The Real Problem Politicians Face If They are Republicans...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?
Who knows?

Personally, I consider any member of the modern-day Democratic Party to have serious character flaws.
Who knows?

Personally, I consider any member of the modern-day Democratic Party to have serious character flaws.
They have a self proclaimed socialist and a liar representing their party. I would agree with you that those are serious flaws.
Well you KNOW the Hildebeast hasn't got HIV, she hasn't been with Blow Job for over a decade!...Now Blow Job, on the other hand....

Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?

Personally speaking, marital fidelity shouldn't be a prerequisite for getting elected. Sure, cheating and affairs and all that sort of stuff is immoral and telling of someone's character, but I'm voting for someone who can help my country; I could care less about his (or hers) personal life.

All elections are these days are one candidate attacking the other's character instead of his positions and vise versa. None of this childishness influences which way I'll vote, if I vote at all.

Trump may be a bombastic individual with big a mouth and a penchant for exaggeration, but he's a lot more respectable than any Democratic candidate I know. And at least we won't be voting for a criminal.
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Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?

Of course it's not good enough. I'm no Romney fan, but look at his accomplishments in life:

A guy who never used recreational narcotics, tobacco or alcohol. A family man who again, never cheated on his wife. A humanitarian who spent his early years helping others. A successful man who became a self-made millionaire. A non-partisan man who voted for and implemented many liberal policies. A generous man who donated millions to his religion and various other charities.

So what did liberals have to say about his legacy? He tied his dog cage to the roof of his car when he took the family on vacation.
Yes it is a double standard. That double standard works both ways though - the right is always quick to call out the left even on things their own candidates do or say. Hell, we have a single payer backer running as the lead for the republicans right now and the right hates Obama for even working in that direction.

There is an issue thought when these same politicians claim to be 'family values' politicians. It is akin to those democrats calling for grater taxes on everyone and then being caught as tax cheats. Dishonest.
Hey!! Romney forgot Fido!! He forgot Fido, and Fido experienced a psychological scarring ride(maybe--dogs are as weird as Humans! Fid may have enjoyed it for all I know)

That is why we elected the commie/muslim/organizer with terrorists for mentors! See, we knew he would not have forgotten Fido!!
How could Obama forget lunch?:alcoholic:

Ran a disastrous campaign. Thought dividend income was rightly taxed lower than labor income, had no plan to address the economy outside of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The Mother Jones vid backed it up. The dog story was no factor in his massive defeat.


As a liberal Trump is my choice for the GOP nominee. Zero plans, zero credentials, zero class. Hillary has made a living off of being attacked by the GOP and since that is the only club in Trump's bag it is terrific from that standpoint that he's doing so well. Carpet bombardment of the swing states with Trump mimicking the disabilities of the reporter will be enough to win.

That being said, Trump clearly is a boy playing an adults game. A Trump presidency would be a disaster. Given our binary system to where POTUS is either the GOP or DNC nominee, his proximity in the event of a Clinton stumble is troubling.

Ran a disastrous campaign. Thought dividend income was rightly taxed lower than labor income, had no plan to address the economy outside of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The Mother Jones vid backed it up. The dog story was no factor in his massive defeat.


As a liberal Trump is my choice for the GOP nominee. Zero plans, zero credentials, zero class. Hillary has made a living off of being attacked by the GOP and since that is the only club in Trump's bag it is terrific from that standpoint that he's doing so well. Carpet bombardment of the swing states with Trump mimicking the disabilities of the reporter will be enough to win.

That being said, Trump clearly is a boy playing an adults game. A Trump presidency would be a disaster. Given our binary system to where POTUS is either the GOP or DNC nominee, his proximity in the event of a Clinton stumble is troubling.
Why. His proximity would be right there to pick Clinton up if she stumbled...

Ran a disastrous campaign. Thought dividend income was rightly taxed lower than labor income, had no plan to address the economy outside of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The Mother Jones vid backed it up. The dog story was no factor in his massive defeat.


As a liberal Trump is my choice for the GOP nominee. Zero plans, zero credentials, zero class. Hillary has made a living off of being attacked by the GOP and since that is the only club in Trump's bag it is terrific from that standpoint that he's doing so well. Carpet bombardment of the swing states with Trump mimicking the disabilities of the reporter will be enough to win.

That being said, Trump clearly is a boy playing an adults game. A Trump presidency would be a disaster. Given our binary system to where POTUS is either the GOP or DNC nominee, his proximity in the event of a Clinton stumble is troubling.
Why. His proximity would be right there to pick Clinton up if she stumbled...

One way to look at it.
Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?
Who smeared John Kerry for enlisting in the Navy and volunteering for hazardous duty? Who smeared Planned Parenthood and got a lot of people shot and killed? See how that works Jack?
And now, ladies and gentlemen, you have had your butthurt nutbag thread of the day.

I'm still in the camp that says the GOP won't nominate Trump for president. I am very amused, however, that so many devout Christians are willing to look past the man's obvious lies about his faith and call him an honest broker.

