The reason Democrats act so insane is because they don't believe in God...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1,255's the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.
The Democrats want to take our guns so they can murder us with impunity.'s the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.

Amen, my internet friend. In all the preceding atheist nations in history the leaders of those civilizations have massacred millions of their own people. What the American radical Left is all about these troubled days is planting small seeds of evil in our youth in an attempt to grow their freak show insanity deep within young minds. Removing God, the God from those young minds is a necessary first step. Our entire damn civilization was founded on Christian tenets. Remove those and the rest of Western Civilization collapses from within. Madness. Insanity. They're committing civilizational suicide.
Wow...................just when I thought it was impossible to be any crazier with the fear mongering, along comes Blackrook.
Wow...................just when I thought it was impossible to be any crazier with the fear mongering, along comes Blackrook.
Do you deny the atrocities of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Do you deny the atrocities of the Nazis during their short 12-year rule? They started a war that killed 50 million people, and 10 million died in their concentration camps.

Do you deny the atrocities of the Communists? They killed 94 million.

Do you deny that, thanks to the Democrats, who support Roe v. Wade, we now have had 50 million abortions in this nation since 1973?

Do you deny that atheism is what all these groups have in common?

What exactly, do you disagree with?
Wow...................just when I thought it was impossible to be any crazier with the fear mongering, along comes Blackrook.
Do you deny the atrocities of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Do you deny the atrocities of the Nazis during their short 12-year rule? They started a war that killed 50 million people, and 10 million died in their concentration camps.

Do you deny the atrocities of the Communists? They killed 94 million.

Do you deny that, thanks to the Democrats, who support Roe v. Wade, we now have had 50 million abortions in this nation since 1973?

Do you deny that atheism is what all these groups have in common?

What exactly, do you disagree with?
Only the six million are important to Uhmerrykkka.G-d blast
Wow...................just when I thought it was impossible to be any crazier with the fear mongering, along comes Blackrook.
Do you deny the atrocities of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Do you deny the atrocities of the Nazis during their short 12-year rule? They started a war that killed 50 million people, and 10 million died in their concentration camps.

Do you deny the atrocities of the Communists? They killed 94 million.

Do you deny that, thanks to the Democrats, who support Roe v. Wade, we now have had 50 million abortions in this nation since 1973?

Do you deny that atheism is what all these groups have in common?

What exactly, do you disagree with?
Only the six million are important to Uhmerrykkka.G-d blast
The Jews got a bad deal, but there are four million who died in those camps who were not Jews. And then there are 40 million who died in the fighting and bombing. The Nazis can be blamed for all of it.
People that have been killed in the name of a god would completely swamp atheist killings.
Im not insane and i dont believe in a man made god. I havent killed anyone. I dont want to kill anyone. I dont even want to bother anyone. Nor do i want them to bother me.
Shove your ridiculous fallacy up your ass.'s the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.

Oh most believe in God, they just pick and choose what bible scripture to use and ignore the rest, With Sola Fide they think they will go to heaven regardless of what they do or don't do, it is a get out of jail free card with them.

Wow...................just when I thought it was impossible to be any crazier with the fear mongering, along comes Blackrook.
Do you deny the atrocities of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Do you deny the atrocities of the Nazis during their short 12-year rule? They started a war that killed 50 million people, and 10 million died in their concentration camps.

Do you deny the atrocities of the Communists? They killed 94 million.

Do you deny that, thanks to the Democrats, who support Roe v. Wade, we now have had 50 million abortions in this nation since 1973?

Do you deny that atheism is what all these groups have in common?

What exactly, do you disagree with?
Only the six million are important to Uhmerrykkka.G-d blast
The Jews got a bad deal, but there are four million who died in those camps who were not Jews. And then there are 40 million who died in the fighting and bombing. The Nazis can be blamed for all of it.

I wonder percentage wise how many Jews Paul killed?'s the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.

Oh most believe in God, they just pick and choose what bible scripture to use and ignore the rest, With Sola Fide they think they will go to heaven regardless of what they do or don't do, it is a get out of jail free card with them.


my-mother-used-to-say-its-not-what-you-say-7056844.png's the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.
It wasn't a bunch of atheists that flew those planes into the twin towers.'s the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.
It wasn't a bunch of atheists that flew those planes into the twin towers.
He said belief in God, not a pedophile terrorist.
Wow...................just when I thought it was impossible to be any crazier with the fear mongering, along comes Blackrook.
Do you deny the atrocities of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Do you deny the atrocities of the Nazis during their short 12-year rule? They started a war that killed 50 million people, and 10 million died in their concentration camps.

Do you deny the atrocities of the Communists? They killed 94 million.

Do you deny that, thanks to the Democrats, who support Roe v. Wade, we now have had 50 million abortions in this nation since 1973?

Do you deny that atheism is what all these groups have in common?

What exactly, do you disagree with?

Do you deny the atrocities commanded by God?

The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open. (Hosea 13:16)

God allows the pregnant women of Tappuah to be ripped open.

At that time Menahem, starting out from Tirzah, attacked Tiphsah and everyone in the city and its vicinity, because they refused to open their gates. He sacked Tiphsah and ripped open all the pregnant women. (2 Kings 15:16)

God commands the killing of infants and nursing babies.

Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. (1 Samuel 15:3)

God repays your enemies by destroying their babies.

Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.(Psalms 137:8-9)'s the same reason the French Revolutionaries, the Nazis and the Communists acted so insane, non-belief in God unmoors the mind from reason and truth, one becomes unable to control where the mind wanders when there is no objective standard for morality.

The result, always, is murder, on a massive scale.
It wasn't a bunch of atheists that flew those planes into the twin towers.
He said belief in God, not a pedophile terrorist.
So it not belief in God, it is the belief in YOUR God. Got it.
We can see the religious pathology become salient when a believer first discovers that who they are talking to is an atheist.

1. How (and why) did the lord allow the atheist to go on living before and after that encounter? How could they be blessed with a knowledge unknown to the believer, even if the topic had nothing to do with religion? The atheist must be the devil in person!

2.) In considering subject A (atheist) and subject B (believer), the instant about-face behavior of the religious addict nourishes a fascism that fronts as solidarity/unity amongst believers, even though neither A nor B discovered these important differences up until that intense moment when interests changed. Until that moment, both were enjoying the interchange in naive bliss. For some, the lesson for 13 Ap 2019 is "Be ye not unequally yoked with believers." The Jekyll-and Hyde effect is real and dangerous to mental health.

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