The Republicans put together a list of Trump's Scandals so his base knows why he needs protection.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.
The first sentence at the link...

"Donald Trump’s congressional enablers..."


That's as far as I needed to read...although this does explain why your world view is completely skewed.
No the Russians hacked podesta's computer again using the password " 1234" and gave the super secret Democrat play book to wiki.

Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.

Poor R-Derp! Trump's working out a better trade deal for us than NAFTA! Looks like it's going through shortly. One more example of him getting something done that supposedly COULDN'T be done! I know you can't admit the obvious, little buddy...but nobody CARES about your little list because of all of the things that Trump is getting done for the country!
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  • #6
Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.

Poor R-Derp! Trump's working out a better trade deal for us than NAFTA! Looks like it's going through shortly. One more example of him getting something done that supposedly COULDN'T be done! I know you can't admit the obvious, little buddy...but nobody CARES about your little list because of all of the things that Trump is getting done for the country!
What makes you think it’s better when all his other deals have been disasters.
Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.

Poor R-Derp! Trump's working out a better trade deal for us than NAFTA! Looks like it's going through shortly. One more example of him getting something done that supposedly COULDN'T be done! I know you can't admit the obvious, little buddy...but nobody CARES about your little list because of all of the things that Trump is getting done for the country!
What makes you think it’s better when all his other deals have been disasters.

What deal has been a disaster since he took office, R-Derp? Take your head out of CNN's ass long enough to look around for a change! Trump has had to fix all of the deals that Barry made which were better for the OTHER guys than they were for Americans! One by one he's getting the job done.
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  • #9
Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.

Poor R-Derp! Trump's working out a better trade deal for us than NAFTA! Looks like it's going through shortly. One more example of him getting something done that supposedly COULDN'T be done! I know you can't admit the obvious, little buddy...but nobody CARES about your little list because of all of the things that Trump is getting done for the country!
What makes you think it’s better when all his other deals have been disasters.

What deal has been a disaster since he took office, R-Derp? Take your head out of CNN's ass long enough to look around for a change! Trump has had to fix all of the deals that Barry made which were better for the OTHER guys than they were for Americans! One by one he's getting the job done.
Start with the laughable carrier deal then move on to the fake North Korea deal and then there’s the NATO deal that was already in place from Obama.

There is the disastrous tax policy that gives billions to billionaires and screws the rest of the country.

There’s the millions that will lose health care before next year.

In fact the only policy I can see from Trump that is succeeding is trump trying desperately to take credit for things Obama did.
Another day...another whiny anti Trump string from R-Derp! Yawn....
That list comes from the GOP not me dumdum.

It must REALLY suck for you, R-Derp! You were told that Donald Trump was going to be an awful President...that he'd crater the economy and start wars all over the globe...yet month after month goes by and none of that is happening! The economy is roaring along despite numerous increases in interest rates by the Fed (something that Barry's economies couldn't handle at all!) and unemployment is at record low levels. At the same time Trump has managed to start a meaningful conversation with the dictator of North Korea about his giving up his nuclear ambitions...has put the Palestinians on notice that they won't be getting bailouts from the US unless they stop attacking Israel...has made the EU blink on his standoff with them over tariffs...has maintained pressure on Russia to tamp down it's ambitions...has placed tariffs on Chinese products to force them to play fair with us on trade...and has finally kept a long made promise to move our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem!

At the same time the Mueller witch hunt has proven that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin and now it's being revealed just how corrupt leadership in the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, the DNC, the Obama White House and the Clinton campaign really WERE!

As you Democrats veer farther to the left, R-Derp...people across the country are scratching their heads with bewilderment. Healthcare for illegals? The abolishment of ICE? Raising taxes? Increasing regulations? Support for groups like Antifa? You progressives are so out of touch with average Americans it's amazing to watch! You all gorge yourselves on CNN propaganda and think that's reality! I fear for your sanity when Democrats DON'T take back the House and Senate like you've been led to believe they will!
Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.
I have never seen any President who did not need backup. The way the left is working he needs more support than any other Pres, do to his own left wing of the Republican party was or is trying to derail him or distraction to slow him down. You can not trust any Media including the Fox Network. I worry more about a Nut Job with a gun and don't trust the Secret Service to do their job. I am looking for Non-politicians to fill the positions in the swamp.
Another day...another whiny anti Trump string from R-Derp! Yawn....
That list comes from the GOP not me dumdum.