The best part about this, however, is that if he were to somehow get the nod.....he'd lose so badly that your party might finally listen to the far right fringe and nominate a nutbag like Santorum or Cruz in 2020.
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And now, ladies and gentlemen, you have had your butthurt nutbag thread of the day.

I'm still in the camp that says the GOP won't nominate Trump for president. I very amused, however, that so many devout Christians are willing to look past the man's obvious lies about his faith and call him an honest broker.

The best part about this, however, is that if he were to somehow get the nod.....he'd lose so badly that your party might finally listen to the far right fringe and nominate a nutbag like Santorum or Cruz in 2020.

There are still folks who believe he is self funding his campaign.
Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?

1. no one smeared gingrich. gingrich got what he deserve for leading the impeachment against bill clinton for less than his own actions.

2. other christians were concerned about romney being a mormon. no one "smeared" him.

3. trump is a vile bigot and an embarrassment to the GOP who people have every reason to judge as such.

and the fact that you object to him rightfully being called what he is... is your problem. it doesn't mean republicans are set upon.

of course, you're projecting rightwingnut treatment of democrats onto us... typical winger behavior.

you won't win until you stop picking extremist candidates who made anyone who isn't an old white christian male gag.
Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?

1. no one smeared gingrich. gingrich got what he deserve for leading the impeachment against bill clinton for less than his own actions.

2. other christians were concerned about romney being a mormon. no one "smeared" him.

3. trump is a vile bigot and an embarrassment to the GOP who people have every reason to judge as such.

and the fact that you object to him rightfully being called what he is... is your problem. it doesn't mean republicans are set upon.

of course, you're projecting rightwingnut treatment of democrats onto us... typical winger behavior.

you won't win until you stop picking extremist candidates who made anyone who isn't an old white christian male gag.

1. Clinton didn't get into trouble for screwing around on Hillary. Clinton got into trouble for lying and trying to avoid doing the proper thing like admitting fault and apologizing to a victim he made a sexual advancement towards.

2. How can anybody with even the slightest sense of logic say that the Democrats didn't smear Romney; blaming him because an employee lost a spouse to illness while she worked at a company he was in charge of; going on vacation with his dog carrier tied to his roof; going all the way back to his high school days where he played a harmless prank on a fellow classmate? Christians didn't smear him, the Commies and Liberals did.

3. Talk about extremists, your number 2 candidate is an admitted Socialist. But unlike most other Democrats, at least he's honest about it.
Thinking about how strange Politics are these days....

The Democrats smeared Gingrich for having a girlfriend when he was married but are eager as all get out to get the King of Infidelity back in the White House as the First Man. Won't call him a gentleman.

Then there was Romney who was smeared for being a Mormon when many wonder just what religion of hate the president has. Of course, he was probably one of the richest candidates, ignoring the fact that Kennedy and the Clinton's who get their money from foreign countries to fund the "Clinton Initiative," are Democrats.

Of course you just have to read the threads and you can see how the Democrats absolutely hate Trump, and it's ironic. They hate him for his honesty while fawning over the Secretary of Lies, Hillary and the president who is tying her on the farces they tell.

So we finally have a candidate who isn't cheating on his wife, is not part of a fringe religion, is well off, certainly so well off, he could be the first politician that isn't bought off.

But that's not good either. By chance the real problem is the "R" after his name?

1. no one smeared gingrich. gingrich got what he deserve for leading the impeachment against bill clinton for less than his own actions.

2. other christians were concerned about romney being a mormon. no one "smeared" him.

3. trump is a vile bigot and an embarrassment to the GOP who people have every reason to judge as such.

and the fact that you object to him rightfully being called what he is... is your problem. it doesn't mean republicans are set upon.

of course, you're projecting rightwingnut treatment of democrats onto us... typical winger behavior.

you won't win until you stop picking extremist candidates who made anyone who isn't an old white christian male gag.

1. Clinton didn't get into trouble for screwing around on Hillary. Clinton got into trouble for lying and trying to avoid doing the proper thing like admitting fault and apologizing to a victim he made a sexual advancement towards.

2. How can anybody with even the slightest sense of logic say that the Democrats didn't smear Romney; blaming him because an employee lost a spouse to illness while she worked at a company he was in charge of; going on vacation with his dog carrier tied to his roof; going all the way back to his high school days where he played a harmless prank on a fellow classmate? Christians didn't smear him, the Commies and Liberals did.

3. Talk about extremists, your number 2 candidate is an admitted Socialist. But unlike most other Democrats, at least he's honest about it.

1. True.
2. Romney wasn't smeared. The ad you're talking about (that never ran) actually is what happens when large corporations take over smaller ones; workers are quite often downsized, they lose their insurance and if you're not insured in this day and age, you are out of luck medically. Meanwhile, companies like Bain seek to please investors only. Is it wrong or illegal? No. Is it palatable to the American public. No. If you're goal is to be thought of as an effective CEO, you'e doing great. If you're goal is to become President, cruelty doesn't play well. I think you guys will find that out if Trump is your nominee. As for the dog and the "harmless prank", typical stuff that happens during campaigns. All of it pales to calling Obama a Muslim and that he wasn't born in the US.

3. The #2 candidate is a zero factor.

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