The Religion of love

Religion of peace?....not sure where that came from but its obviously BS....

'60 percent of conflicts are in Muslim countries'

The behavior of a population has nothing to do with its religion. it may be because of religion, and it may not be.
No no do not get to claim "religion of peace" when so many Muslims find it so easy to pick up a weapon.....not here bud....I've been watching Muslims kidnap hijack and kill my entire will never convince me its a peaceful fact its an insult to our intelligence....

Are you joking ? When an entire group and a complete ideology says whites are better than blacks, supposedly on the ground of Bible postulates, do you say that Christianity is the religion of racism ? But with Islam, you do. That's a lie.

what is a lie? to what ideology do you allude?
Islam is the religion of love and Charlie Sheen is the actor of sobriety.

I'm glad we have that one settled .

Will you deny what's obvious ?
I have never denied the totalitarian nature of your violent cult.

Freedom of religion, so sacred to America, was invented by Islam. Check it on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is not a source----it is written by DA PUBLIC---and that includes people like you. Feel free to ask questions-----my own hubby was
born into the status of dhimmi in a shariah shit hole. -----feel free to ask questions about that
"freedom" under the vile and disgusting
"pact of omar"

I know what Wikipedia is. Since you think I don't.
This is what Islam is.

What is a Muslim ?

First thing anyone would reply: someone who prays a lot (5 times a day at least). Then the next replies would be: someone who fasts, or someone who gives of his money to the poor (Zakat), etc...or someone who dresses in a special way particular to Islam (whether man or woman), this indicating affiliation with God, and with religion; not with materialism or hate: since it has always been, since the beginning of time, religion vs materialism.

These replies indicate one thing: love, and nothing else. Praying a lot, fasting (no food or drink all day long), giving of one's money, and possibly in secret; these are all hard things to do. Muslims do them to please God. That's why these things indicate love, love of God. And, by the way, when you love God, you are going to love everyone and everything, because God created everyone and everything. Regarding fasting, God says, as is very well known, As sawmu li (Fasting is for Me). Muslims do for God, out of love for Him.

"follow the way of those who turn to Me in love" (The Holy Qur'an, S 31, V 15)
"and those who fear the displeasure of their Lord, for the displeasure of their Lord is the opposite of peace and tranquility" (The Holy Qur'an, S 70, V 27-28)
"Say (O Muhammad): if you love God, follow me, God will love you and forgive you your faults" (The Holy Qur'an, S 3, V 31).

Islam is the religion of love.

Whichever way its mount may take, love is my religion and my belief (Ibn Arabi). Love: Al Hubbu. is my religion: Diini. And my belief: Wa Imaani.

This is the first thing associated with Islam. These are the first replies to the questions "what is a Muslim" ? The hardships and the selflessness of love. Never (usually) does someone reply: assassination of those who disbelieve in their creed, hate of non Muslims, political movement.

I believe you. I don't accept your religion "as the religion of love". But I absolutely know there are loving, good, honest Muslims who are trying to live loving, good, honest lives to the best of their ability.

Your religion has a problem however. Branches of it are not representing your faith well. That will always happen to some extent because humans are fallible. But when it happens like this, a reckoning is in order.

I am not asking you to believe me. I state a fact: what a Muslim is, what first comes to mind.

ISIS was creating a few years ago, not before 2010. It is not a branch of Islam. Extremism, and violence against non Muslims is not a branch of Islam. Islam has rules and prohibitions. Assassination of non Muslims is not one of those rules.

yes it is-----read the koran

The Qur'an is not for the regular Muslim. The Qur'an is for Muhammad (peace be upon him) only. God talks to Muhammad (pbuh) in this book. That is the Qur'an. Not any other Muslim, to Muhammad (pbuh) only. The regular Muslim learns Islam through the scholars, like Ibn Arabi, or others.

what does "the Koran is not for the regular muslim" mean?------regular muslims sing-song
that silly nonsense in the mosques regularly
Islam is the religion of love and Charlie Sheen is the actor of sobriety.

I'm glad we have that one settled .

Will you deny what's obvious ?
I have never denied the totalitarian nature of your violent cult.

Freedom of religion, so sacred to America, was invented by Islam. Check it on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is not a source----it is written by DA PUBLIC---and that includes people like you. Feel free to ask questions-----my own hubby was
born into the status of dhimmi in a shariah shit hole. -----feel free to ask questions about that
"freedom" under the vile and disgusting
"pact of omar"

I know what Wikipedia is. Since you think I don't.

then you should know not to cite it as a reliable
Religion of peace?....not sure where that came from but its obviously BS....

'60 percent of conflicts are in Muslim countries'

The behavior of a population has nothing to do with its religion. it may be because of religion, and it may not be.
No no do not get to claim "religion of peace" when so many Muslims find it so easy to pick up a weapon.....not here bud....I've been watching Muslims kidnap hijack and kill my entire will never convince me its a peaceful fact its an insult to our intelligence....

