are doing their duty by voting, without truly knowing the complete background and postions of people they are voting for, undermines the whole purpose of a free press. Instead of a media that reports only the who, what, when and where, then allowing the consumer to draw their own conclusions as to the why, we now have reporters giving us opinion, telling us what our conclusions should be.

A complicit press poses a greater danger to our society and our way of life than any individual and if we continue to allow them to get away with it, the results will be on us. Everyting our dear leader has gotten away with is only possible with the cooperation of the press and a willingness of the majority of the people to remain ignorant.

^^ Ignorant AND on charity. They sold their freedom for free stuff.

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