The Republicans could end impeachment talk in one day!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
By simply having a Senate Republican Resolution submitted to the House, signed by all 53 Republican members of the Senate stating that since the Mueller investigation conclusively proves that President Trump, nor anyone connected with the 2016 Trump campaign COLLUDED with Russia to change or influence the election and being that they have read the second half of the Mueller report and agree with Mueller's conclusions that there simply is NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION as they do believe that any further interference with the duly elected president from doing his Constitutional duty would be SUBVERSION on the part of any DEMONRAT the definition of which is "the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution. "The ruthless subversion of democracy" and charges would be brought before the Attorney General for FULL PROSECUTION of such individuals if these individuals persist in the lawful execution of any and all activities of the recognized President of the United States. Reminding our Socialist/demonRATS that they will not have the votes to impeach in the Senate.

But we all know that Mitch and the good ol' boys and girls in the Senate are a feckless bunch with NO BALLS to take a firm stand and end the DEMONRATS bullshit once and for all!
Arrest the members of Obama's deep state for sedition....that will end this shit like right now....
Barr needs to step it up. Dems aren't wasting any time going nuclear after the Mueller report vindicated Trump. It's on to phase 2 of the coup and Barr had better get ahead of them and start bringing the deep state to NOW.
Barr needs to step it up. Dems aren't wasting any time going nuclear after the Mueller report vindicated Trump. It's on to phase 2 of the coup and Barr had better get ahead of them on bringing the deep state to NOW.
Barr needs to do it right. Legally.

America needs one non-corrupt party.
If a presidential coup attempt is allowed to be swept under the swamp it will happen again and eventually the American people will lose any ability to choose their own leaders....
Trump and Barr must be pressured.... by us ..... to aggressively investigate this coup....even if it leads to Obama's door....
Barr needs to step it up. Dems aren't wasting any time going nuclear after the Mueller report vindicated Trump. It's on to phase 2 of the coup and Barr had better get ahead of them on bringing the deep state to NOW.
Barr needs to do it right. Legally.

America needs one non-corrupt party.
They'll have one if they get rid of the RINOs.
By simply having a Senate Republican Resolution submitted to the House, signed by all 53 Republican members of the Senate stating that since the Mueller investigation conclusively proves that President Trump, nor anyone connected with the 2016 Trump campaign COLLUDED with Russia to change or influence the election and being that they have read the second half of the Mueller report and agree with Mueller's conclusions that there simply is NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION as they do believe that any further interference with the duly elected president from doing his Constitutional duty would be SUBVERSION on the part of any DEMONRAT the definition of which is "the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution. "The ruthless subversion of democracy" and charges would be brought before the Attorney General for FULL PROSECUTION of such individuals if these individuals persist in the lawful execution of any and all activities of the recognized President of the United States. Reminding our Socialist/demonRATS that they will not have the votes to impeach in the Senate.

But we all know that Mitch and the good ol' boys and girls in the Senate are a feckless bunch with NO BALLS to take a firm stand and end the DEMONRATS bullshit once and for all!

Don't worry, the Democrats will have control of the White House, House Of Representatives, and the Senate in about 18 months.
Don't worry, the Democrats will have control of the White House, House Of Representatives, and the Senate in about 18 months.

By simply having a Senate Republican Resolution submitted to the House, signed by all 53 Republican members of the Senate stating that since the Mueller investigation conclusively proves that President Trump, nor anyone connected with the 2016 Trump campaign COLLUDED with Russia to change or influence the election and being that they have read the second half of the Mueller report and agree with Mueller's conclusions that there simply is NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION as they do believe that any further interference with the duly elected president from doing his Constitutional duty would be SUBVERSION on the part of any DEMONRAT the definition of which is "the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution. "The ruthless subversion of democracy" and charges would be brought before the Attorney General for FULL PROSECUTION of such individuals if these individuals persist in the lawful execution of any and all activities of the recognized President of the United States. Reminding our Socialist/demonRATS that they will not have the votes to impeach in the Senate.

But we all know that Mitch and the good ol' boys and girls in the Senate are a feckless bunch with NO BALLS to take a firm stand and end the DEMONRATS bullshit once and for all!

Don't worry, the Democrats will have control of the White House, House Of Representatives, and the Senate in about 18 months.
Better read only have 18 months to GET A FUCKING CLUE!!!

