The Planet Set Three Major Heat Records In August


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The Planet Set Three Major Heat Records In August
by Joe Romm Sep 17, 2015 12:21pm
The Planet Set Three Major Heat Records In August


Like a broken record, we are breaking records for temperature over and over and over again. NOAA’s latest monthly State of the Climate Report reports that the Earth just experienced the hottest August on record, the hottest summer (June to August) on record, and the hottest year to date.

And it wasn’t even close. Each of those records was broken by 0.18°F (or more). So, yes, 2015 is going to be the hottest year on record — by far. Last month, climate scientist Jessica Blunden, who works with NOAA, said it’s “99 percent certain that it’s going to be the warmest year on record.” That is crystal clear from this NOAA chart:


Year-to-date temperature anomalies for 2015 (black line) to the six warmest years on record: 2014, 2010, 2013, 2005, 2009, and 1998 (via NOAA). Each month along each trace represents the year-to-date average temperature: The January value is the January anomaly (departure from the 20th century average temperature), the February value is the average of both January and February, and so on.

Again, there never was any slowdown in surface temperature warming. This year won’t just top the previous global temperature record set just last year, 2015 will crush 2014. That’s especially likely since the strong underlying global warming trend is being boosted by an emerging “Godzilla El Niño,” as a NASA oceanographer put it.

Bottom line: 2014 was the hottest year on record. 2015 will easily top that. And 2016 may well beat 2015, as discussed here. The long-awaited speed up in global warming is at hand.

This year just keeps on kicking ass!
I like how they spread out that one degree to make it look like a huge increase. ONE DEGREE! BFD.
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1680 the coldest part of the little ice age was only 1.6c colder then today
20,000 years ago it was around 8c colder then now...

1c is a big deal when dealing with global temperature...Anomalies can be 3-4c for a local area and even grow slightly cooler in others.
The Planet Set Three Major Heat Records In August
by Joe Romm Sep 17, 2015 12:21pm
The Planet Set Three Major Heat Records In August


Like a broken record, we are breaking records for temperature over and over and over again. NOAA’s latest monthly State of the Climate Report reports that the Earth just experienced the hottest August on record, the hottest summer (June to August) on record, and the hottest year to date.

And it wasn’t even close. Each of those records was broken by 0.18°F (or more). So, yes, 2015 is going to be the hottest year on record — by far. Last month, climate scientist Jessica Blunden, who works with NOAA, said it’s “99 percent certain that it’s going to be the warmest year on record.” That is crystal clear from this NOAA chart:


Year-to-date temperature anomalies for 2015 (black line) to the six warmest years on record: 2014, 2010, 2013, 2005, 2009, and 1998 (via NOAA). Each month along each trace represents the year-to-date average temperature: The January value is the January anomaly (departure from the 20th century average temperature), the February value is the average of both January and February, and so on.

Again, there never was any slowdown in surface temperature warming. This year won’t just top the previous global temperature record set just last year, 2015 will crush 2014. That’s especially likely since the strong underlying global warming trend is being boosted by an emerging “Godzilla El Niño,” as a NASA oceanographer put it.

Bottom line: 2014 was the hottest year on record. 2015 will easily top that. And 2016 may well beat 2015, as discussed here. The long-awaited speed up in global warming is at hand.

This year just keeps on kicking ass!

Every human being is about to get an in depth education on Global Warming and the drastic changes in human life that are soon to arrive.

I've talked to many people that don't want to believe it is true but they know it is. Some of them whince when you start talking about the 6th mass extinction that has already started.

People have a propensity to want to ignore horrific peril as it approaches and hope it will just go away. Ignoring it is only allowing it to get worse by the day. We understand enough about the carbon cycle to know the point of no return has already been reached and even if all burning of fossil fuels were to end today it would take hundreds of years for the CO2 levels in the atmosphere to drop from the current 400 ppm to the stable normal of 280 ppm.

Ignore anyone that denies Global Warming, they are either terrified to face reality or they are schilling for the fossil fuel industry.

Global Warming is real and accelerating.
all these records in such a short period of time

how we haven't burned up by now is amazing
Real stupid comment, Stephanie. We are burning up. Record fires in California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Thousands of families have lost their homes to fires. Billions of dollars worth of private property has been destroyed. And hundreds of millions of dollars worth of forest resources has been destroyed. And it is far from over. Even though the oncoming winter will put out most of the fires, the denuded landscape will create floods and landslides when the rains come, and the melt occurs next spring. And 2016 looks like it will also be a hot year.
Earth has a Fevah!

Notice how the USA as a Country did not count toward global warming in the 30's because it was too small a landmass compared to the rest of the planet, but forest fires in a few states are absolute concrete proof that CO2 starts fires
Certainly it counts. Global statistics include the whole planet, Frank.

Frank, put a quart of water in a pot, put it on your stove and bring it to a steady boil. Now, put some water into another pot and turn on the heat. When it gets to the point that it is steaming and small bubbles are just beginning to form on the bottom of that pot, remove ONE OUNCE of that steaming water and drop it into the boiling pot.

What happened? Nothing? The second pot continued to boil? Are we surprised? No? Then you shouldn't be surprised that the US having a temperature a fraction of a degree cooler than the rest of the world makes no significant headway in cooling the whole fucking planet Frank.
Dr Norman Page addresses this quite nicely on his site. Its called the top of a cyclical cycle. The only one modern, documentation, man has seen.





