The public has been lied to for 20 years about Afghanistan...every level of government is responsible for the lies


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
20 years of training...only to fall in under 2 weeks?

The American military knew the Afghan army was not READY in ANY WAY from a tactical, strategic, or morale point of view to defend that country from Taliban soldiers.

They LIED, and spent $2 trillion of YOUR money on this senseless stupid war over 20 years.


You useful dipshits who blindly trust the government are LITERALLY retarded. Congrats.

Imagine if we spent that $275 million PER DAY for the past 20 years on CLIMATE CHANGE!!

This question is for the resident communists. What was accomplished in Afghanistan since UBL fled in like 2006?
.....these are very complex -tough-/etc situations/problems/etc ......of course, we should not do nation building/training a nation's defense force- = like the ''''failure''''' in Vietnam ....
.....there's a lot of politics to it
20 years of training...only to fall in under 2 weeks? The American military knew the Afghan army was not READY in ANY WAY from a tactical, strategic, or morale point of view to defend that country from Taliban soldiers.
They LIED, and spent $2 trillion of YOUR money on this senseless stupid war over 20 years. THAT IS $275 MILLION PER DAY, EVERY DAY FOR 20 YEARS. You useful dipshits who blindly trust the government are LITERALLY retarded. Congrats.

I guess the most important point here is that this shows that:
  1. The government has always lied.
  2. They lie about everything.
  3. They lie, cheat, swindle and break the law and only watchdog activity partly keeps them in check.
  4. So they are criminalizing watchdog activity.
  5. They never did give a flying fuck about you or anyone but their own interests.
  6. They are professedly incompetent.
  7. They are professedly wasteful in the extreme.
  8. They take your money and run with it doing stuff you would NEVER agree to them using your money for if they ever told you what they were really going to do.
  9. That's why they hold a gun to your head at tax time. If they were actually doing anything welcome with your money, you'd be GLAD to give it to them!
.....these are very complex -tough-/etc situations/problems/etc ......of course, we should not do nation building/training a nation's defense force- = like the ''''failure''''' in Vietnam ....
.....there's a lot of politics to it
Yep , there is alot of politics in it. We the voters are involved in that process. How many times do we have to fail at nation building before we quit putting up with it? For now on we need to just destroy those who attack us and leave them to clean up the mess or go back to the old way of doing things and give our soldiers land grants in the countries we destroy and just plant our own flag and truly take the place over.
The 275 million is what we spend on the U.S. Military per day anyway. Place the blame for Afghanistan where the blame should be on democrat administrations who screwed up every military conflict since Truman lost control of Korea. Imagine inviting the parents of a traitor who went over to the enemy to the White House. How does that sit with the Military? Old Joe sat on Hussein's lap for eight years and never lifted a finger to deal with Afghanistan. Now he is trying to deal with the Taliban after he quit the effort, from a position of weakness which is typical of democrats from Truman to LBJ.
This question is for the resident communists. What was accomplished in Afghanistan since UBL fled in like 2006?
Another failed US attempt at global dominance accomplished by arming and training right-wing religious bigots in Afghanistan culminating in another 1975 Saigon-level disaster.

After Forty Years of U.S. Destruction of Afghanistan, it’s Time for Reparations –

"The answer begins with U.S. policy since the Second World War, which has been to assert global dominance, especially in the region of the Middle East and Eurasia.

"That is the root of the issue here. A vision articulated by President Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor — it was a big new Brezinski, in his book The Grand Chessboard.

"He called for American global hegemony and the need for American dominance in Eurasia to achieve that.

"The weakening of the Soviet Union was the prime objective and anything that achieved that was justified.

"Including the use of Pakistan to arm rural Afghan Jihadists against the Pro-Soviet government of Afghanistan, in order to induce a Soviet invasion and their own Vietnam-style quagmire."
20 years of training...only to fall in under 2 weeks?

The American military knew the Afghan army was not READY in ANY WAY from a tactical, strategic, or morale point of view to defend that country from Taliban soldiers.

They LIED, and spent $2 trillion of YOUR money on this senseless stupid war over 20 years.


You useful dipshits who blindly trust the government are LITERALLY retarded. Congrats.

Imagine if we spent that $275 million PER DAY for the past 20 years on CLIMATE CHANGE!!

This question is for the resident communists. What was accomplished in Afghanistan since UBL fled in like 2006?
Correct ...

It has always been a money scam. It was never a legitimate effort. The plug needed to be pulled. The stranded? They chose to stay even though they knew it was unwise.


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