It must REALLY suck for you, R-Derp! You were told that Donald Trump was going to be an awful President...that he'd crater the economy and start wars all over the globe...yet month after month goes by and none of that is happening! The economy is roaring along despite numerous increases in interest rates by the Fed (something that Barry's economies couldn't handle at all!) and unemployment is at record low levels. At the same time Trump has managed to start a meaningful conversation with the dictator of North Korea about his giving up his nuclear ambitions...has put the Palestinians on notice that they won't be getting bailouts from the US unless they stop attacking Israel...has made the EU blink on his standoff with them over tariffs...has maintained pressure on Russia to tamp down it's ambitions...has placed tariffs on Chinese products to force them to play fair with us on trade...and has finally kept a long made promise to move our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem!

At the same time the Mueller witch hunt has proven that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin and now it's being revealed just how corrupt leadership in the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, the DNC, the Obama White House and the Clinton campaign really WERE!

As you Democrats veer farther to the left, R-Derp...people across the country are scratching their heads with bewilderment. Healthcare for illegals? The abolishment of ICE? Raising taxes? Increasing regulations? Support for groups like Antifa? You progressives are so out of touch with average Americans it's amazing to watch! You all gorge yourselves on CNN propaganda and think that's reality! I fear for your sanity when Democrats DON'T take back the House and Senate like you've been led to believe they will!
Wow, just today, a guy pled guilty for passing on Russian Money to Trump.

Trump's speechwriter had to quit. Know why?
This Week In Trump Staffers Getting Caught with Neo-Nazis

Wow, it looks like there are more Nazi's in the White House than African Americans.

Yea, unemployment was low under Obama when he turned the economy over to Trump. It had dropped under Obama by 6 points. From 10% to 4.

Oh, speaking of wars. That's what happens when Republicans start conflicts, like the Iraq mess. Even Trump calls it a mess.

All I can say is thank God we still have car companies.
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Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.
I have never seen any President who did not need backup. The way the left is working he needs more support than any other Pres, do to his own left wing of the Republican party was or is trying to derail him or distraction to slow him down. You can not trust any Media including the Fox Network. I worry more about a Nut Job with a gun and don't trust the Secret Service to do their job. I am looking for Non-politicians to fill the positions in the swamp.View attachment 214012
Aren't you even a little worried that someone is going to listen to what Trump says and then do what he says?

Since Trump said he would pay court fees, why not just go off.
Another day...another whiny anti Trump string from R-Derp! Yawn....
That list comes from the GOP not me dumdum.

It must REALLY suck for you, R-Derp! You were told that Donald Trump was going to be an awful President...that he'd crater the economy and start wars all over the globe...yet month after month goes by and none of that is happening! The economy is roaring along despite numerous increases in interest rates by the Fed (something that Barry's economies couldn't handle at all!) and unemployment is at record low levels. At the same time Trump has managed to start a meaningful conversation with the dictator of North Korea about his giving up his nuclear ambitions...has put the Palestinians on notice that they won't be getting bailouts from the US unless they stop attacking Israel...has made the EU blink on his standoff with them over tariffs...has maintained pressure on Russia to tamp down it's ambitions...has placed tariffs on Chinese products to force them to play fair with us on trade...and has finally kept a long made promise to move our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem!

At the same time the Mueller witch hunt has proven that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin and now it's being revealed just how corrupt leadership in the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, the DNC, the Obama White House and the Clinton campaign really WERE!

As you Democrats veer farther to the left, R-Derp...people across the country are scratching their heads with bewilderment. Healthcare for illegals? The abolishment of ICE? Raising taxes? Increasing regulations? Support for groups like Antifa? You progressives are so out of touch with average Americans it's amazing to watch! You all gorge yourselves on CNN propaganda and think that's reality! I fear for your sanity when Democrats DON'T take back the House and Senate like you've been led to believe they will!
Wow, just today, a guy pled guilty for passing on Russian Money to Trump.

Trump's speechwriter had to quit. Know why?
This Week In Trump Staffers Getting Caught with Neo-Nazis

Wow, it looks like there are more Nazi's in the White House than African Americans.

Yea, unemployment was low under Obama when he turned the economy over to Trump. It had dropped under Obama by 6 points. From 10% to 4.

Oh, speaking of wars. That's what happens when Republicans start conflicts, like the Iraq mess. Even Trump calls it a mess.

All I can say is thank God we still have car companies.

