The reality of poverty in America: 1/3 of Americans can't afford an unexpected $2000 expense


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving
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Have you noticed how republicans will bitch about Obama not alleviating poverty yet will contradict themselves by believing the government should stay out of the private market? Hmmm.
I admit that poverty is a very difficult concept to eliminate there are no easy answers. The responsibility falls on so many, especially in a system like Canada which is social. The more socialized a system, the more the responsibility falls on the government mismanagement, the more free and laissez-faire a nation, the more the responsibility falls on the individual. Just one of many reasons I am a Libertarian. Stay out of the lives of individuals and allow them to proper, thrive or fail on their own merit. Its much easier to accept these outcomes and the system can still be quite compassionate and share philanthropy. It's much easier when the debt is smaller and revenue increasing.

In regards to government responsibility, my personal opinion is that government waste, corruption and the like add BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS to the American debt. Consider for a moment why Trump negotiated the cost for the new Airforce One. If you engage in similar activities hundreds of times, government has money. Same with a border tax, increasing revenue via more jobs in America. You need to increase revenue while decreasing expenses. You can then do more for those in need who could use a hand up (though not a handout per se except in the extreme).

If Trump puts forward his massive tax cuts and deregulation, he has to follow through with the social libertarian issues as well. I'm not sure you can experience full employment, innovation and expansion of the economy without expanding citizens rights. The more he ensures individual states are independent and strong, and that government is committed to staying out of the average citizens business, the better America will be.
Since LBJ they have set up Trillions worth of "aid" and big GOVT programs. Now they have ghetto baby factories, paid to breed. Penalized to work or to marry. 70% feral criminals run in packs. Dem policies? Yes? Time to wind it down. Chemical castration. Take the existing kids away, whatever it takes.

Dem New goal, expand same to Mexican and other illegals. Dangle Check, sect8, stamps, EBT, no need to work. Just stay home, watch Oprah, breed. Vote D. We care for your min needs.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving
First, stop whining about the 1%. You did nothing to address the billionaires in eight years. Second, meals will undergo a 3% cut. Get off your ass and write a check. Third, your war on poverty, which has transferred trillions of dollars from those that earned it to those that did not, has resulted in greater failure and dependency.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving
First, stop whining about the 1%. You did nothing to address the billionaires in eight years. Second, meals will undergo a 3% cut. Get off your ass and write a check. Third, your war on poverty, which has transferred trillions of dollars from those that earned it to those that did not, has resulted in greater failure and dependency.
1) I'm not whining about the 1%. I'm whining that republicans are stupid enough to believe easing their tax burden helps the economy as a whole.

2) It doesn't make a piss difference what I do about MOW dumbass. Me writing them a check wouldn't pay for the program for years to come. Also, here exactly what his cuts to the program amounts to:

"Trump's budget calls for the elimination of one program that some of the nation's 5,000 Meals on Wheels groups rely on: Community development block grants, a $3 billion program that started in the Ford administration to give states and cities more flexibility in how they combat poverty."

Here's the truth about Meals on Wheels in Trump's budget

3) Are you so moronic to generalize the poverty issue as what some past, irrelevant president said about the issue? I don't give two fucks what LBJ said. What matters is that republicans don't do jack shit to alleviate or prevent poverty.
Have you noticed how republicans will bitch about Obama not alleviating poverty yet will contradict themselves by believing the government should stay out of the private market? Hmmm.
Somewhat; Republicans are noticeably disengaged from some of their ardent supporters, the poor and the issues of the working class, preferring, as you mention, to remove government from the general welfare of American people. One particular concern which does not bother Republicans is the financial ruin that can be caused by a catastrophic illness.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving
First, stop whining about the 1%. You did nothing to address the billionaires in eight years. Second, meals will undergo a 3% cut. Get off your ass and write a check. Third, your war on poverty, which has transferred trillions of dollars from those that earned it to those that did not, has resulted in greater failure and dependency.
1) I'm not whining about the 1%. I'm whining that republicans are stupid enough to believe easing their tax burden helps the economy as a whole.

2) It doesn't make a piss difference what I do about MOW dumbass. Me writing them a check wouldn't pay for the program for years to come. Also, here exactly what his cuts to the program amounts to:

"Trump's budget calls for the elimination of one program that some of the nation's 5,000 Meals on Wheels groups rely on: Community development block grants, a $3 billion program that started in the Ford administration to give states and cities more flexibility in how they combat poverty."

Here's the truth about Meals on Wheels in Trump's budget

3) Are you so moronic to generalize the poverty issue as what some past, irrelevant president said about the issue? I don't give two fucks what LBJ said. What matters is that republicans don't do jack shit to alleviate or prevent poverty.
Buying votes with other people's money is all you have. Dress it up anyway you want.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving

After eight years of Obama admin., we're supposed to believe this is the Republican's fault. Hilarious
Have you noticed how republicans will bitch about Obama not alleviating poverty yet will contradict themselves by believing the government should stay out of the private market? Hmmm.
Somewhat; Republicans are noticeably disengaged from some of their ardent supporters, the poor and the issues of the working class, preferring, as you mention, to remove government from the general welfare of American people. One particular concern which does not bother Republicans is the financial ruin that can be caused by a catastrophic illness.
I guess that is why democrats had insurance companies write the bill, including specific bailouts, which are now ending. They are leaving now because the money dried up. Some cashed in early and got out, the rest are getting out now.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving

After eight years of Obama admin., we're supposed to believe this is the Republican's fault. Hilarious
See post #2.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving

After eight years of Obama admin., we're supposed to believe this is the Republican's fault. Hilarious
See post #2.

Projecting as usual.............Liberal
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving

We've always had people who didn't have diddly squat in the bank no matter who was in office. Back in the early 60's I knew people who would go into the military so they could escape poverty. But yeah, republican swine like paul ryan fantasize about ending all support for the poor and elderly, including social security. Still, demorats are no better, since they are trying their best to flood this country with the third world's poor and unskilled (as well as terrorists), to add to our problems.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting be people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving

After eight years of Obama admin., we're supposed to believe this is the Republican's fault. Hilarious
See post #2.

Projecting as usual.............Liberal
You know I'm right.

Obama tried to raise the minimum wage and he succeeded in expanding eligibility for over time pay.
This applies to both a savings account and credit. Thats how poor Americans are, yet republicans thinks food stamps, Meals on Wheels funding for seniors, or public-assisted health insurance are unimportant in America. At a 19% poverty rate, many other developed nations have a lower poverty rate than the US.

So, republicans, what is your plan for getting people out of poverty? We already know cutting taxes for the top 1% and deregulation do absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty. This is all despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high and wealthy people are wealthier than ever before.

1 in 3 Americans can't come up with $2,000—here's how much you should be saving

We've always had people who didn't have diddly squat in the bank no matter who was in office. Back in the early 60's I knew people who would go into the military so they could escape poverty. But yeah, republican swine like paul ryan fantasize about ending all support for the poor and elderly, including social security. Still, demorats are no better, since they are trying their best to flood this country with the third world's poor and unskilled (as well as terrorists), to add to our problems.
Poverty in the 60s isn't what it is now. Not even close.

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