One need only look at the long term to see the bottom of the last cycle and how we have now reached the top of it. SO, yes there will be records set as this is the ONLY ONE WE HAVE RECORDED..

Is it the hottest ever? Nope, that line is total bull shit..



Another left wit wet dream debunked!
You debunked nothing. You are another who is scared of your own shadow and has nothing to back up your bullshit.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago among the PH.D's of the planet. It is real and accelerating.

Ignore the knuckle draggers who deny Global Warming reality. They are the same type who said smoking didn't hurt anyone 60 years ago.
You debunked nothing. You are another who is scared of your own shadow and has nothing to back up your bullshit.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago among the PH.D's of the planet. It is real and accelerating.

Ignore the knuckle draggers who deny Global Warming reality. They are the same type who said smoking didn't hurt anyone 60 years ago.

Is adhom all you got...?? I posted verifiable, repeatable evidence and the sources for it.. YOUR DOING YOUR SIDE PROUD! Showing us just how much crap you can spew.. Keep up the good work! Watching you people implode is funny as hell! 15 years of info of a 160 year cycle..OMG... you make me laugh..IF that is their proof of "settled" they are not scientists!
You debunked nothing. You are another who is scared of your own shadow and has nothing to back up your bullshit.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago among the PH.D's of the planet. It is real and accelerating.

Ignore the knuckle draggers who deny Global Warming reality. They are the same type who said smoking didn't hurt anyone 60 years ago.

Is adhom all you got...?? I posted verifiable, repeatable evidence and the sources for it.. YOUR DOING YOUR SIDE PROUD! Showing us just how much crap you can spew.. Keep up the good work! Watching you people implode is funny as hell! 15 years of info of a 160 year cycle..OMG... you make me laugh..IF that is their proof of "settled" they are not scientists!

So in your mind a guy cutting and pasting on a message board is 'the authority' and the 10,000 PH.D's around the globe who all agree the science for Global Warming has been settled for the last 15 years are wrong.

Ok skippy, you go with that.
Certainly it counts. Global statistics include the whole planet, Frank.

Frank, put a quart of water in a pot, put it on your stove and bring it to a steady boil. Now, put some water into another pot and turn on the heat. When it gets to the point that it is steaming and small bubbles are just beginning to form on the bottom of that pot, remove ONE OUNCE of that steaming water and drop it into the boiling pot.

What happened? Nothing? The second pot continued to boil? Are we surprised? No? Then you shouldn't be surprised that the US having a temperature a fraction of a degree cooler than the rest of the world makes no significant headway in cooling the whole fucking planet Frank.
Crock, put a quart of water in a pot, put it on your stove and bring it to a steady boil. Now throw a bunch of money at it. What happened? Nothing? Did it stop boiling? Are we surprised? No, but that's always the liberal solution, isn't it? Throw money at it, somebody ELSE'S money, of course.
You debunked nothing. You are another who is scared of your own shadow and has nothing to back up your bullshit.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago among the PH.D's of the planet. It is real and accelerating.

Ignore the knuckle draggers who deny Global Warming reality. They are the same type who said smoking didn't hurt anyone 60 years ago.

Is adhom all you got...?? I posted verifiable, repeatable evidence and the sources for it.. YOUR DOING YOUR SIDE PROUD! Showing us just how much crap you can spew.. Keep up the good work! Watching you people implode is funny as hell! 15 years of info of a 160 year cycle..OMG... you make me laugh..IF that is their proof of "settled" they are not scientists!

So in your mind a guy cutting and pasting on a message board is 'the authority' and the 10,000 PH.D's around the globe who all agree the science for Global Warming has been settled for the last 15 years are wrong.

Ok skippy, you go with that.

Your list of PHD's is less than 3,000... The list of those who hold PHD's and do not subscribe to your lies is over 26,000.. There is no consensus any your apeal to authority is crap..
You debunked nothing. You are another who is scared of your own shadow and has nothing to back up your bullshit.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago among the PH.D's of the planet. It is real and accelerating.

Ignore the knuckle draggers who deny Global Warming reality. They are the same type who said smoking didn't hurt anyone 60 years ago.

Is adhom all you got...?? I posted verifiable, repeatable evidence and the sources for it.. YOUR DOING YOUR SIDE PROUD! Showing us just how much crap you can spew.. Keep up the good work! Watching you people implode is funny as hell! 15 years of info of a 160 year cycle..OMG... you make me laugh..IF that is their proof of "settled" they are not scientists!

So in your mind a guy cutting and pasting on a message board is 'the authority' and the 10,000 PH.D's around the globe who all agree the science for Global Warming has been settled for the last 15 years are wrong.

Ok skippy, you go with that.

Your list of PHD's is less than 3,000... The list of those who hold PHD's and do not subscribe to your lies is over 26,000.. There is no consensus any your apeal to authority is crap..

As with all Global Warming deniers you are just an outright liar.

Again, carry on sport.
Wow. Now we're making up records for the period Jan-August. With doctored surface data.

I don't have a problem with 2015 being the warmest year. Bound to happen when you're plateaued out and sitting at a relative maximum.. But REASON for this record has ALMOST NOTHING to do with CO2.. It has to do with El Nino.. And the fact that NOAA has BURIED the massive 1998 El Nino peak -- just so they can put out more "record" propaganda..

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