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Jan 6, 2007
You really should seek professional help, I assure you they can help you. Relieve the paranoia and help with all the other problems associated with rampant paranoia.

You actually believe the US Government, which could not protect war time written reports, somehow has managed to maintain a secrecy veil over the supposed false flag operation to attack the Pentagon and the World Trade center and done so for 9 years after the attacks, who knows how long before said attacks. With literally hundreds if not thousands of people that would have been required to be in the know, From as low as City personal in New York and Washington DC, County, State and National responders. The people that made an airplane disappear with no one the wiser. Kidnapping and I assume murdering all the passengers and crew on said plane so as to deliver DNA samples to either the crash site with in moments of kidnapping them or to some lab a day or so later. Vanishing the aircraft.

You are delusional. You are paranoid. You need help.
The video left out hypnosis. A glaring omission.

The video left out the fact that the human unconscious has been deeply studied all over the planet for thousands of years and somnambulism used to create dense and durable oral histories as well as sun worships use of the circadian rhythm. The "C" or "CIRCA" at the beginning of old history books first meant "CIRCADIAN", or meaning it came from an oral history. It was shortened to "CIRCA", then just "C".

It left out the facts of somnambulism.

All of these assertions relating to the position I've taken that behavior is the root of all the issues comprising the many problems we might address have real evidence backing them. So I will post that evidence.

Again, it is my assertion that the crusades in essence were designed to make humanity afraid of its unconscious existence. Afraid of even acknowledging it (pay attention sarg). This was done so that elements who use the unconscious for social dominance could do so undetected and continue to gain power forever.

If one thinks about that, it is a logically natural prerogative that might be followed, depending on the instincts, or reactions to fear, generally, of the individuals involved.


Logical inference of BASIS 1 with BASIS 2, is that; suggestion to forget will have a greater effect on memory because of the general "tendency to forget".


Research confirms with observations of behavior consistent with general hyper-amnesia at the top of page 176, the end of a footnote that begins on page 175 stating;

"we find hypnotized people indignantly denying they have been hypnotized."



If the tendency is to forget following hypnosis that induces a trance to the level of somnambulism and suggestion effecting memory is successful then suggestion to forget will be more effective than suggestion to remember.

Another general perspective that is consistent.

What is the correct answer to this question?

Q.What is easier to do than forgetting?

The most correct answer.

A.I don't remember.

Consider, if a child is hypnotized to the level of somnambulism, and inference one is invoked. I feel the logical effect of this would be basically extreme. Or, that person, throughout their life could operate with from an unconscious state when triggered to do so, and not be aware of it ever.

The fact that these pages were all that I could find on hypnosis with children, indicates that psychology considers it a risky subject. Second image, bottom right mentions hypnosis on "Children under five".


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You really should seek professional help, I assure you they can help you. Relieve the paranoia and help with all the other problems associated with rampant paranoia.

paranoia is an unpleasant experience based in fear.. I experience little unpleasantness or fear in my life...

You actually believe the US Government, which could not protect war time written reports, somehow nd the World Trade center and done so for 9 years after the attackshas managed to maintain a secrecy veil over the supposed false flag operation to attack the Pentagon a question...but the links posted were not related to 9?11

, who knows how long before said attacks. With literally hundreds if not thousands of people that would have been required to be in the know
From as low as City personal in New York and Washington DC, County, State and National responders. The people that made an airplane disappear with no one the wiser. Kidnapping and I assume murdering all the passengers and crew on said plane so as to deliver DNA samples to either the crash site with in moments of kidnapping them or to some lab a day or so later. Vanishing the aircraft.

these are your words...

You are delusional. You are paranoid. You need help

sorry my friend that is your gig ..not mine
Good video Eots. It teaches what could be the reason many people have trouble realizing what is going on around them.
It's the Newtonian physics denial that bothers me.

Especially by EXPERTS in our engineering schools.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪1950's Cold War Propaganda - Fallout shelter‬‎[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪1950's Cold War Propaganda - Communist Opinions‬‎[/ame]
Oh. It aint just murkins.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Soviet Propaganda - A Lesson Not Learned, 1971‬‎[/ame]
Humans are the easiest to train of all animals.
You've been told, that is a "good thang".
It's not. Not even close.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪What Hitler Wants - Soviet Propaganda‬‎[/ame]
some people listen to rumors and will believe any wild theory despite facts to the contrary.

some people use logic and follow the facts to lead them to a conclusion.

by the way, anyone find any explosive demolitions yet? didnt think so....
and then the next step would be proving who did it instead of just leaping to the wild conclusion it was the US government. but first things first. still waiting for the proof of explosive demolitions to be found.....

(i wont hold my breathe)

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