The real difference between progressives and liberals

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Liberals get upset by policies that allow police to stop people walking down the street and searching them, progressives think it is good because only criminals will have anything to hide.

Few back stop-and-frisk idea in violent S.F. area - SFGate

Liberals see a proposal to give police APCs and wonder why police need them, progressives think UC Berkley police need one.

The University of California, Berkeley police department is using grant funds from the Department of Homeland Security to purchase a Lenco Ballistic Engineered Armoured Response Counter Attack Truck, better known as BearCat. The university will share the BearCat with police from Berkeley and the neighbouring city of Albany, where it will house the vehicle. Purchasing the vehicle was raised at a Berkeley City Council meeting as part of a larger discussion on the city’s relationship to Homeland Security agencies that award grants and collect information on citizens.
Police Chief Michael Meehan defended the BearCat, telling the council he would have used it last year in a situation where a mentally ill man held off police officers with a gun for several hours. An armoured vehicle would have allowed negotiators to safely approach the suspect, Meehan said, although in this instance, police eventually took the man into custody without incident.

IPS – Liberal Berkeley Poised to Acquire Armoured Vehicle | Inter Press Service

I love the statist justification of an incident that ended with no one getting hurt justifies police getting a vehicle designed to carry soldiers into combat.
The Berkeley PD is not liberal and has a proud history of beating liberals to a pulp.
So then windbag you where against arizona using this same tactic? Because you are calling jan brewer a progressive....

Oh this could turn out to be a fun thread...if I wasn't at work I would be searching some threads right now...
So then windbag you where against arizona using this same tactic? Because you are calling jan brewer a progressive....

Oh this could turn out to be a fun thread...if I wasn't at work I would be searching some threads right now...

Feel free to point out anywhere I ever said Jan brewer is a conservative.

In fact, feel free to point out anywhere I said anything nice about Brewer.
Progressive and liberal are the same.
They started out as Progressives a hundred years ago, then when it became a bad word they changed to liberal. Now that Liberal is a bad word, they have changed back to progressive.
It is the same meaning weather you use progressive or liberal, it means big Government.
They are in both parties.
They are for a big Government who wants to control each and everyone of us.
Liberals get upset by policies that allow police to stop people walking down the street and searching them, progressives think it is good because only criminals will have anything to hide.

Few back stop-and-frisk idea in violent S.F. area - SFGate

Liberals see a proposal to give police APCs and wonder why police need them, progressives think UC Berkley police need one.

The University of California, Berkeley police department is using grant funds from the Department of Homeland Security to purchase a Lenco Ballistic Engineered Armoured Response Counter Attack Truck, better known as BearCat. The university will share the BearCat with police from Berkeley and the neighbouring city of Albany, where it will house the vehicle. Purchasing the vehicle was raised at a Berkeley City Council meeting as part of a larger discussion on the city’s relationship to Homeland Security agencies that award grants and collect information on citizens.
Police Chief Michael Meehan defended the BearCat, telling the council he would have used it last year in a situation where a mentally ill man held off police officers with a gun for several hours. An armoured vehicle would have allowed negotiators to safely approach the suspect, Meehan said, although in this instance, police eventually took the man into custody without incident.

IPS – Liberal Berkeley Poised to Acquire Armoured Vehicle | Inter Press Service

I love the statist justification of an incident that ended with no one getting hurt justifies police getting a vehicle designed to carry soldiers into combat.

This is an excellent OP. I couldn't agree more. Well done QW.
Berkeley police department is using grant funds from the Department of Homeland Security to purchase a Lenco Ballistic Engineered Armoured Response Counter Attack Truck

Lenco Ballistic Engineered Armoured Response Counter Attack Truck

(conservatives) have a habit of criticizing gov't for spending tax payers money for any cause but blatantly do so for their "own".

completely unnecessary as if warranted would be and already is available from the military - the BearCat is not and will never be necessary for Berkeley police department use.
So then windbag you where against arizona using this same tactic? Because you are calling jan brewer a progressive....

Oh this could turn out to be a fun thread...if I wasn't at work I would be searching some threads right now...

Feel free to point out anywhere I ever said Jan brewer is a conservative.

In fact, feel free to point out anywhere I said anything nice about Brewer.

No to busy.
The terms "Liberal", "Progressive" and "Left Wing" mean something different to everyone.

Just like "Conservative" or "Right Wing", they're almost completely meaningless terms.

And the Berkeley PD is run by a bunch of assholes.
I think the notion that Liberal and Progressive are inherently different things is flawed.

I consider myself a Liberal. I consider myself Progressive. Not really as different trait containers... just terms.
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Liberals care about Each Individual. Progressives care about State Control.
I think the notion that Liberal and Progressive are inherently different things is flawed.

I consider myself a Liberal. I consider myself Progressive. Not really as different trait containers... just terms.

No It's not. The Philosophies are diametrically opposed. One Day you may see that. There is nothing Liberal about Totalitarian Control.
I think the notion that Liberal and Progressive are inherently different things is flawed.

I consider myself a Liberal. I consider myself Progressive. Not really as different trait containers... just terms.

No It's not. The Philosophies are diametrically opposed. One Day you may see that. There is nothing Liberal about Totalitarian Control.

Being progressive is about believing in social, political and economic changes. Reform.

Where do you get all that government totalitarian control crap?
Progressive and liberal are the same.
They started out as Progressives a hundred years ago, then when it became a bad word they changed to liberal. Now that Liberal is a bad word, they have changed back to progressive.
It is the same meaning weather you use progressive or liberal, it means big Government.
They are in both parties.
They are for a big Government who wants to control each and everyone of us.
The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler
Liberals get upset by policies that allow police to stop people walking down the street and searching them, progressives think it is good because only criminals will have anything to hide.

Few back stop-and-frisk idea in violent S.F. area - SFGate

Liberals see a proposal to give police APCs and wonder why police need them, progressives think UC Berkley police need one.

The University of California, Berkeley police department is using grant funds from the Department of Homeland Security to purchase a Lenco Ballistic Engineered Armoured Response Counter Attack Truck, better known as BearCat. The university will share the BearCat with police from Berkeley and the neighbouring city of Albany, where it will house the vehicle. Purchasing the vehicle was raised at a Berkeley City Council meeting as part of a larger discussion on the city’s relationship to Homeland Security agencies that award grants and collect information on citizens.
Police Chief Michael Meehan defended the BearCat, telling the council he would have used it last year in a situation where a mentally ill man held off police officers with a gun for several hours. An armoured vehicle would have allowed negotiators to safely approach the suspect, Meehan said, although in this instance, police eventually took the man into custody without incident.

IPS – Liberal Berkeley Poised to Acquire Armoured Vehicle | Inter Press Service

I love the statist justification of an incident that ended with no one getting hurt justifies police getting a vehicle designed to carry soldiers into combat.

It's good to see you understand there are differences between liberals and progressives, between liberals and liberals, between progressives and progressives.

Of course all conservatives think and vote alike.: "Group think good; individualism bad". Those left of center are impossible to herd, those on the right all walk in lock-step.

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