The problem of Democrats is incompetence, plain and simple...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...they are the party of big government, but Republicans are more competent to run the government than Democrats are.

All the competent Democrats left the party during the 1980's.

So, all the problems in states and cities run by Democrats are competence issues: high crime, high homelessness, corruption, forest fires, unaffordable housing, etc.

New York used to be a cesspool, but Republican mayors cleaned it up.

A Republican mayor cleaned up Los Angeles, I was there when it happened.
It's true...

Many Liberals (and therefore many Democrats) can't find their own backsides with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors...

The trouble for you is that many Conservatives (and therefore many Republicans) can rival those claims when they hold power for too long...

IMHO, the Republicans' biggest single "blind spot" is political "optics" - how their greed and scheming play-out amongst the voting public.
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...they are the party of big government, but Republicans are more competent to run the government than Democrats are.

All the competent Democrats left the party during the 1980's.

So, all the problems in states and cities run by Democrats are competence issues: high crime, high homelessness, corruption, forest fires, unaffordable housing, etc.

New York used to be a cesspool, but Republican mayors cleaned it up.

A Republican mayor cleaned up Los Angeles, I was there when it happened.

Uhh...yeah about that...Remind me again, which party has been primarily responsible for blowing up our budget deficit (Reagan, GW, Trump).
All the while providing generous tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy?

Last I looked, red states took more than they gave. So there goes that argument.

All the problems you state here come as a result of four decades of largely conservative policy failures.
Except forest fires....Now we're blaming forest fires on Democrats? LOL.
That's one one of their problems.

Demonrats are corrupt to the bone, their corruption is legendary, and I think that's one problem.

Also it has to be said that their values are becoming more and more Anti American.

Like the President said: America will never become a socialist country.
Republicans only care about profit before people. Democrats care about humans and the ability to have a long and healthy life. To me I have never trusted a con as their name says it all, A con.
Dims were respectable at one time.... LBJ started the downhill slide and they've become the cult of the substandard, defective domestic terrorists. They truly are the enemy of the State. We need a 2-party system, but the Shitstain Dim party does not need to be one of them.
Dims were respectable at one time.... LBJ started the downhill slide and they've become the cult of the substandard, defective domestic terrorists. They truly are the enemy of the State. We need a 2-party system, but the Shitstain Dim party does not need to be one of them.

I know

JFK was the last real Democrat President.
Dims were respectable at one time.... LBJ started the downhill slide and they've become the cult of the substandard, defective domestic terrorists. They truly are the enemy of the State. We need a 2-party system, but the Shitstain Dim party does not need to be one of them.

While both parties have their issues, I'll take the Democrats over the absolute hot mess that the Republican party has become. While Democrats may be all too willing and ready to spend without being able to pay for it, the Republicans will do the same..cubed...and then stick my children and grandchildren with the bill. At least I can say to them that Democrats seem to care about people, their economic well-being, their environment, and their future....while Republicans care about giving tax breaks to their buddies, rolling back every protection for the worker and environment (again in favor of their buddies)...and who cares about the future...we won't be here...we have ours, the hell with the future.

Oh and by the way (fun fact), "Enemy of the State" was only one of two movies I actually fell asleep in the movie theater for. :)
If Democrats care about people, why don't we talk about black people. What the hell have Democrats done for them?

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