The Republicans Could Easily End Social Security and Medicare Along With Obamacare


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The percentage of average Americans who want Obamacare completely repealed is only 20%. Those who want it repealed and replaced are at 28%, while there is a full 47% who want the ACA to remain untouched.

But, as is typical, the congressional Republicans refuse to listen to the majority, and Der Gropenfürher is spreading more of his BS by telling the congressional Republicans they will suffer big losses in 2018 if they do as the majority of Americans want and keep the ACA as it is.

The 2018 “bloodbath” predicted by Der Gropenfürher would not happen even if the ACA were repealed and tens-of-millions lost all access to health insurance. In the same way, the Republicans could cap SS withholding to the first $5000 per year per worker and eliminate the employer’s share completely. The meager revenue that would remain to finance the SS Trust Fund would break the system in just a few months. Medicare could be eliminated using the same method.

Of course, the GOP’s ignorant voter base would eagerly agree with the congressional Republicans that the Democrats were to blame for the financial disaster that would befall elderly and disabled conservatives with the destruction of Social Security. Those right wing idiots believe whatever BS their beloved Republicans tell them. (Most conservatives still believe the 2008 economic crash was Obama’s fault, even though it occurred several months before he was elected.)

So, if the Republicans want to, they could put an end to the three programs conservatives absolutely hate, Social Security, Medicare, and the ACA, and do so with impunity in 2018. Most voters are too stupid to realize how often the GOP screws average Americans, and taking away the income millions of elderly and disabled people depend on, coupled with the end of health coverage Medicare and the ACA provide, would be forgotten by 2018.

After all, the congressional Republicans have made it quite clear they don’t give a damn about the tens-of-millions of elderly and disabled people dependent upon Social Security and Medicare. And most conservatives are giddy about taking health coverage away from those ten-of-millions more who benefited from the ACA and Medicaid expansion.

Yes, the past four decades of conservatism have proven just how much the conservatives' economic policies can damage average citizens. Sadly, most Americans are too stupid to see this, and the conservative buffoons continue to be joke to behold by people of reason.

Trump warns of 'bloodbath' for GOP if one action takes place

President Trump will 'look at' cutting Social Security, Medicare


Living Blue In a Red State.jpg

The percentage of average Americans who want Obamacare completely repealed is only 20%. Those who want it repealed and replaced are at 28%, while there is a full 47% who want the ACA to remain untouched.

But, as is typical, the congressional Republicans refuse to listen to the majority, and Der Gropenfürher is spreading more of his BS by telling the congressional Republicans they will suffer big losses in 2018 if they do as the majority of Americans want and keep the ACA as it is.

The 2018 “bloodbath” predicted by Der Gropenfürher would not happen even if the ACA were repealed and tens-of-millions lost all access to health insurance. In the same way, the Republicans could cap SS withholding to the first $5000 per year per worker and eliminate the employer’s share completely. The meager revenue that would remain to finance the SS Trust Fund would break the system in just a few months. Medicare could be eliminated using the same method.

Of course, the GOP’s ignorant voter base would eagerly agree with the congressional Republicans that the Democrats were to blame for the financial disaster that would befall elderly and disabled conservatives with the destruction of Social Security. Those right wing idiots believe whatever BS their beloved Republicans tell them. (Most conservatives still believe the 2008 economic crash was Obama’s fault, even though it occurred several months before he was elected.)

So, if the Republicans want to, they could put an end to the three programs conservatives absolutely hate, Social Security, Medicare, and the ACA, and do so with impunity in 2018. Most voters are too stupid to realize how often the GOP screws average Americans, and taking away the income millions of elderly and disabled people depend on, coupled with the end of health coverage Medicare and the ACA provide, would be forgotten by 2018.

After all, the congressional Republicans have made it quite clear they don’t give a damn about the tens-of-millions of elderly and disabled people dependent upon Social Security and Medicare. And most conservatives are giddy about taking health coverage away from those ten-of-millions more who benefited from the ACA and Medicaid expansion.

Yes, the past four decades of conservatism have proven just how much the conservatives' economic policies can damage average citizens. Sadly, most Americans are too stupid to see this, and the conservative buffoons continue to be joke to behold by people of reason.

Trump warns of 'bloodbath' for GOP if one action takes place

President Trump will 'look at' cutting Social Security, Medicare


View attachment 116081

Hillary lost....
You are a special kind of stupid, indeed. But do keep it up, you and your stupid kind give people of reason a good laugh.

