The protests have begun in N.Y.!

Pale Rider said:
Boy, you hit the nail on the head there Bon.

Not to mention that n.y.c. is FULL of liberals. About 7 million of them.

There are 8.5 million people in NYC. Of registered voters, between 70-80% call themselves liberal. The registered voters in New York are about 70% of the population. 70% of of 8.5 is 5.95 million. 75 of 5.95 million is about 4.6 million liberals.

Pale Rider: Conservatives on this board make plenty of their own jokes and derisions. Look at OCA, for an excellent example. Who HASN'T called Kerry a Frenchman on this board? Anyway, don't call me a faggot, it's not nice.
I'm not going to get into anyone's battles here, I just wanted to point out that there WERE protesters at the DNC. Not as big a number, and they didn't get the publicity these at the RNC are getting, but they were there.

One group inparticular was a Vietnam Veterans group. Their greatest show of aggression was chewing gum and spitting it on a picture of John Kerry, not throwing cans at police. They stayed long enough to have their voices heard, then moved on. The protests were much more controlled and less aggressive than that of the loving, caring liberals supporting the party of inclusion.
Jimmyeatworld said:
I'm not going to get into anyone's battles here, I just wanted to point out that there WERE protesters at the DNC. Not as big a number, and they didn't get the publicity these at the RNC are getting, but they were there.

One group inparticular was a Vietnam Veterans group. Their greatest show of aggression was chewing gum and spitting it on a picture of John Kerry, not throwing cans at police. They stayed long enough to have their voices heard, then moved on. The protests were much more controlled and less aggressive than that of the loving, caring liberals supporting the party of inclusion.

Im actually rather glad the protestors at the DNC didnt get publicity. It would have drawn more attention to the DNC. I think the protestors at the RNC are going to be startled to find out they got more people watching the convention and more confident about reelecting President Bush. Ultimately i think this is going to turn into another well stone memorial for them.
spillmind said:
and you'll find yourself the ONLY one saying that. start with the first sentence that i wrote:

'bushies don't like the 100,000+' unless you are living in an alternate universe, how are you going to say this is a LIE? :cuckoo: damned propaganda pushers. i'd swear, some bushies just think that the largest convention protest EVER is just another liberal media plot! :bang3: i swear, sometimes, it amazes me.

What I meant by truth is that the accusations posed by the aforementioned protestors have no merit.

:cuckoo: back up there, buckaroo. it *will* mean that there is new leadership, and a possible agreement has a much better chance of occuring, considering the past four years of 'relations' with NK, for example.

so NK is behaving this way out of spite. Very mature of them.

:bang3: i am going to have to do this each time i post to keep me going. the reason we enjoyed the boom in the 90s was because~!

reagan raised taxes.

shrub sr. raised taxes (after he said he wouldn't).

clinton raised taxes.

you don't have to be an economist to realise that putting the country into the black is going to be good times for the citizenss. let me guess, another LIBERAL PLOT TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY, RIGHT? sheesh.

Keep telling yourself that. I will ask you again. Do you actually think the gov't raises taxes to spend less money and thus actually decrease our debt?

As far as plots go you may not be far off. Once people in this country start putting confidence in themselves and realize they can do most things on their own if they work at it, they will no longer need the help of the gov't or more to the point liberals. Such an attitude change would also lessen our tax burden.

um... where did i say 'bush lied' about iraq? you could have been referring to someone else? posters on this board has successfully spun the massive intel failure off on a secondary ally, whom our troops outnumber their committment by a large margin. bush loves to talk about how great the war in iraq is going, like today: 'a catastrophic success'. :laugh:
i wish this was all some bad dream. i wish that this current president had not gone about spending our young lives and 100 billion+ and counting dollars on this 'war in iraq', when things are not taken care of at home, or in countries where people are currently being massacred.
welcome to the world of difficult decisions. We would never help out any country if we were to focus all our resources on ourselves. Unless you want us to become isolationist. As far deciding to involve ourselves with country A instead of country B, how is one supposed to decide one over the other. I know there are atrocious things happening in many countries on the other hand you have Hussein who ignored 12 resolution from the toothless tiger.

bush pushed the war like we were staring into the face of a real nuclear threat, and so far, our puppet government has failed in even coming close to stabilize the region.

Take a history lesson. We are about as close to stabilizing Iraq as we were in stabalizing Germany after the same amount of time after WWII. These things don't happen overnight. it was 8 yrs before Germany was completely on it's own.

without arab nations, we have no hope in iraq. without CHANGE, we have no chance of the considerations ever coming to pass. (maybe another four years?) what has to happen before you finally realize that we cannot impose our culture right smack dab in the middle of a (now) warzone?