Are you joking ? When an entire group and a complete ideology says whites are better than blacks, supposedly on the ground of Bible postulates, do you say that Christianity is the religion of racism ? But with Islam, you do. That's a lie.
There is no evidence for that...I've been white my whole life and never heard anyone say that...I do not place skin color in an argument like you just color matters not....but we have horrific event after horrific event to be able to see that Muslims of all skin color are quick to extract revenge and rid the earth of those they disagree with.....
Your fight pal is with those of your faith that use their religion to justify harming others....not me...go talk to them....because claiming here that Muslims are peaceful people falls on death ears.....we have way too much evidence to the contrary....
This is what Islam is.

What is a Muslim ?

First thing anyone would reply: someone who prays a lot (5 times a day at least). Then the next replies would be: someone who fasts, or someone who gives of his money to the poor (Zakat), etc...or someone who dresses in a special way particular to Islam (whether man or woman), this indicating affiliation with God, and with religion; not with materialism or hate: since it has always been, since the beginning of time, religion vs materialism.

These replies indicate one thing: love, and nothing else. Praying a lot, fasting (no food or drink all day long), giving of one's money, and possibly in secret; these are all hard things to do. Muslims do them to please God. That's why these things indicate love, love of God. And, by the way, when you love God, you are going to love everyone and everything, because God created everyone and everything. Regarding fasting, God says, as is very well known, As sawmu li (Fasting is for Me). Muslims do for God, out of love for Him.

"follow the way of those who turn to Me in love" (The Holy Qur'an, S 31, V 15)
"and those who fear the displeasure of their Lord, for the displeasure of their Lord is the opposite of peace and tranquility" (The Holy Qur'an, S 70, V 27-28)
"Say (O Muhammad): if you love God, follow me, God will love you and forgive you your faults" (The Holy Qur'an, S 3, V 31).

Islam is the religion of love.

Whichever way its mount may take, love is my religion and my belief (Ibn Arabi). Love: Al Hubbu. is my religion: Diini. And my belief: Wa Imaani.

This is the first thing associated with Islam. These are the first replies to the questions "what is a Muslim" ? The hardships and the selflessness of love. Never (usually) does someone reply: assassination of those who disbelieve in their creed, hate of non Muslims, political movement.
Excuse me...ahem...wasn't Islam just plagiarized from Judaism? And who knows what ancient twaddle Judaism came from? And, no, Islam isn't the religion of love. It is a precursor to Fascism. Proto theocratic Patriarchic dictatorship. Love has little to do with Islam.
Your religion was built from a sword.
Of course, as a Muslim, it's your duty to lie and manipulate.
So this crock of shit is expected.
And, by the way, when you love God, you are going to love everyone and everything
Here's your Muslim love. I piss on your unholy book


[If I ever bothered to read the supposedly respected "Muslim Jesus"]
0h l00k it5 M0h@mm3d. He 1s Import@nt and c00l.


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This is what Islam is.

What is a Muslim ?

First thing anyone would reply: someone who prays a lot (5 times a day at least). Then the next replies would be: someone who fasts, or someone who gives of his money to the poor (Zakat), etc...or someone who dresses in a special way particular to Islam (whether man or woman), this indicating affiliation with God, and with religion; not with materialism or hate: since it has always been, since the beginning of time, religion vs materialism.

These replies indicate one thing: love, and nothing else. Praying a lot, fasting (no food or drink all day long), giving of one's money, and possibly in secret; these are all hard things to do. Muslims do them to please God. That's why these things indicate love, love of God. And, by the way, when you love God, you are going to love everyone and everything, because God created everyone and everything. Regarding fasting, God says, as is very well known, As sawmu li (Fasting is for Me). Muslims do for God, out of love for Him.

"follow the way of those who turn to Me in love" (The Holy Qur'an, S 31, V 15)
"and those who fear the displeasure of their Lord, for the displeasure of their Lord is the opposite of peace and tranquility" (The Holy Qur'an, S 70, V 27-28)
"Say (O Muhammad): if you love God, follow me, God will love you and forgive you your faults" (The Holy Qur'an, S 3, V 31).

Islam is the religion of love.

Whichever way its mount may take, love is my religion and my belief (Ibn Arabi). Love: Al Hubbu. is my religion: Diini. And my belief: Wa Imaani.

This is the first thing associated with Islam. These are the first replies to the questions "what is a Muslim" ? The hardships and the selflessness of love. Never (usually) does someone reply: assassination of those who disbelieve in their creed, hate of non Muslims, political movement.
John 3:16 For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.

Romans 5:8 But GOD commendeth HIS love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us.

I have been crucified with CHRIST. It is no longer I who live, but CHRIST who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the SON of GOD who loved me and gave HIMSELF for me. - Galatians 2:20

But GOD, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which HE loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with CHRIST— by grace you have been saved. - Ephesians 2:4-5
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