The privilege of being sexually assaulted at Tufts


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
Campus Rape: Tufts University Kicked Out Student After Assault - The Root

Top University Kicked Out Student After She Was Raped

This isn't at all surprising.
...George Will's Washington Post editorial in which he decried the Obama administration's focus on campus sexual assault and suggested that being a survivor of sexual assault has become "coveted status that confers privileges."

Geroge Will's attitude is unfortunately, fairly common. He wishes victims of sexual assault would just shut up and go away. People who think like that sit on University boards, in Congress, work as policemen, and post on USMessageBoard. Most of them are probably guilty of some sexual crime in the past.
Campus Rape: Tufts University Kicked Out Student After Assault - The Root

Top University Kicked Out Student After She Was Raped
This isn't at all surprising.
...George Will's Washington Post editorial in which he decried the Obama administration's focus on campus sexual assault and suggested that being a survivor of sexual assault has become "coveted status that confers privileges."
Geroge Will's attitude is unfortunately, fairly common. He wishes victims of sexual assault would just shut up and go away. People who think like that sit on University boards, in Congress, work as policemen, and post on USMessageBoard. Most of them are probably guilty of some sexual crime in the past.

Oh boy, the idiot is back.

George Will actually responded to the idiots, like you, that can't understand English. Or Math.

n and Casey: I have received your letter of June 12, and I am puzzled. You say my statistics “fly in the face of everything we know about this issue.” You do not mention which statistics, but those I used come from the Obama administration, and from simple arithmetic involving publicly available reports on campus sexual assaults.
The administration asserts that only 12 percent of college sexual assaults are reported. Note well: I did not question this statistic. Rather, I used it.
I cited one of the calculations based on it that Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute has performed {link}. So, I think your complaint is with the conclusion that arithmetic dictates, based on the administration’s statistic. The inescapable conclusion is that another administration statistic that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college is insupportable and might call for tempering your rhetoric about “the scourge of sexual assault.”
As for what you call my “ancient beliefs,” which you think derive from an “antiquated” and “counterintuitive” culture, allow me to tell you something really counterintuitive: I think I take sexual assault much more seriously than you do. Which is why I worry about definitions of that category of crime that might, by their breadth, tend to trivialize it. And why I think sexual assault is a felony that should be dealt with by the criminal justice system, and not be adjudicated by improvised campus processes.

George Will responds to senators on his sexual assault column - The Washington Post

Unfortunately, since your brain is crowded with nonsense fed to it by other idiots, you will never be able to see the truth, but thanks for coming back so I can get some more laughs at the stupidity of people who pretend they can think.
The administration asserts that only 12 percent of college sexual assaults are reported.

Actually that number comes from a survey done under Bush in 2007. But hey, I know George Will told you otherwise, so go with that.

Note well: I did not question this statistic. Rather, I used it.
I cited one of the calculations based on it that Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute has performed {link}. So, I think your complaint is with the conclusion that arithmetic dictates, based on the administration’s statistic. The inescapable conclusion is that another administration statistic that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college is insupportable and might call for tempering your rhetoric about “the scourge of sexual assault.”

There's a lot of presumptions here. Will presumes the 12% number is correct. He also presumes that every time a girl reports a sexual assault to any law enforcement agency, they faithfully record it as a report of sexual assault. The 20% and 12% figures come from interviews of actual girls in college. Will is pretty much accusing the interviewees of either lying about being assaulted or lying about reporting the assault - while presuming the law enforcement agencies are 100% correct.

That's a lot of assumptions to make but whatever Will needs to assume to promote his hatred of women is fine with him I'm sure.
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The administration asserts that only 12 percent of college sexual assaults are reported.

Actually that number comes from a survey done under Bush in 2007. But hey, I know George Will told you otherwise, so go with that.

It is still being used by Obama. If he thinks the numbers are wrong, he is free to conduct another survey and come up with new numbers.

But, hey, you got to blame Bush, so I know you think you did good.

Note well: I did not question this statistic. Rather, I used it.
I cited one of the calculations based on it that Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute has performed {link}. So, I think your complaint is with the conclusion that arithmetic dictates, based on the administration’s statistic. The inescapable conclusion is that another administration statistic that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college is insupportable and might call for tempering your rhetoric about “the scourge of sexual assault.”
There's a lot of presumptions here. Will presumes the 12% number is correct. He also presumes that every time a girl reports a sexual assault to any law enforcement agency, they faithfully record it as a report of sexual assault. The 20% and 12% figures come from interviews of actual girls in college. Will is pretty much accusing the interviewees of either lying about being assaulted or lying about reporting the assault - while presuming the law enforcement agencies are 100% correct.

That's a lot of assumptions to make but whatever Will needs to assume to promote his hatred of women is fine with him I'm sure.

