The Progressive Socialist Democrats Do Not Care About the American People


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Progressive Socialist Democrats
Do Not Care About the
American People

The Progressive Socialist Democrats Do Not Care About the American People « Intellectual Conservative
The progressive socialist Pelosi and her anti-American comrades are a pathetic reminder of what this country is becoming. Crying Chuck and his flunkies on the Capitol Steps carrying pictures of those furloughed workers was a circus act meant to put forth two messages. That these poor downtrodden workers are not getting paid and were a disgusting middle finger to the Angels moms who the day before had carried pictures of their loved ones killed by the very same illegal immigrants they represent to the offices of both Schumer and Pelosi. Both refused to see them and like cowards that they are hiding behind the walls of their offices to escape. The politicians of this country know that the campaign donations they receive from open borders advocates from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to George Soros are needed to retain the positions they have and it is profitable for them to ignore the damage being done to our country. Besides, they need those “donations”. How else can they spend 30 years n Congress and retire as millionaires without money from corporations and insider trading?... They do not feel the need to answer for the decisions that they and others on both sides have made that has brought this debacle to this point over the past 30 years. They refuse to explain how the immigration laws made over the past decade including the ridiculous Flores decision has helped in defining the immigration laws that make us a country. The excuse they always give and which causes most Americans to repel from them was started by their Messiah- “This isn’t who we are as a country.” And that’s right I must admit. Ignoring our laws allowing open borders to let everyone and anyone to enter our country is NOT who we are as a country.... These are the same people who turned down a proposal by President Trump to triple the size of the Dreamers to become citizens and the progressive socialists refused to even discuss it. Why? Because it had money for the wall, something the leftists cannot allow our country to bid because they refuse to give President Trump what he wants and promised to the patriots of this country.... The rapes and murders brought to our country by the progressive socialists that do not care for its own citizens will cease one way or another.... It is time to admit that the moral cretins that inhabit the liberal media are lying to us. Jim Acosta and Don Lemon can spew their venom at us, at our President, and at the culture of our country, but we know better and will fight back against the lies and deceptions that are passing to our children and low information voters within our midst. The rapes and murders brought to our country by the progressive socialists that do not care for its own citizens will cease one way or another.

For that reason alone, Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats must never be allowed to get control of this Country.
Please consider the following. PMS Democratic rhetoric “every vote counts” aside, I think that the only Democratic vote that counts in Congress is Pelosi’s.
However It can also be argued that Chuckie Schumer’s vote is the only Democratic vote in Senate that counts. But every time I see Pelosi and Schumer together, Pelosi seems to be doing most of the talking.


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