The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

You don't interview Putin, you spread his propaganda. Just watch the upcoming interview and see if I'm right.

That’s the only thing we can do. However, you have to know that if you interview the leader of another country, ANY country, you don’t go in there with the intent of making accusations and insulting them. There is a certain level of decorum and professional courtesy that all journalists will extend to world leaders.

Yes, I would expect Carlson would not ask any of the question that the poster mentioned.

Beyond that, we will just have to wait for the interview to see if it’s a fluff piece or not.

I will make this prediction though, no matter what questions that Carlson asks of Putin, the democrats will reject it all and paint it as a fluff piece. I’d dare say your lefty “news” outlets probably already have the stories written, and will run them, no matter how hard of questions Tucker asks him. Hell, Tucker could ask him ALL of the questions that the OP suggested, and the left would STILL come out and say Carlson asked him softball question.

It’s just the nature of our political divide.
Want to get Putin's mind set? He's a murderous psychopath.

There, fixed it for ya.
Putin is the other half of a war we are funding on both sides... we are sending money and weapons to Ukraine as we are still honoring oil purchase contracts from Russia we made 6 years ago...
If you don't talk to both leaders you will never stop the killing..

Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin​

Funny, is something holding CBS, Fox, NBC, NYT, WaPo, CNN or anyone else from going over asking these questions, stooge?

Thank God for Tucker for finally doing their jobs!

NOW we will find out the real truth that Biden and his democrat henchmen have bee hiding from us for two years and what Zelenskyy knows about Biden that Joe has been covered up that they impeached a president over to try to hide!!!
If you don't talk to both leaders you will never stop the killing..

If we had a real president instead of a STOOGE in the WH, this war would have BEGUN two years ago with Biden going over there and talking to both sides first to try to broker peace BEFORE launching his war of banking and other sanctions trying to act the tough guy!

What does Ukraine know about Biden that he is so desperate to hide?
Is it possible?

Can a man become a woman or are Trans people just mentally ill?

I'd ask putin that. Bet he says trans are just pervs with mental illness.
the russian leader's opinion on an american culture war issues is kind of low priority to sane people.
I wonder how many Russians have actually been brainwashed? My guess is very, very few. Most have long ago figured out who Putin is and never believed for a second that the murders of civilians in Ukraine are justified, to say nothing of his critics being murdered.

I dunno, man. It's none of my business, really. And I really wish that Dear Leade and company would quit trying to strong arm me at the barrel of a government gun to fund it.

I will say though, that I do listen to and read a lot of commentary/dialogue by just average people in a lot of different countries.

Generally speaking, most average citizens around the world seem to be far more in touch with reality than your average American cable news entertainment consumer. And they express themselves more intelligently, too.

They seem to be more interested in having intelligent, civil, relevant dialogue with one another, for the most part, rather than what we see so often with the back and forth, circus-like dick waving contest observed in the American town square.
Putin is the other half of a war we are funding on both sides... we are sending money and weapons to Ukraine as we are still honoring oil purchase contracts from Russia we made 6 years ago...
If you don't talk to both leaders you will never stop the killing..
What's the message to both?
You dumbass what fucking good would it do to hold that kind of an interview... there is a war going on and frankly the reason it began is foggy at best.. The reasons are not foggy at all, useful idiot.

Getting Putin's mind set is critical in this interview.... people are dying someone needs to find out why... our president doesn't care... fuck he should be talking to Putin... why isn't he?....
Should FDR have sat down with Hitler, useful idiot?
Anyway. Placing the exploding heads and infantile tantrums aside, and as I stated elsewhere around the board regarding the topic, I thought that he explained the conundrum in western media rather well here..
And of course you fell for that horseshit, useful idiot.

Do you think Carlson has the stones to ask the questions in the OP?


The Bait: I'm interviewing Putin because I'm a journalist and it is my job.

The Switch: Please don't cum in my mouth as I suck you off, Pooty!
Okay lets not try and stop the killing... you are right lets keep the babies in basements as the shelling continues... screw you... you can't be serious.... we do business with the worlds most degusting scum and murderers like Xi... you have another reason for hating Putin... its 2016 isn't it?... you fucking make me sick....
And if Xi invades Taiwan, we will make his ass hurt as much as Putin's.

Well, let’s think about this for a second…do you go TO Russia and insult its leader to his face, and expect you’re going to not suffer consequence? Of course he probably won’t ask those questions, because I’m sure he doesn’t have a death wish.
Right. So the only reason Carlson is going is to suck off Putin and give him a platform for his lies and propaganda.
I wonder how many Russians have actually been brainwashed? My guess is very, very few. Most have long ago figured out who Putin is and never believed for a second that the murders of civilians in Ukraine are justified, to say nothing of his critics being murdered.
They are too afraid to speak out after seeing what happens to those who do.

But the day is coming when the mass murderer will be running for his life from the mob. We just need to keep up the pressure.

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