Actually, that is not what he is doing, oh he who can't understand math despite claiming to be an astronomer. He is pointing out that the two statistics sited by the administration contradict each other. In other words, he is pointing out that the numbers are wrong, something even you can understand. That is a direct challenge to the people putting out those numbers, and reflects exactly zero on the claims of women who were interviewed by anyone. If you have a problem with the discrepancy you should take it up with the source, which happens to be the government, not George Will.

On the other hand, you got to blame another George for your problems, so that's two in one post, hope that must make you feel smart because that is as good as it gets.
The administration asserts that only 12 percent of college sexual assaults are reported.

Actually that number comes from a survey done under Bush in 2007. But hey, I know George Will told you otherwise, so go with that.

It is still being used by Obama. If he thinks the numbers are wrong, he is free to conduct another survey and come up with new numbers.

Why would he think the numbers are "wrong" ? They are compiled from interviews of the same set of women. Unless there is some massive conspiracy amongst college women to make men look evil (which I'm sure is what George Will and probably even you actually think).

So, outside of conspiracy theories, all Georgie has done is to illuminate a problem with police departments. If ~4% of assaults actually show up in local PD statistics, but 12% are actually being reported - that means about 2/3 of all reported sexual assaults don't even wind up going into the stastics the police compile.

My degree is in physics, not astronomy.
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Campus Rape: Tufts University Kicked Out Student After Assault - The Root

Top University Kicked Out Student After She Was Raped

This isn't at all surprising.
...George Will's Washington Post editorial in which he decried the Obama administration's focus on campus sexual assault and suggested that being a survivor of sexual assault has become "coveted status that confers privileges."

Geroge Will's attitude is unfortunately, fairly common. He wishes victims of sexual assault would just shut up and go away. People who think like that sit on University boards, in Congress, work as policemen, and post on USMessageBoard. Most of them are probably guilty of some sexual crime in the past.

Welcome back you fucking retard.

There is a difference between actual sexual assault and rape and what is being CALLED sexual assault and rape on campuses in the US. The line is being moved to call a drunken hookup between two willing (if inebriated) individuals an assault if afterwards the female regrets what happens.
Actually that number comes from a survey done under Bush in 2007. But hey, I know George Will told you otherwise, so go with that.

It is still being used by Obama. If he thinks the numbers are wrong, he is free to conduct another survey and come up with new numbers.

Why would he think the numbers are "wrong" ? They are compiled from interviews of the same set of women. Unless there is some massive conspiracy amongst college women to make men look evil (which I'm sure is what George Will and probably even you actually think).

So, outside of conspiracy theories, all Georgie has done is to illuminate a problem with police departments. If ~4% of assaults actually show up in local PD statistics, but 12% are actually being reported - that means about 2/3 of all reported sexual assaults don't even wind up going into the stastics the police compile.

My degree is in physics, not astronomy.

Because they a re wrong, do the math. The two sets of numbers prove that someone is lying, and they are both quoted by the idiots, like you, that insist that they prove there is a massive problem.
Campus Rape: Tufts University Kicked Out Student After Assault - The Root

Top University Kicked Out Student After She Was Raped

This isn't at all surprising.
...George Will's Washington Post editorial in which he decried the Obama administration's focus on campus sexual assault and suggested that being a survivor of sexual assault has become "coveted status that confers privileges."

Geroge Will's attitude is unfortunately, fairly common. He wishes victims of sexual assault would just shut up and go away. People who think like that sit on University boards, in Congress, work as policemen, and post on USMessageBoard. Most of them are probably guilty of some sexual crime in the past.

Welcome back you fucking retard.

There is a difference between actual sexual assault and rape and what is being CALLED sexual assault and rape on campuses in the US. The line is being moved to call a drunken hookup between two willing (if inebriated) individuals an assault if afterwards the female regrets what happens.


So all these women actually had willing sex - then had regrets, and decided to lie on a survey as a result. 88% of them didn't even report it - they just figured lying about it on an anonymous survey that no law enforcement officer would ever see would be a great way to get their ex in trouble!

That makes sense.

To a misogynist I guess.

Thousands of women.

All conspiring.... to what exactly?
It is still being used by Obama. If he thinks the numbers are wrong, he is free to conduct another survey and come up with new numbers.

Why would he think the numbers are "wrong" ? They are compiled from interviews of the same set of women. Unless there is some massive conspiracy amongst college women to make men look evil (which I'm sure is what George Will and probably even you actually think).

So, outside of conspiracy theories, all Georgie has done is to illuminate a problem with police departments. If ~4% of assaults actually show up in local PD statistics, but 12% are actually being reported - that means about 2/3 of all reported sexual assaults don't even wind up going into the stastics the police compile.

My degree is in physics, not astronomy.

