The Pelosi attack was an assassination attempt, we need to treat this seriously.

Sky News is owned by Comcast, who also owns NBC News. I don't think you recognize the bias that has to be inherent to their reporting, based on their ownership.

Sky News broadcasts to an International Audience (primarily in Europe). In fact, I watched it almost non-stop in the initial weeks of the Ukraine invasion.

Unlike the US news networks which would give a 5 minute update on the fighting, then go for a half hour on what this or that local politician thought and said (and never that of other world leaders), Sky and BBC reported things that I never saw on any of the US news sources. And amazingly little editorializing in the information given.

Now I admit, there may well have been some editorial bias in the reports they gave. But it was nothing like the "in your face" op front editorializing that dominates US media now. Where as soon as they give some information, two or three talking heads discusses it endlessly.

Of course, Sky is also not my only source. PressTV and RT are also sites I regularly follow, as are many other sources.
That may be … but you didn’t see any Dem media (or any media) claiming it was Rand Paul’s lover that beat his ass… or applauding it like we see here

The ones claiming that are wing nut sources, that nobody should ever take seriously.

I find it absolutely amazing that the ones that tend to scream the most about "fake news" are actually the largest sources of fake news. But at least the Right Wing now has equal time.

There was a time not all that long ago that most of the "media nutcases" were all left-wing. Now the right-wing has their own batshit crazy news sources. And they are just as crazy as those on the left are.

"You say your Mother Jones is the ultimate? Well, I call you, and raise you Alex Jones!"
Sky News broadcasts to an International Audience (primarily in Europe). In fact, I watched it almost non-stop in the initial weeks of the Ukraine invasion.

Unlike the US news networks which would give a 5 minute update on the fighting, then go for a half hour on what this or that local politician thought and said (and never that of other world leaders), Sky and BBC reported things that I never saw on any of the US news sources. And amazingly little editorializing in the information given.

Now I admit, there may well have been some editorial bias in the reports they gave. But it was nothing like the "in your face" op front editorializing that dominates US media now. Where as soon as they give some information, two or three talking heads discusses it endlessly.

Of course, Sky is also not my only source. PressTV and RT are also sites I regularly follow, as are many other sources.
Russia Today? Oh, please!
Russia Today? Oh, please!

Did I say I believe Press TV? Or Russia Today?

FYI, during the Cold War I also regularly listened to both VOA and Radio Moscow.

Just because I use someplace for news, do not make the almost childish mistake of thinking I just blindly believe anything they say. In fact, even more so than RT, PressTV is almost childishly bad in its propaganda. But things can still be learned from propaganda from a hostile nation. If I could find a good English language source of North Korean news I would add that to my list also. I do follow a few in China, but they are also childishly bad. More along the lines of PressTV than RT.

Hell, I never even heard of PressTV until 2009. My desk was just a few seats down from our Battalion S-2, and he watched PressTV constantly. And I do now also, as it helps me peek into the mind of Iran. Such as, almost all of their reports of Ukraine are told from a very strongly Russian viewpoint. Knowing things like that help me decide exactly how seriously to take any of their claims in that conflict. Or that 8 out of 10 articles covering "Europe" are in fact about Russia. I find it hilarious to be honest that their "European Desk" almost never actually discusses "Europe".

But in many ways, RT can be better for many International stories than almost any US source. The US sources tend to cater only to a US audience, so only passes things out that they think Americans want to know about. RT caters to an International audience, so covers a lot of things that one would never learn about from strictly US sources. One just needs to know it is largely propaganda.

Hell, I learned about the Invasion of Kuwait hours before it was reported in the US. Because I had just returned from Japan a few months earlier, and had a new shortwave receiver. My wife and I were listening to a station out of Barcelona, and she translated for me the report that Iraq had invaded Kuwait. That was back when we only had CNN and CNN-HN (when that really was a 24 news station), and when we went to bed a few hours later neither one of them had reported that yet.
Did I say I believe Press TV? Or Russia Today?

FYI, during the Cold War I also regularly listened to both VOA and Radio Moscow.

Just because I use someplace for news, do not make the almost childish mistake of thinking I just blindly believe anything they say. In fact, even more so than RT, PressTV is almost childishly bad in its propaganda. But things can still be learned from propaganda from a hostile nation. If I could find a good English language source of North Korean news I would add that to my list also. I do follow a few in China, but they are also childishly bad. More along the lines of PressTV than RT.

Hell, I never even heard of PressTV until 2009. My desk was just a few seats down from our Battalion S-2, and he watched PressTV constantly. And I do now also, as it helps me peek into the mind of Iran. Such as, almost all of their reports of Ukraine are told from a very strongly Russian viewpoint. Knowing things like that help me decide exactly how seriously to take any of their claims in that conflict. Or that 8 out of 10 articles covering "Europe" are in fact about Russia. I find it hilarious to be honest that their "European Desk" almost never actually discusses "Europe".

But in many ways, RT can be better for many International stories than almost any US source. The US sources tend to cater only to a US audience, so only passes things out that they think Americans want to know about. RT caters to an International audience, so covers a lot of things that one would never learn about from strictly US sources. One just needs to know it is largely propaganda.

Hell, I learned about the Invasion of Kuwait hours before it was reported in the US. Because I had just returned from Japan a few months earlier, and had a new shortwave receiver. My wife and I were listening to a station out of Barcelona, and she translated for me the report that Iraq had invaded Kuwait. That was back when we only had CNN and CNN-HN (when that really was a 24 news station), and when we went to bed a few hours later neither one of them had reported that yet.
Why do you waste your time? THAT is the question!
"Not one person on the Left can explain on the actual released 911 call...

"His name is David and he is a friend"

This is how we know the media narrative that keeps changing every 5 minutes is BS! ":)
I just knows this was one of them MAGA insurekshuns. They was gonna take out poor Nancy, then work their way up to Kamala and then Joe.

Then I bet that Donald Trump was gonna walk in and take over. You betcha. :smoke:

He had zip tyes. Could the hangman’s gallows be far behind?

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