The quintessential progressive: do as I say...NOT as I do


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It took California Democrats all of 24 hours to violate their own law...
Just one day after California issued a hypocritical travel ban on red states that allegedly infringe on LGBT rights, a group of California politicians traveled to Texas, one of those banned states.
Incidentally, I pray this turn into a "travel ban war". California is already $1.2 trillion in debt and has more people on welfare than employed. Without conservatives traveling to their hell-hole of a state, progressives will bankrupt the state quicker than they bankrupted the city of Detroit.

California Politicians Break Their Own Travel Ban ONE DAY After Issue
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.
if he's using his own money who cares where he goes? the stupid state laws won't matter at that point.
Yet another great example from the hypocrites on the left...
A new study examining congressional interns’ pay reveals Democratic Party members of Congress are much less likely to pay their interns than Republicans are, despite the many claims made by Democrats in recent years about the need for businesses to pay “their fair share.”
Study reveals embarrassing fact about how Dems treat their interns
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress. link was not from TheBlaze either. Good God, can you ask an adult for help already? How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress. link was not from TheBlaze either. Good God, can you ask an adult for help already? How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

I don't click on your links... if it's from you I Google for the real hits came from your faves. Was it from Drudge? Daily Wire? Which slanted source did you use that left out key

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?

No, it's about not supporting them with taxpayer funds.
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.
No way that's true. Democrats never use their own money.
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?

No, it's about not supporting them with taxpayer funds.
Like planned parenthood then.
No, it's about not supporting them with taxpayer funds.
Bwahahahaha! Who cares where the funds come from? Supporting them is supporting them. :lmao:

Nobody can twist themselves into a pretzel with pure stupidity like a progressive.
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?

No, it's about not supporting them with taxpayer funds.
Like planned parenthood then.
Yeah sort that planned parenthood doesn't get funding for abortions. They get funding for healthcare. Why? Because there is an actual law against it. This is not a law. No one will be arrested for traveling to the bass ackward states they have enacted their "ban" to.
I don't click on your links...
And there you have it, folks. Like all progressives - Seawytch comments without reading a link. Progressives prefer to be willfully ignorant. I'm not sure why. But they do.

Oh look, you're as dishonest as your favorite sites. You leave out key information. You left out that I Google whatever you're freaked out about.

Just like your dishonest favorite sites all left out this key info...

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?

No, it's about not supporting them with taxpayer funds.
Like planned parenthood then.
Yeah sort that planned parenthood doesn't get funding for abortions. T

Yeah sort that planned parenthood doesn't get funding for abortions. They get funding for healthcare.
And then - in typical left-wing fashion - they proceed to call abortion "healthcare". It's hilarious that progressives try to convince people that somehow tax payer money isn't going to abortions when the tax payer money funds the facility that makes the abortion possible, funds the equipment that makes the abortion possible, and funds the medical personnel that makes the abortion possible.

It's the type of special kind of stupid that can only come from the left. :eusa_doh:

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