The Populist Sledgehammer Kills Amazon Jobs that Middle America Would Love to Have


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Populist Sledgehammer Kills Amazon Jobs that Middle America Would Love to Have

The Populist Sledgehammer Kills Amazon Jobs that Middle America Would Love to Have
By Salena Zito ~~ YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio -- Tito Brown can't imagine driving a perfectly good thing out of a town that hasn't had a perfectly good thing come its way in a very long time. At least, a perfectly good thing the size and scope of the Amazon headquarters that ideological politics drove out of Long Island City on Thursday, when Democrats, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, danced on the grave of the deal as Amazon walked away from the New York project. Brown doesn't really get that. He governs a city with a declining population and a 40 percent poverty rate, and he would welcome the opportunity of a project such as Amazon locating here. "Oh, any time I can get regional and/or economic growth in my community, I would absolutely want that here," he said. "It's budget time."
Ocasio-Cortez, who has become the leader of the left-wing insurgency within the Democratic Party, slammed the plan in a tweet the moment it was announced in mid-November last year. She initially said the response to the Amazon announcement from her constituents was outrage, arguing that the tax breaks Amazon would receive should be spent by city and state officials on the subway system and communities instead of billion-dollar corporations. Which isn't how tax breaks work. It's not like there is a pile of money they would hand to Amazon that could have been spent on the subway system, but that is a story for a different day. What this moment signifies in the Democratic Party is one that has been in existence for several years, but the party establishment and ruling class have been unwilling to face: the leftist populism punching up to take the reins of the party.... People keep sending a message to Washington with their votes, and Washington keeps misreading it. Brown knows why he is the mayor of Youngstown: to create jobs and bring new innovative commerce here, even if that change makes people initially uncomfortable.... It's part of why he, too, upended an incumbent Democrat in a primary election when he won office in 2017. Ocasio-Cortez seems to have taken the message that her election was a moment for leftist populism, and she is happy to enforce it. If that starts to hurt her district's bottom line, she has a problem. But if it speeds up the spread of leftist populism across the country, it will be interesting to see how that impacts her party and our economy.

People like Ocasio-Cortez was key in scuttling Amazon deal to bring 25,000 jobs to New York. Yet the same people tell us how wonderful it will be, when the Green New Deal supposedly will create so many good paying jobs. I wonder if the likes of AO-C would like to see us all laboring on a collective farm, for some subsistence, if that’s her idea of utopia.
Bezos did not try to take those jobs to Middle America now, did he? No, he chose to kowtow and curry favor and suck-up to Eastern Progressive Marxist Socialist coastal elites. And in the end he got what he deserved. Burned.
PMS Leftists always kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, they don't want golden eggs, they want goose's blood and those dead bloody drops grow up, like the myths of legend, into dragon's teeth and those teeth eat human flesh.
Socialism is all about killing, not only the golden geese, but the people as well. Socialist regimes in just the 20th Century, between the USSR, Red China, and the killing fields of Cambodia, executed, starved to death, and in various ways murdered between 180-250 million people in just the 20th Century alone "for their own good" of course. No other ideology or religion has ever come close to the body count racked up by socialist regimes.
Worse still, this monstrously perverse ideology still has its passionate adherents right here in our nation, mainly in the colleges and universities wherein, outside the hard sciences and medicine, students and their hapless parents are swindled annually out of billions for worthless degrees and often end up moving back in with their parents, and if they're lucky, getting a job at Burger King or a car-wash.

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