The Persecution Continues

Looks like they're going after him because of his association with Trump. More persecution from the left.
The Marxist left is trying to prevent anyone from trying ever again to run for president against the Marxist machine like Trump did. As you can see with the Supreme Court, Trump bollixed up the plan. So they try to destroy anyone associated with anyone who dares challenge.

Trump slipped through the cheating mechanism, that's the problem. The Marxists didn't have time to perfect the steal in 2016. Trump had so many votes, they couldn't get it done in time. They weren't going to make the same mistake in 2020.
Of course they are going after him because of his association with trump. Do you understand what the commission is investigating?
Being an associate of Trump is not criminal offense, you fucking moron. Only a NAZI would condone such a justification.
Here's a clue for you, dingbat: Trump is not a criminal. He hasn't committed any crimes..

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