Care to go into specifics about your claim that Trump in any way broke the law? What's happening at the moment is the Mueller "team" is going after every single person in any way affiliated with Trump. They aren't going after them for "collusion" though...oh, no...that boat sailed long ago...there never was any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign...Mueller is charging Trump associates with anything he can to try and get someone to testify against Trump so that Democrats can attempt to impeach him!

At the same time...with each passing day...more and more is being revealed about how a small group of people in positions of power in the FBI...the Justice Department...and the Obama White House used those positions of power to protect Hillary Clinton and smear Donald Trump.

It's time to stop the nonsense and investigate the REAL collusion to affect our elections! It's time to pull back the curtain and let the American people see just how sleazy and corrupt people like Clinton, Lynch, Comey, Steele, Ohr, Clapper, Brennan and Mueller actually were!
Another day...another whiny anti Trump string from R-Derp! Yawn....
That list comes from the GOP not me dumdum.

It must REALLY suck for you, R-Derp! You were told that Donald Trump was going to be an awful President...that he'd crater the economy and start wars all over the globe...yet month after month goes by and none of that is happening! The economy is roaring along despite numerous increases in interest rates by the Fed (something that Barry's economies couldn't handle at all!) and unemployment is at record low levels. At the same time Trump has managed to start a meaningful conversation with the dictator of North Korea about his giving up his nuclear ambitions...has put the Palestinians on notice that they won't be getting bailouts from the US unless they stop attacking Israel...has made the EU blink on his standoff with them over tariffs...has maintained pressure on Russia to tamp down it's ambitions...has placed tariffs on Chinese products to force them to play fair with us on trade...and has finally kept a long made promise to move our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem!

At the same time the Mueller witch hunt has proven that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin and now it's being revealed just how corrupt leadership in the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, the DNC, the Obama White House and the Clinton campaign really WERE!

As you Democrats veer farther to the left, R-Derp...people across the country are scratching their heads with bewilderment. Healthcare for illegals? The abolishment of ICE? Raising taxes? Increasing regulations? Support for groups like Antifa? You progressives are so out of touch with average Americans it's amazing to watch! You all gorge yourselves on CNN propaganda and think that's reality! I fear for your sanity when Democrats DON'T take back the House and Senate like you've been led to believe they will!
Wow, just today, a guy pled guilty for passing on Russian Money to Trump.

Trump's speechwriter had to quit. Know why?
This Week In Trump Staffers Getting Caught with Neo-Nazis

Wow, it looks like there are more Nazi's in the White House than African Americans.

Yea, unemployment was low under Obama when he turned the economy over to Trump. It had dropped under Obama by 6 points. From 10% to 4.

Oh, speaking of wars. That's what happens when Republicans start conflicts, like the Iraq mess. Even Trump calls it a mess.

All I can say is thank God we still have car companies.

From former CIA agent and whistleblower Kevin Shipp....

What kind of power and connections does Hillary Clinton have, Former Central Intelligence Agency operative Kevin Shipp wants to know, “to get all these members of the deep state shadow government to basically risk their own criminal penalties.” The most “bizarre thing,” Shipp insists, “is the people who protected her from clear felonious activity and violations of the Espionage Act.” A lot of Americans are calling for a public hanging.

They seem to have been counting on her election to cover up their own criminal “collusion,” then President Trump threw a monkey wrench into the well-oiled Clinton machine by winning. “Indictments are coming because of Donald Trump coming into the White House from the outside,” predicts Shipp.

He has a book out and has been dropping bombshell comments across the interview circuit, answering questions like “how did Hillary Clinton get away with obvious crime with her unprotected server and the shady Uranium One deal?”

The short answer is that she had a whole lot of help. “That is what is so chilling about the whole thing,” Shipp declares. “This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.”

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, was protecting her and leaking things to the media and lying. You had John Brennan, Director of the CIA, protecting her by starting a false investigation (on Trump) and stirring things up with this dossier.”

Brennan has a whole list of deep state related crimes of his own, Shipp details.
James Comey, who was Director of the FBI, protected Hillary by shepherding the email server investigation, along with Peter Strzok who changed the recommended criminal charge of “gross negligence” down to a slap on the wrist allegation of “carelessness.”
“He knew the Russians were engaged in extortion, bribery, racketeering.” Mueller was well aware that “millions of dollars were going into the Clinton Foundation, and he ignored the fact that these Russians had targeted and essentially co-opted Hillary Clinton.” The Russians “funneled money” to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to make a single speech.

In order to keep the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States from finding out about the investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justiceconspired together to simply keep the probe going. No report gets generated until it concludes and with no final report, the investigation has to be kept secret from everyone, including Congress.