Because they a re wrong, do the math. The two sets of numbers prove that someone is lying, and they are both quoted by the idiots, like you, that insist that they prove there is a massive problem.

George Will isn't using the same statistics. The figure of 98 assaults at OSU includes only assaults on campus or in buildings adjacent to campus. Doesn't include off campus assaults, which account for the majority of sexual assaults of women enrolled in college.

So you see - you've been duped. You didn't bother to do your homework.
Why would he think the numbers are "wrong" ? They are compiled from interviews of the same set of women. Unless there is some massive conspiracy amongst college women to make men look evil (which I'm sure is what George Will and probably even you actually think).

So, outside of conspiracy theories, all Georgie has done is to illuminate a problem with police departments. If ~4% of assaults actually show up in local PD statistics, but 12% are actually being reported - that means about 2/3 of all reported sexual assaults don't even wind up going into the stastics the police compile.

My degree is in physics, not astronomy.

Because they a re wrong, do the math. The two sets of numbers prove that someone is lying, and they are both quoted by the idiots, like you, that insist that they prove there is a massive problem.

George Will isn't using the same statistics. The figure of 98 assaults at OSU includes only assaults on campus or in buildings adjacent to campus. Doesn't include off campus assaults, which account for the majority of sexual assaults of women enrolled in college.

So you see - you've been duped. You didn't bother to do your homework.

He is using the statistics that Biden routinely quotes, if they are wrong take it up with the idiot who is spouting them, not the guy who is pointing out they are wrong.

Am I going to have to walk you through basic math again? Didn't you learn your lesson last time?

Never mind, I will simply link you to George's original column and challenge you to find out what he got wrong about the math, if you can actually do math. I still remember when you told everyone that they couldn't provide any evidence that the Earth is round that you couldn't find an alternative explanation for, remember how that worked out after my post?

While you are at it, you can explain exactly what it is about his column that is actually unfortunate since you don't like it.

The administration’s crucial and contradictory statistics are validated the usual way, by official repetition; Joe Biden has been heard from. The statistics are: One in five women is sexually assaulted while in college, and only 12 percent of assaults are reported. Simple arithmetic demonstrates that if the 12 percent reporting rate is correct, the 20 percent assault rate is preposterous. Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute notes, for example, that in the four years 2009 to 2012 there were 98 reported sexual assaults at Ohio State. That would be 12 percent of 817 total out of a female student population of approximately 28,000, for a sexual assault rate of approximately 2.9 percent — too high but nowhere near 20 percent.
Education Department lawyers disregard pesky arithmetic and elementary due process. Threatening to withdraw federal funding, the department mandates adoption of a minimal “preponderance of the evidence” standard when adjudicating sexual assault charges between males and the female “survivors” — note the language of prejudgment. Combine this with capacious definitions of sexual assault that can include not only forcible sexual penetration but also nonconsensual touching. Then add the doctrine that the consent of a female who has been drinking might not protect a male from being found guilty of rape. Then comes costly litigation against institutions that have denied due process to males they accuse of what society considers serious felonies.
George Will: Colleges become the victims of progressivism - The Washington Post
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How odd that nobody in this entire thread has commented on the article that is the subject of the thread.

I had seen that article before about the young woman who was."...repeatedly assaulted by a fellow student she was in a relationship with,' and later asked to leave Tufts.

The article is a goldmine for commentary and debate. Someone should start a thread about it.
Why the hell is this thread in "Race Relations"?

Was she on the track team?

Did they throw her out of school because she was a woman of color? Nothing indicates that.
Campus Rape: Tufts University Kicked Out Student After Assault - The Root

This isn't at all surprising.

Geroge Will's attitude is unfortunately, fairly common. He wishes victims of sexual assault would just shut up and go away. People who think like that sit on University boards, in Congress, work as policemen, and post on USMessageBoard. Most of them are probably guilty of some sexual crime in the past.

Welcome back you fucking retard.

There is a difference between actual sexual assault and rape and what is being CALLED sexual assault and rape on campuses in the US. The line is being moved to call a drunken hookup between two willing (if inebriated) individuals an assault if afterwards the female regrets what happens.


So all these women actually had willing sex - then had regrets, and decided to lie on a survey as a result. 88% of them didn't even report it - they just figured lying about it on an anonymous survey that no law enforcement officer would ever see would be a great way to get their ex in trouble!

That makes sense.

To a misogynist I guess.

Thousands of women.

All conspiring.... to what exactly?

Argumentum ad abusrdum. Its not all of them. But in the cases being challenged by the males that involve alcohol its clears the schools expect men to be 100% liable for their actions, even when drunk, and women 0% liable. Even if BOTH consent when inebriated, they allow the women to recant and place the blame on the guy.

Actual rapes and assaults need to be handled by the police, not some college kangaroo court.