Your not gonna find much argument that change for the better in the Middle East will be difficult. So how do you go about it. Do you try to convince other countries through talks that Democracy can work for them and hope they give it a try and just maybe spreads to the more unstable coutries in the region? or Do you get rid of the most unstable part of the equation first and change it into an example of what the rest of the region can be like? Plenty of good things are happening for the people of Iraq(God forbid the media report any of it) People are startinng their own business' right and left. Thousands of schools are being built and power and water being delivered to people that have never had it.

CHANGE is happening. The increase in attacks is proof of that becasue they are coming from groups that are afraid or stand to lose from freedom. Have not noticed that most attacks in recent months haven't even been focused on US forces. The attacks or focused on anyone that benefits from freedom.

gee. how about iran? how about syria? how about egypt? how about SAUDI ARABIA? why don't we impose democracy on them?

why not Iraq?

there is no way for you to KNOW that given the current course. i guess you'd forgotten how bush's demeanor was when he first took office? it was brash, shoot from the hip, and it largely alienated other countries. we broke contracts, treaties, and offered NO REPLACEMENTS! if you stay with bush, watch NK become a huge issue, and possibly a crisis that REALLY PUTS US AT RISK OF A NUCLEAR ATTACK. let me guess, you could care less about the western US?
we need change. the current route has not been impressive.

again that would mean NK is developing Nukes simply out of spite. You think the leadership of one country is suddenly going to change paths in nuclear developement because Kerry is more passive? Dream on.

'That's not just economic theory. The numbers in the real world support this view. Between 1991 and 2001, wrote Haveman and Shatz, U.S. firms that expanded their employment abroad also increased their domestic employment by 5.5 million workers. Their share of overall U.S. employment also increased during this period.'

big whup. that doesn't mean jack. what DOES mean jack are all my friends whose companies have laid them off, tons of IT jobs GONE, never to return, because in india, they have better education, and they pay a lot less, and work longer hours! it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know where to set up shop! great job avoiding the stem cell issue. you think bush is investing in our future? THINK AGAIN!

Economic theory should also tell you that we will always have layoffs. Even among your friends and even during times of prosperity. You seem to be saying all the job growth in the world is meaningless if one of those jobs doesn't go to whoever you happen to know. WOW, what failure Bush because he wasn't able to make some company give your pal a job. NEWS FLASH. A job is not your friends God given right. And God forbid you think outside the box and go into business for yourself. Successful people make things happen for themselves instead of waiting for things to happen to them.
musicman said:
Ah, yes - the economic boom of the nineties.

During his 1992 presidential campaign, one of Clinton's political ads promised, "The rich will be asked to pay their fair share of taxes. The rest of us get a break". "Break it off" was more like it. Imagine America's shock when they learned that a family of four, making $28,000 a year, was considered "rich". Slick Willie signed into law the largest tax increase in America's history, and the voters were not amused.

When Republican congressional candidates presented the Contract with America, voters responded by sweeping congress clean, giving Republicans a majority for the first time in 60 years. Bill Clinton was staring into his own political grave. He did what any self-respecting, soulless reprobate would do - he adopted the principles of the Republican revolution as his own, giving himself full credit for the resulting sustained economic boom.

No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.

WRONG. for one, the reason repubs took control in 2002 was because of the WAR in iraq, and the post 9/11 paranoia. and big ups to the bush team for EXPLOTING THE CRAP OUT OF 9/11 like they still do today. instead of saying, hey, we have a lot lot of enemies, because of x.y and z, but look what we've done, the bush camp continues to shamelessly use 9/11 as their backdrop pushing a false sense of security, and moreover, trying to distract from a war with no exit stradegy, job growth nil, and innovation crippled.

we taxed ourselves OUT OF DEBT, which somehow, COINCIDENTALLY, MIRACULOUSLY gave us the boom of the 90s.
theim said:
Guys, the reason the RNC draws crowds of protesters and the DNC did not is very simple.

Bush did alot of huge things during his term in the presidency. He freed two nations from dictatorial regimes. He passed several peices of important legislation. Some of these drew the ire of people on the left who did NOT favor two more free nations. So they come out in force to protest.