Conservative Daily Post reported that if the CFIUS committee had known in 2010 what Mueller’s investigation had already uncovered, they never would have approved the sale of Uranium One.

Comey has been helping the Clintons clean up their messes since the Whitewater investigat
Not only did Hillary Clinton pay Christopher Steele through her campaign to dig up the Russian dirt against Donald Trump, The U.K.’s GCHQ spy agency also has been connected in reports, accused of “using NSA information to target Donald Trump and protect Hillary Clinton.”

Then there is the Grand Inquisitor himself, Robert Mueller. Before he was put in charge of the plot to discredit the president by manufacturing a case of collusion with Russia, he was the one in charge of running the “counterintelligence investigation against Russia during the Uranium One deal,” Shipp explains.

“He knew the Russians were engaged in extortion, bribery, racketeering.” Mueller was well aware that “millions of dollars were going into the Clinton Foundation, and he ignored the fact that these Russians had targeted and essentially co-opted Hillary Clinton.” The Russians “funneled money” to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to make a single speech.

In order to keep the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States from finding out about the investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice conspired together to simply keep the probe going. No report gets generated until it concludes and with no final report, the investigation has to be kept secret from everyone, including Congress.

Conservative Daily Post reported that if the CFIUS committee had known in 2010 what Mueller’s investigation had already uncovered, they never would have approved the Uranium One sale.

“That’s what I’m saying,” Shipp replied. “I’m saying that Hillary Clinton used this to launder money in foreign banks, so it wasn’t subject to U.S. laws, Congressional Subpoenas, or FOIA demands for the evidence. This was done to launder this money globally through the Clinton Foundation so the U.S. Government could not examine it at all.”

Shipp pulled up just short of calling Robert Mueller a “traitor” for his part in the drama.“He’s either a complete moron… which I think obviously, he is not… or he overlooked one of the biggest counter-intelligence espionage cases in U.S. history… and then of course, her destruction of all the evidence and emails, the secret server, it just goes on and on.”

One interviewer noted it seems that there must be something “bigger” going on, especially because of all the powerful people .


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Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.

Not one damned item deserves legal prosecution and none of them come close to "High crimes and misdemeanours" as indicated in the constitution.

Another butthurt Snowflake thread.
Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.

Not one damned item deserves legal prosecution and none of them come close to "High crimes and misdemeanours" as indicated in the constitution.

Another butthurt Snowflake thread.
Hello, that list was made by Republicans.

I found a lying article:

It’s Not Just Robert Mueller. President Donald Trump Faces Six Separate Investigations And Lawsuits

It's a lying article because it may be a measly six separate lawsuits, but it's more than 6 investigations. Just the Trump Foundation has 6 separate investigation. For everything from self dealing to fraud to tax evasion.
They are still trying to figure out the charges there are so many to choose from.

Republicans make a list of Trump scandals they're covering up

Not a joke. The GOP is circulating a spreadsheet of Trump scandals THEY PUT TOGETHER so his base understands why he need's protection.

This is the list:

President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey’s firing
Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
White House staff’s personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances

Republican worry-list proves that the Trump scandal era is just starting.

Eric Swalwell exclaimed, "They know!" when told of the list and it's contents.

Every single one of those could bring down a president in a normal year. But Republicans will do anything to protect Trump.
I have never seen any President who did not need backup. The way the left is working he needs more support than any other Pres, do to his own left wing of the Republican party was or is trying to derail him or distraction to slow him down. You can not trust any Media including the Fox Network. I worry more about a Nut Job with a gun and don't trust the Secret Service to do their job. I am looking for Non-politicians to fill the positions in the swamp.View attachment 214012
But you can trust a con man, right?
The first sentence at the link...

"Donald Trump’s congressional enablers..."


That's as far as I needed to read...although this does explain why your world view is completely skewed.
Congress is a separate branch of government. Separate and coequal. Republicans in Congress follow Trump lockstep. They are terrified of him. Afraid they might be primaried.
If Democrats take over the house this year it’s not just Trump who has to be worried.

You have all of trumps people and all those cabinet positions like the EPA and the treasury where they were caught looting the government, stealing from taxpayers and out right thievery.

Then you have members of Congress itself. Republicans have been emboldened and the most outrageous have been caught like Collins.

And the Congress is going to take a very strong and hard look at all these Russian connections and what’s going on with American politicians and Vladimir Putin.

Of course if Democrats don’t win the house then of course that all goes away.

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