“the poor will always be among us.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney believes we have poor people because of unemployment and low paying jobs. So his 5 point plan will create 12 million good paying jobs and train people for those jobs and get people off welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing. But where is the money coming from to train those people when he plan to cut government spending that provide job training. Plan to cut out funding for higher education. “Borrow from your parents?” How many of those 12 million “good paying jobs” will he allow to be shipped oversea by his corporate buddies that get tax cuts?

The more “good paying” jobs we have creates the need for more “low paying” jobs. Someone has to service and clean up after those who have “good paying” jobs. Those jobs that American will not do?

As the population increases so does poverty and poverty does not mean lazy, don’t want to work and want welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing. Big news flash Romney. Most Americans on welfare are the unemployable. Disabled for no reason of their own. The majority on food stamps and subsidized housing cannot afford healthcare are hard working Americans and Illegal Aliens. And these people will always be among us or Romney knows something that GOD don’t know. And we are never going to have 5% unemployment and even if we did we will still have poverty no matter who is in charge of the federal government.

Romney has said nothing about bringing manufacturing and services jobs back from over seas, because it would take cheap labor away from his corporate buddies and he want let their tax cuts expire either. If he creates 12 million jobs they will eventually be sent overseas. Because he is never going to let his corporate buddies down to help hard working Americans.

Do Romney plan to close the “Bishop Store houses?” Crack down on Mormon fundamental polygamists that use the welfare system to support their pedophilia and deviate sexual habits?

Romney believes we have poor people because of unemployment and low paying jobs. So his 5 point plan will create 12 million good paying jobs and train people for those jobs and get people off welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing. But where is the money coming from to train those people when he plan to cut government spending that provide job training. Plan to cut out funding for higher education. “Borrow from your parents?” How many of those 12 million “good paying jobs” will he allow to be shipped oversea by his corporate buddies that get tax cuts?

The more “good paying” jobs we have creates the need for more “low paying” jobs. Someone has to service and clean up after those who have “good paying” jobs. Those jobs that American will not do?

As the population increases so does poverty and poverty does not mean lazy, don’t want to work and want welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing. Big news flash Romney. Most Americans on welfare are the unemployable. Disabled for no reason of their own. The majority on food stamps and subsidized housing cannot afford healthcare are hard working Americans and Illegal Aliens. And these people will always be among us or Romney knows something that GOD don’t know. And we are never going to have 5% unemployment and even if we did we will still have poverty no matter who is in charge of the federal government.

Romney has said nothing about bringing manufacturing and services jobs back from over seas, because it would take cheap labor away from his corporate buddies and he want let their tax cuts expire either. If he creates 12 million jobs they will eventually be sent overseas. Because he is never going to let his corporate buddies down to help hard working Americans.

Do Romney plan to close the “Bishop Store houses?” Crack down on Mormon fundamental polygamists that use the welfare system to support their pedophilia and deviate sexual habits?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iDl2zwF8TM]Funny Farm- coming to take me away - YouTube[/ame]
So… you DON’T WANT more good paying jobs?

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It is invariably true that the poor will always be among us. The poor of today live far better and longer lives than the poor of yesterday. It is exactly because of people like Gates, Romney and countless others who create technology and wealth.

As Churchill said, "Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
OMG..they've used just about everybody else, so now it's onto the "POOR"

So they are now going to tell us MOST AMERCIANS ON WELFARE are unemployable..

what a joke

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