Now John Kerry, in his 20 years in the Senate, has done pretty close to nothing. There is a reason that when he gave his speach at the DNC he barely talked his Senate Record. He has taken both sides of nearly every issue. So what are conservatives gonna protest? Are people gonna go out and chant "Down with Kerry! No More...Uh...Um...Er... psst -- what the hell did that guy support again?"

um... there were tons of protestors because he was a 'liberator', and passed incredible legislation like the PATRIOT ACT? where the HELL have i been?!!! :duh3:

you want to talk about track records, let's talk failed business after another, DUI getting, and substance abuse? nuff said.
Bonnie said:
Also a lot the anarchist protestors actually get paid by the DNC to protest, they don't have real jobs to go to so this is their career. Plus they get college credits for it :trolls:

Most republicans don't have the time to protest because they work, and raise families, etc so they do their part in the voting booth. Plus a lot of Republicans and mainstream Dems are happy well adjusted people who just want to do their job, get home at the end of the day and are just not angry and pissed off all the time at nothing like the wacko demonstrators. :trolls:

you have a link to prove your PROPAGANDA? no, because you are a flat out LIAR. let's leave it at that.

yeah, we don't have lives over here like you 'regular' people, but we pony up when it comes time to pay the piper, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE. what a load of :bs1:
Jimmyeatworld said:
I'm not going to get into anyone's battles here, I just wanted to point out that there WERE protesters at the DNC. Not as big a number, and they didn't get the publicity these at the RNC are getting, but they were there.

One group inparticular was a Vietnam Veterans group. Their greatest show of aggression was chewing gum and spitting it on a picture of John Kerry, not throwing cans at police. They stayed long enough to have their voices heard, then moved on. The protests were much more controlled and less aggressive than that of the loving, caring liberals supporting the party of inclusion.

:laugh: no disrespect to the vets, i personally feel kerry can relate just a bit more than bush can to all of them, and you all know why.

but being 'controlled' and 'less aggressive' is a lot easier when you compare 1,000s to 100,000s. but don't mind me. don't pay any attention to the man behind the tinfoil. :tinfoil:
spillmind said:
:laugh: no disrespect to the vets, i personally feel kerry can relate just a bit more than bush can to all of them, and you all know why.

but being 'controlled' and 'less aggressive' is a lot easier when you compare 1,000s to 100,000s. but don't mind me. don't pay any attention to the man behind the tinfoil. :tinfoil:

I don't think there's much reason to repeat what Kerry did when he came back from getting all that knowledge to relate to vets, is there?

True enough about the numbers. I suppose considering how many there were, it was actually pretty quiet. Could have really gotten bad.
bern80 said:
What I meant by truth is that the accusations posed by the aforementioned protestors have no merit

that's a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE than 'there is not one grain of truth in anything he just said.' damn flip-flopping PROPAGANDA PUSHERS. you slandered me and you were WRONG about it!

so NK is behaving this way out of spite. Very mature of them.
this ain't no maturity game! it's the war on terror! right? :laugh: it's all for global power and leverage, not acting 'grown up' :laugh:

Keep telling yourself that. I will ask you again. Do you actually think the gov't raises taxes to spend less money and thus actually decrease our debt?

As far as plots go you may not be far off. Once people in this country start putting confidence in themselves and realize they can do most things on their own if they work at it, they will no longer need the help of the gov't or more to the point liberals. Such an attitude change would also lessen our tax burden.
:wtf: :tinfoil: you want to earn the respect of everyone on this board and not because they have a heavy partisan bias? explain to us exactly why and how we actually posted a surplus, NOT A DEFICIT in the 90s? i'd really be anxious to hear that one!

welcome to the world of difficult decisions. We would never help out any country if we were to focus all our resources on ourselves. Unless you want us to become isolationist. As far deciding to involve ourselves with country A instead of country B, how is one supposed to decide one over the other. I know there are atrocious things happening in many countries on the other hand you have Hussein who ignored 12 resolution from the toothless tiger.
you know, the tangets have once again gotten out of hand, and i am not absolved of guilt by any means.


we spent 100+ BILLION DOLLARS ON THE WAR IN IRAQ. WE WILL CONTINUE TO PAY BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS until the american people will finally wake up and realise they don't have to live in fear of constant 'terror', and they CAN DO THE RIGHT THING, in say, SUDAN? how many BILLIONS do you think it would take to keep the HUNDREDS DYING EVERYDAY from dying? remember, that's 100,000,000,000.00 dollars, and i am being incredibly conservative on that number. the real number is i sure as hell could use some of that money. and some people would sure like to have their friends and family back, too. we didn't HAVE to go war iraq. doing so was a BAD BUSINESS move no matter how you slice it, and it's what bush does best (or worst) AND GUESS WHAT, BUB, *YOU* ARE ALSO PAYING FOR IT!

