The reintroduction of wolves into Colorado

My mom was telling me that they're releasing cougars in Iowa, too.
Making the .41 Magnum great again!

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Released wolves within a mile of peoples houses and didn't even tell them
Leticia James comes in many forms

Both family Bovidae(goats) & family Cervidae(deer) are the most peaceful, loving & playful creatures one could ever hope to have as pets.

Family Canidae features Canis lupus(wolf), the most vicious & aggressive four legged killers on the face of our planet earth.

I'll leave it up to you Tyrone to figure out which creatures I mentioned above, that the statist left marxinazis picked to be a compliment to mankind & the various other species of non aggressive compatible with humanity four legged type creatures.

The statist left marxinazis, don't leave sanity without them!

Released wolves within a mile of peoples houses and didn't even tell them
Leticia James comes in many forms

Repeal the Unfit Species Act

All predators should be exterminated. The dogma of "Balance of Nature" is not in man's favor and should be dismissed as dangerous to our survival.
Wanna live in the country? There's wild animal out there ya know. If you can't handle that then move to the city.

They were introduced back into the areas after decades of not being there due to a vote supported by mostly urban and suburban Colorado lefty douches.

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