The Real Crisis


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Real Crisis
Once, late in the evening at my pad in New Hampshire, my old pal the novelist Sebastian Faulks advanced the theory that news that occurs while you're on holiday never seems quite to have happened. Which I think was true in the pre-Internet days, with only foreign-language telly in the hotel room. Nowadays, for yours truly, days lost to the sclerotic American legal system have the same effect: If you're holed up in court-ordered mediation or (as I was) deposition by cockwombles in a windowless room all day, the invisible world beyond shrinks to irrelevance, except insofar as it impinges on one's case. If you leave the room to find that North Korea has nuked Cleveland, one's first thought is whether opposing counsel will use this to move to continue the pre-scheduling hearing.
Which is by way of saying that, aside from a few mordant barristerial cracks around the water cooler as to whether Trump would be declaring martial law and, if so, which district court judge would order it stayed, in my particular claustrophobic corner of America yesterday the hours building up to the big speech instead built it down to barely detectable levels of consequence.... By the time I de-lawyered, Chuck and Nancy were on the air, demonstrating the point I made with Tucker on Monday: that, when your whole pitch rests (as Miss Ocasio-Cortez said) not on humdrum facts but on moral superiority - that we're better than the other guys, nicer than the other guys - it doesn't help to have Chuck Schumer up there with his fin glistening as it slices through the surf. Chuck and Nancy are the unlovely thuggish operators required to run a corrupt pseudo-legislature, but they're not the people to put up in public... To be sure, there were things the President did not say, or do - like announcing, say, a tax on so-called "remittances" to Mexico. Almost every itsy-bitsy thing is taxed in this country, or at least subject to the scrutiny of the tax regime, including any "remittances" by lawful US citizens to overseas banks.

The issue is clear. what's been shut down, for many years, is the essential core responsibility of national government - the integrity of its borders. The culprits in this operation have been Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left.
We can see that in the "Democrat" response from both Chuckie and Nancy they attacked DJT but did not address the ruthless drug cartels control who cross the border, Human trafficking, and drugs entering the U.S. through our porous borders down to the person or how the Mexican gov't is paid off by cartels and this doesn't give anyone any security. The Mexican government is weak now. Who do you think controls Mexico now? What was the great Steyn quote from the previous piece Mark wrote on China: weak powers behave more irrationally than strong ones.
When the telly screen switched to the Dem response, I thought, "there were two cardboard figures." Then, I thought, "no, those are real live stiffs." I turned to my wife and asked, "is it me or does Schumer look like Quasimodo"? She agreed.
That's not looking good for Chuckie. He needs his half-glasses that sit on the end of his nose, so he can look above the lenses at us while using his trademark "I'm smarter than you so don't say anything back" tone. A little smirk wouldn't have hurt either. He kind of resembles Al Gore after a 6 week stint at a fat farm.
My focus is the start of the OP's 2nd para:

"The issue is clear. what's been shut down, for many years, is the essential core responsibility of national government - the integrity of its borders. The culprits in this operation have been Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left.
We can see that in the "Democrat" response from both Chuckie and Nancy they attacked DJT but did not address the ruthless drug cartels control who cross the border, Human trafficking, and drugs entering the U.S. through our porous borders down to the person or how the Mexican gov't is paid off by cartels and this doesn't give anyone any security

One way or another Trump needs to get the wall funded and built. I agree with the end of the 1st paragraph, to tax remittances to fund the wall, that seems like a "no brainer" to me. Its free money, let's roll.
Trump stated on December 11, 2018, that he would take responsibility for shutting down government.

Now all we get are folks spewing feces about a shutdown & how it is everyone's fault, EXCEPT for The Giant Fat Ass Orange Cheese Burger.

It must be bliss to exist in constant ignorance.
The Real Crisis
Once, late in the evening at my pad in New Hampshire, my old pal the novelist Sebastian Faulks advanced the theory that news that occurs while you're on holiday never seems quite to have happened. Which I think was true in the pre-Internet days, with only foreign-language telly in the hotel room. Nowadays, for yours truly, days lost to the sclerotic American legal system have the same effect: If you're holed up in court-ordered mediation or (as I was) deposition by cockwombles in a windowless room all day, the invisible world beyond shrinks to irrelevance, except insofar as it impinges on one's case. If you leave the room to find that North Korea has nuked Cleveland, one's first thought is whether opposing counsel will use this to move to continue the pre-scheduling hearing.
Which is by way of saying that, aside from a few mordant barristerial cracks around the water cooler as to whether Trump would be declaring martial law and, if so, which district court judge would order it stayed, in my particular claustrophobic corner of America yesterday the hours building up to the big speech instead built it down to barely detectable levels of consequence.... By the time I de-lawyered, Chuck and Nancy were on the air, demonstrating the point I made with Tucker on Monday: that, when your whole pitch rests (as Miss Ocasio-Cortez said) not on humdrum facts but on moral superiority - that we're better than the other guys, nicer than the other guys - it doesn't help to have Chuck Schumer up there with his fin glistening as it slices through the surf. Chuck and Nancy are the unlovely thuggish operators required to run a corrupt pseudo-legislature, but they're not the people to put up in public... To be sure, there were things the President did not say, or do - like announcing, say, a tax on so-called "remittances" to Mexico. Almost every itsy-bitsy thing is taxed in this country, or at least subject to the scrutiny of the tax regime, including any "remittances" by lawful US citizens to overseas banks.

The issue is clear. what's been shut down, for many years, is the essential core responsibility of national government - the integrity of its borders. The culprits in this operation have been Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left.
We can see that in the "Democrat" response from both Chuckie and Nancy they attacked DJT but did not address the ruthless drug cartels control who cross the border, Human trafficking, and drugs entering the U.S. through our porous borders down to the person or how the Mexican gov't is paid off by cartels and this doesn't give anyone any security. The Mexican government is weak now. Who do you think controls Mexico now? What was the great Steyn quote from the previous piece Mark wrote on China: weak powers behave more irrationally than strong ones.
When the telly screen switched to the Dem response, I thought, "there were two cardboard figures." Then, I thought, "no, those are real live stiffs." I turned to my wife and asked, "is it me or does Schumer look like Quasimodo"? She agreed.
That's not looking good for Chuckie. He needs his half-glasses that sit on the end of his nose, so he can look above the lenses at us while using his trademark "I'm smarter than you so don't say anything back" tone. A little smirk wouldn't have hurt either. He kind of resembles Al Gore after a 6 week stint at a fat farm.
Even though I'm not in this guy's corner, I do so appreciate a well written piece. Thanks.

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