Take a history lesson. We are about as close to stabilizing Iraq as we were in stabalizing Germany after the same amount of time after WWII. These things don't happen overnight. it was 8 yrs before Germany was completely on it's own.
:laugh: great stuff, man! and be sure to tell us all about the 'history' of iraq, including the thousands of years of war in that region.

spillmind said:
how about SAUDI ARABIA? why don't we impose democracy on them?
answer the question, please.

bern80 said:
Economic theory should also tell you that we will always have layoffs. Even among your friends and even during times of prosperity. You seem to be saying all the job growth in the world is meaningless if one of those jobs doesn't go to whoever you happen to know. WOW, what failure Bush because he wasn't able to make some company give your pal a job. NEWS FLASH. A job is not your friends God given right. And God forbid you think outside the box and go into business for yourself. Successful people make things happen for themselves instead of waiting for things to happen to them.
are you the kind of guy who reminds people who lost their job that they should have worked harder? what a nice guy! fact is, CEOs and the big guys are getting bigger, and guys like you and me are getting smaller. and that's not what THE AMERICA I KNOW is all about.
spillmind said:
WRONG. for one, the reason repubs took control in 2002 was because of the WAR in iraq, and the post 9/11 paranoia. and big ups to the bush team for EXPLOTING THE CRAP OUT OF 9/11 like they still do today. instead of saying, hey, we have a lot lot of enemies, because of x.y and z, but look what we've done, the bush camp continues to shamelessly use 9/11 as their backdrop pushing a false sense of security, and moreover, trying to distract from a war with no exit stradegy, job growth nil, and innovation crippled.

we taxed ourselves OUT OF DEBT, which somehow, COINCIDENTALLY, MIRACULOUSLY gave us the boom of the 90s.

Did you read my post at all?
Jimmyeatworld said:
I don't think there's much reason to repeat what Kerry did when he came back from getting all that knowledge to relate to vets, is there?
um... do you remember the My Lai Massacre? i guess there is no sense in repeating that, now is there? :read:

True enough about the numbers. I suppose considering how many there were, it was actually pretty quiet. Could have really gotten bad.
the people were really trying to drive home a point that the country is in the shitter. unemployed and uninsured are on the rise, and money keeps pumping into a neverending put in iraq. there are many other reasons, but to keep it so large and still pretty mellow overall should tell you that these people are really serious. and *that* is the america that i love! :usa:
musicman said:
Slick Willie signed into law the largest tax increase in America's history, and the voters were not amused.

When Republican congressional candidates presented the Contract with America, voters responded by sweeping congress clean, giving Republicans a majority for the first time in 60 years.
yeah, i read it, and i sure as heck have a hard time of connecting the dots like you are trying to do. ok, humor me- in which year did congress and the house reach a republican majority?
Jimmyeatworld said: you remember the line "I am not here as John Kerry"? Maybe it is worth repeating
sure! apparently you seem to forget that this kind of thing WAS HAPPENING... want details?

or how about

for the GRUESOME DETAILS. if you don't protest this kind of behaviour, what WOULD you protest? anything? saddam murdering his own people? oh... but um... wait.

or how about what kerry said at the end?

Concluding his formal statement, Kerry commented about administration attempts to disown veterans and looked forward thirty years (to 2001) when the nation could look back proudly to a time when it turned from this war and the hate and fears driving us in Vietnam.
geez, what a sick bastard!
spillmind said:
yeah, the voters really 'swept' clinton right back into office two years later! call it a short attention span.

And, speaking of short attention spans, now - I guess I should have been more specific: Did you read ALL of my post?

Bill Clinton was staring into his own political grave. He did what any self-respecting, soulless reprobate would do. He adopted the principles of the Republican revolution (smaller government, lower taxes) as his own - giving himself full credit for the resulting sustained economic boom.

Even the overbloated shitsack Michael Moore calls Bill Clinton "the best Republican president we ever had".
spillmind said:
sure! apparently you seem to forget that this kind of thing WAS HAPPENING... want details?

or how about

for the GRUESOME DETAILS. if you don't protest this kind of behaviour, what WOULD you protest? anything? saddam murdering his own people? oh... but um... wait.

or how about what kerry said at the end?

geez, what a sick bastard!

Yeah. What a sick bastard to make it sound like every soldier was over there was committing war crimes when that is far from the truth. As far as his little political statement at the end, what about it? If he was concerned about the way soldiers were going to be treated, why did he say that shit and make it sound like everyone over there was committing war crimes? Speaking of thirty years later, it wasn't much longer than that when he started back peddling on what he said. As time passes, more and more of John Kerry's stories from the time hold less and less water.

Simply put, he's a piece of shit.
What bothers me most about Sen. Kerry's statements about his war experiences is that I hear him saying "I was a hero over there and everyone else was a war criminal." I find it awful hard to get past that.

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