Conservatives know that they lost their fights against SS, Medicare, and Medicaid a long time ago.

That's what conservatism is, a long series of losing battles.
There will always be a considerable percentage of Americans that want government entitlements. That's where Obamacare is today.
Once you start down that road, millions of Americans become used to other Americans paying their way, and then become furious if it's taken away.

It's like food stamps. At first, most Americans are too proud to use them.
The next stage, they use them, but are very embarrassed at the checkout stand.
Eventually, they view them in a positive light, and never hesitate to accept and use them.
Finally, they become infuriated if politicians attempt to take them away.
The percentage of average Americans who want Obamacare completely repealed is only 20%. Those who want it repealed and replaced are at 28%, while there is a full 47% who want the ACA to remain untouched.

But, as is typical, the congressional Republicans refuse to listen to the majority, and Der Gropenfürher is spreading more of his BS by telling the congressional Republicans they will suffer big losses in 2018 if they do as the majority of Americans want and keep the ACA as it is.

The 2018 “bloodbath” predicted by Der Gropenfürher would not happen even if the ACA were repealed and tens-of-millions lost all access to health insurance. In the same way, the Republicans could cap SS withholding to the first $5000 per year per worker and eliminate the employer’s share completely. The meager revenue that would remain to finance the SS Trust Fund would break the system in just a few months. Medicare could be eliminated using the same method.

Of course, the GOP’s ignorant voter base would eagerly agree with the congressional Republicans that the Democrats were to blame for the financial disaster that would befall elderly and disabled conservatives with the destruction of Social Security. Those right wing idiots believe whatever BS their beloved Republicans tell them. (Most conservatives still believe the 2008 economic crash was Obama’s fault, even though it occurred several months before he was elected.)

So, if the Republicans want to, they could put an end to the three programs conservatives absolutely hate, Social Security, Medicare, and the ACA, and do so with impunity in 2018. Most voters are too stupid to realize how often the GOP screws average Americans, and taking away the income millions of elderly and disabled people depend on, coupled with the end of health coverage Medicare and the ACA provide, would be forgotten by 2018.

After all, the congressional Republicans have made it quite clear they don’t give a damn about the tens-of-millions of elderly and disabled people dependent upon Social Security and Medicare. And most conservatives are giddy about taking health coverage away from those ten-of-millions more who benefited from the ACA and Medicaid expansion.

Yes, the past four decades of conservatism have proven just how much the conservatives' economic policies can damage average citizens. Sadly, most Americans are too stupid to see this, and the conservative buffoons continue to be joke to behold by people of reason.

Trump warns of 'bloodbath' for GOP if one action takes place

President Trump will 'look at' cutting Social Security, Medicare


View attachment 116081

Most Republican politicians are sane and know they can't do this, regardless of what the crazies are telling them.

They know that Obamacare 2.0 is a fucking mess, too, and a few of them are pushing back.

They do what they can to placate the libertarians who have damaged the party, but they'll only go so far.
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Why is a thread like this allowed in the Politics forum when similar threads from the right in this sort of "tone" end up getting booted to the Flame Zone before they get started good?

I guess we give libtarded idiots more leeway in what they can get away with, eh? :dunno:

No Republican that I am aware of has ever suggested we "get rid of" Social Security or Medicare. But this doesn't stop mental midgets from the left trying to scare old people with bombastic over-hyped rhetoric.

Why don't you tell people the truth about how Obama stole $650 billion from Medicare to unfurl his disastrous health care boondoggle? Everybody on Capitol Hill has known for decades that the Social Security trust fund is going broke. It can't be avoided. It's not a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN. Estimates are, in about 16 years. At that point, we can't fund it anymore... there's no more money left.

Shit stains like the OP are perfectly FINE with that because what they plan to do is wait until the whole thing goes tits up, then.... wait for it.... Blame The Republicans!

Conscientious Republicans have recently proposed that we reform the system to keep it solvent for future generations. Every time, their proposals are met with the same over-the-top scare tactics from the left. We're rolling granny in the wheelchair off the cliff! And this is how it's going to be from now until the whole thing collapses, at which time they will blame it all on Republicans who "let it fail while they waged illegal wars and gave tax breaks to the rich!" Then they'll propose we jack taxes up... as usual.

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