The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

You sound exactly like the limp-wristed commsymp appeasers of the 1970 and 1980s.

When Reagan moved MX missiles into Europe and ramped up our defense posture ("Peace Through Strength"), all your red fellow travelers whined he was going to start WWIII.

What a good little boot-licking simp you are.
Who is that little sucker fish bdtex who is attached to your posts but never posts his own comments?... a boi toy for ya?...
Lefties seem to know a lot about the internal politics in Russia. Have Russian agents been feeding them information? Why in the world waste time dwelling on Tucker's pending interview with Putin while the borders are open and illegal alien gangs are beating up Police Officers in the street? It beats talking about the profound incompetence of the Biden administration?
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...

Why are you so mean to WEF stooges who are looking to take control of Russia?

Why did you help Hillary with the fake Steele Dossier?

Why do you only invade countries when Joe Biden is in the White House?
"Why are you on track to send 500,000 Russian sons home to their mothers in body bags?"
"Why do you steal billions from the Russian people, yearly?"
"Why do you hide your mega yachts and planes throughout the world?"
"What does it feel like to single handedly turn your second world country into a third world country?"
"Is it true you have small hands?"
Well, let’s think about this for a second…do you go TO Russia and insult its leader to his face, and expect you’re going to not suffer consequence? Of course he probably won’t ask those questions, because I’m sure he doesn’t have a death wish.
Which is why he shouldn't be interviewing him at all. He should not be given a forum where his crimes are ignored.
Which is why he shouldn't be interviewing him at all. He should not be given a forum where his crimes are ignored.
There's plenty to talk about on the crimes of America and American presidents since the end of WW2.

This needs to be devoted to exposing the truth on how America (Bidens) worked to start it's proxy war in the Ukraine.

But still, Trump needs to get the balls to own the antiwar movement that is growing in America. Perhaps this interview will give him the courage?

Got IT dumbshit?...
Barbara Walters interviewed Putin when he had been in office only two years, two months after 9/11.

Long before he started invading other countries and committing war crimes.

Got it, dumbass?
Anyway. Placing the exploding heads and infantile tantrums aside, and as I stated elsewhere around the board regarding the topic, I thought that he explained the conundrum in western media rather well here..

Collectively speaking, Americans really have been thoroughly and strategically brainwashed regarding the matter.

Should be an interesting interview.

You're going to watch an American propagandist fired from Fox for being a propagandist interview the propagandist leader of Russia. :rolleyes:

Have at it. You watch your trash TV and expect more propaganda. Putin loves you and would never lie to you, da?

Magaturds are fucking weird, man. :rolleyes:
There's plenty to talk about on the crimes of America and American presidents since the end of WW2.

This needs to be devoted to exposing the truth on how America (Bidens) worked to start it's proxy war in the Ukraine.
I see the far left Blame America First movement has been born again. You have so much in common with the commie sympathizing cowering appeasers of the 70s and 80s!
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...
How do you feel when you’re facing freedom?

How does it feel to be on a site where you can’t shut people off. This ain’t the “defending the truth” forum

Dan rather interviewed saddam hussein ….

Freedom prevails over your anti-free speech
I see the far left Blame America First movement has been born again. You have so much in common with the commie sympathizing cowering appeasers of the 70s and 80s!
Relax, you're slipping into a tantrum over nothing more than Carlson giving Putin a chance to state his case.
Barbara Walters interviewed Putin when he had been in office only two years, two months after 9/11.

Long before he started invading other countries and committing war crimes.

Got it, dumbass?
But that you support Nazism in Ukraine. Like those Canadian abominations giving a standing elevation to a Nazi… what are you arguing for?

The sooner you accept the fact that major countries of the world invade other countries..the better it’s a part of life.

You sound like a Ukrainian stooge for neo Nazism. For corruption.

America has invaded other countries, France has invaded other countries. Russia did not invade us. Russia did not support Iraq 2003.

It’s a disgrace to humanity that we were giving weapons to Ukraine

God bless the Russian people for standing tall in World War II
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