The Real Story About What Ended The Great Depression


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
(Hint: It Wasn’t the New Deal)

Warning! All liberals – ignore this article. It will only cause you heartburn and perhaps stir up the ulcers you have due to your life of negativity.

The cruel irony of the New Deal is that the liberals’ honorable intentions to help the poor and the unemployed caused more human suffering than any other set of ideas in the past century.

More of the historical fabrication of FDR's presidency can be read @ The Real Story About What Ended the Great Depression
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.
It took a world war to end FDR's depression (OK, so perhaps his by inheritance) and it's gonna take another to end BHO's.

But, be patient, He's hard at work on that. Still wanna hope He doesn't fail AGAIN?
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Treasury Secretary under FDR. -

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot."

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened." –Joe Biden

Sorry Pogo...I couldn't help myself.....
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened." –Joe Biden

Sorry Pogo...I couldn't help myself.....

Suffice to say if Joe Biden posted here he'd get eaten alive. :rolleyes:
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time. Because we know what happens when you don't take your time...
LBJ "I'll have them ****** voting Republican for the next 200 years"
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"Nero was a fool and a megalomaniac, but a fool can also be charming and interesting. The thing he invented, which all demagogues after him repeated, was that he cherished the masses.' -- Andrea Carandini

Perfect explanation for FDR and for the exact same reasons
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%
You must get this information to the 238 noted historians that recently rated FDR as America's greatest president. In addition you might send copies to the hundreds of historians that have rated presidents since 1948 and never placed FDR lower that one of the top three American presidents. When the historians get this valuable information I'm sure they will change not only their ratings but rewrite their history books.
Are you suggesting as others have that Keynes works, and if FDR had only spent money as in a war the depression would have been cured?
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%
You must get this information to the 238 noted historians that recently rated FDR as America's greatest president. In addition you might send copies to the hundreds of historians that have rated presidents since 1948 and never placed FDR lower that one of the top three American presidents. When the historians get this valuable information I'm sure they will change not only their ratings but rewrite their history books.
Are you suggesting as others have that Keynes works, and if FDR had only spent money as in a war the depression would have been cured?

Those historians sound a lot like the AGWCult. They don't care about the fact that FDR had the worst economic record in human history, they just need to fall in line
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Treasury Secretary under FDR. -

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot."

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%

Yabbut this, yabbut that, excuses excuses. The fact is the unemployment rate was around 25% when he came in so -- good luck selling this canard.



The overall course of the Depression in the United States, as reflected in per-capita GDP (average income per person)
shown in constant year 2000 dollars, plus some of the key events of the period

(Both graphs from here)
Some histories are easier to revise than others. Graphs tend to give you kind of an uphill climb.

You may now resume your "yabbut yabbut" excuses in the noble cause of Eliminationist partisanship.
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Treasury Secretary under FDR. -

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot."

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Morgenthau wrote that in 1939.

When Franklin Roosevelt was inauguraged in 1933 the unemployment rate was 24.75 percent. By 1939 it had declined to 17.05 percent. It had gotten down to 14.18 percent in 1937. Unfortunately, Roosevelt made the mistake of reducing government spending and employment, in 1938, so unemployment went up.

Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

In other words, Morgenthau's statement was factually incorrect.

There was nearly as much growth in the per capita gross domestic product in 1996 dollars during Roosevelt's first term as there was during the terms of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge. There was considerably more job creation.

Singularity is Near -SIN Graph - Per-Capita GDP

United States Unemployment Rate 1920 ndash 2013

When Roosevelt died in 1944 the unemployment rate was 1.2 percent.

The per capita gross domestic product in 1996 dollars grew from $4,804 in 1933 to $12,380 in 1944.

The top tax rate grew to 94 percent.

During the Roosevelt administration the United States taxed and spent its way to prosperity. That was big government. That was good government. The well to do paid extremely high taxes. The vast majority of the country benefited. FDR was reelected three times.
When the Great Depression hit there was no manual or instruction book on how to have prosperity. Hoover tried the trickle-down method with RFC and nothing. FDR thought the old tried and true method of balancing the budget would work, it never did, but he tried. Conditions in America however called for something to be done and as FDR had said, he would experiment, and he did. We started on a recovery with the New Deal. As America began to recover it frightened some fearing another depression. FDR stopped the New Deal, and the nation began to sink again. America started to sell war goods overseas and America started to recover again, but this time it didn't stop until sometime after the war. But the process indicated that Keynes may have been right, spend during a depression as we spent during the war, and pay the money back when we recover, which we never do.

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