By simply having a Senate Republican Resolution submitted to the House, signed by all 53 Republican members of the Senate stating that since the Mueller investigation conclusively proves that President Trump, nor anyone connected with the 2016 Trump campaign COLLUDED with Russia to change or influence the election and being that they have read the second half of the Mueller report and agree with Mueller's conclusions that there simply is NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION as they do believe that any further interference with the duly elected president from doing his Constitutional duty would be SUBVERSION on the part of any DEMONRAT the definition of which is "the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution. "The ruthless subversion of democracy" and charges would be brought before the Attorney General for FULL PROSECUTION of such individuals if these individuals persist in the lawful execution of any and all activities of the recognized President of the United States. Reminding our Socialist/demonRATS that they will not have the votes to impeach in the Senate.

But we all know that Mitch and the good ol' boys and girls in the Senate are a feckless bunch with NO BALLS to take a firm stand and end the DEMONRATS bullshit once and for all!
/——/ waste of time. Even if the Senate passed that resolution, the democRATs in Congress would just ignore it and proceed with impeachment.
By simply having a Senate Republican Resolution submitted to the House, signed by all 53 Republican members of the Senate stating that since the Mueller investigation conclusively proves that President Trump, nor anyone connected with the 2016 Trump campaign COLLUDED with Russia to change or influence the election and being that they have read the second half of the Mueller report and agree with Mueller's conclusions that there simply is NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, NO EVIDENCE OF OBSTRUCTION as they do believe that any further interference with the duly elected president from doing his Constitutional duty would be SUBVERSION on the part of any DEMONRAT the definition of which is "the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution. "The ruthless subversion of democracy" and charges would be brought before the Attorney General for FULL PROSECUTION of such individuals if these individuals persist in the lawful execution of any and all activities of the recognized President of the United States. Reminding our Socialist/demonRATS that they will not have the votes to impeach in the Senate.

But we all know that Mitch and the good ol' boys and girls in the Senate are a feckless bunch with NO BALLS to take a firm stand and end the DEMONRATS bullshit once and for all!
/——/ waste of time. Even if the Senate passed that resolution, the democRATs in Congress would just ignore it and proceed with impeachment.
The easy answer is that the Republicans REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE....and like the ABNORMALS, start calling everyone liars and crooks....if it works for the 2 digit IQ crowd it should surely work for people with 30 to 50 POINTS higher IQ!
Obama spied on the Dems want to impeach Trump.
Illogical......unless they're all in on the coverup.
Somehow the haters all seem to think it makes sense.
The haters don't care what makes sense. They just want one thing....destroy Trump. They don't care about anything else. That's the only reason all of this is happening. Hillary and Obama created this farce and decided the best way to protect themselves is to make as many people as possible hate Trump. People that refuse to be rational and reasonable about him. Thus the stories about his typos on twitter becomes big news to them. Two scoops of ice cream becomes a story worth mentioning.

Under normal circumstances anyone else would be drummed out of office. But the Democrats have become so damaging to our country that rational people cannot do anything other than support the only person in Washington that is doing his job to the best of his ability.

Democrats are doing everything the Russians wanted and then some. They're tearing down our society from the inside. Creating hatred and divisions. Ironically the communists in the Democrat Party are Putin's best friend.
Obama spied on the Dems want to impeach Trump.
Illogical......unless they're all in on the coverup.
Somehow the haters all seem to think it makes sense.
The haters don't care what makes sense. They just want one thing....destroy Trump. They don't care about anything else. That's the only reason all of this is happening. Hillary and Obama created this farce and decided the best way to protect themselves is to make as many people as possible hate Trump. People that refuse to be rational and reasonable about him. Thus the stories about his typos on twitter becomes big news to them. Two scoops of ice cream becomes a story worth mentioning.

Under normal circumstances anyone else would be drummed out of office. But the Democrats have become so damaging to our country that rational people cannot do anything other than support the only person in Washington that is doing his job to the best of his ability.

Democrats are doing everything the Russians wanted and then some. They're tearing down our society from the inside. Creating hatred and divisions. Ironically the communists in the Democrat Party are Putin's best friend.
What you said...
The enemy within is the enemy that will destroy us. Now we need to defend ourselves from enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC. The 2020 elections will be pivotal I think.

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