The "patience" of illegals is wearing thin

canada is more of a threat when it comes to illegals than Mexico. The border is more porous and the illegals are more dangerous. Have you heard of a terrorist with links to Mexico...every killer muslim terrorist attack has links to canada...yet we ignore that border.
They watch the border between Detroit and Canada and now you need a passport. I can't even go to canada. Fuck em I'll spend my money here.
DUI or no passport? I am banned from canada because they think I am a threat due to my canadian PSA threads.
canada is more of a threat when it comes to illegals than Mexico. The border is more porous and the illegals are more dangerous. Have you heard of a terrorist with links to Mexico...every killer muslim terrorist attack has links to canada...yet we ignore that border.
They watch the border between Detroit and Canada and now you need a passport. I can't even go to canada. Fuck em I'll spend my money here.
DUI or no passport? I am banned from canada because they think I am a threat due to my canadian PSA threads.
No passport.

What did you do? You're kidding right? Public service announcements?
Oh, so their patience is wearing thin ? THEIR PATIENCE IS WEARING THIN ?!!!!!!!!
FUCK ALL OF YOU ILLEGALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patience wearing thin

Immigrants in US feel stuck after judge blocks Obama orders
TUCSON, Arizona (AP) — Brenda Armendariz, her husband and their twoMexico-born children were hoping to resolve their constant fears of being deported after PresidentBarack Obama issued his latest executive orders on immigration.
But now that a federal judge in Texas has blocked Obama's efforts to protect 4 million more immigrants, her family is disillusioned and her children feel stuck as the president's offer of temporary legal status moves frustratingly beyond their reach.

About a third of the immigrants now living in the United States illegally would be eligible for temporary protection if Obama's latest orders are upheld in court, either because they were brought to the U.S. as children or because their own children have legal status in the country.

But the advances and retreats on reform have been so frequent over the years that many thousands of immigrants who are already eligible for protection have given up for now — they aren't applying for the work permits and Social Security numbers they are entitled to under Obama's first executive order in 2012.

There are a litany of reasons why, including general distrust of the government, fear they'll be deported, and the nearly $500 in fees it costs to apply. But the constant uncertainty created by Washington's political divide also keeps them away.

About 150 people have reached out to Arizona immigration attorney Lance Wells this week, reacting with bafflement, fear and dismay to the latest reversal, he said. His message: "Be patient guys. We kind of knew this would be coming."

But their patience is wearing thin.

Armendariz and her husband came to Tucson a decade ago with a son and daughter, meaning to stay just long enough to earn some cash and head home to the Mexican state of Sonora. Instead, they overstayed their visas and settled down. Those children are now 21 and 13, joined by two American citizen siblings: a 3-year-old boy and a one-month-old girl.

Like so many other immigrants, this family has "mixed status," and the mother, father and two oldest children didn't qualify for protection under Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program, nearly three years ago.

With the goal of keeping such families together, Obama's executive orders announced in November would have applied to the older siblings starting on Wednesday, and the parents starting in May.

Immigrants in US feel stuck after judge blocks Obama orders - Yahoo News

Who is paying them to work? Let's go after the people employing them so they go home. Theyre here for the job. Take away the job take away the reason to be here.

Every employer from the corporation all the way down to the small time contractor should go to jail if they knowingly hire an illegal IMO.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
canada is more of a threat when it comes to illegals than Mexico. The border is more porous and the illegals are more dangerous. Have you heard of a terrorist with links to Mexico...every killer muslim terrorist attack has links to canada...yet we ignore that border.
They watch the border between Detroit and Canada and now you need a passport. I can't even go to canada. Fuck em I'll spend my money here.
DUI or no passport? I am banned from canada because they think I am a threat due to my canadian PSA threads.
No passport.

What did you do? You're kidding right? Public service announcements?
No...I am not kidding. canada hates me.
Oh, so their patience is wearing thin ? THEIR PATIENCE IS WEARING THIN ?!!!!!!!!
FUCK ALL OF YOU ILLEGALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patience wearing thin

Immigrants in US feel stuck after judge blocks Obama orders - Yahoo News

Who is paying them to work? Let's go after the people employing them so they go home. Theyre here for the job. Take away the job take away the reason to be here.

Every employer from the corporation all the way down to the small time contractor should go to jail if they knowingly hire an illegal IMO.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Its an issue that has no winner, only losers. One question remains, if unemployment is high and these individuals illegally entered the country and found jobs, what does it say about those that were unemployed? Why didn't they take to job, receive government assistance due to compensation or earnings and adjust their life style? The unemployed exercised their right and privilege not to accept those jobs and someone else did, unfortunately they were here illegally so we now have the root of the problem, individuals willing to work. So if the market was willing to pay one price and someone was willing to accepted that price then its considered a fair price. Now some will say compensation was too low, or rather were expectations too high, inflated?
I agree that illegal immigrants have violated the law however understand the position that they were willing to accept jobs others were not. Deportation will solve nothing, they have had a taste and will return as long as there are jobs available. Secure the boarder and deport, this will only slow the returning illegals, however the important issue to be resolved is that if the number of individuals looking for these jobs decreased will compensation be increased or will those marginal operations that are profit margin sensitive simply vanish due to competition?
The secondary issue remains their access to government assistance, free medical.....As illegals, they should not be entitled and when discovered deported simply because they are not filling the needs of the market place. So what do you do with the individual that has been here for 10+ years?
As for voting, they in most cases probably already do and will continue until such time that voter id and registration are required, however, as we know there are those that have a vested interest in apposing voter id requirements.
Simply there are no winners only losers unless someone is willing to make tough decisions. Where do you draw the line and how do you enforce it?
Who is paying them to work? Let's go after the people employing them so they go home. Theyre here for the job. Take away the job take away the reason to be here.

Every employer from the corporation all the way down to the small time contractor should go to jail if they knowingly hire an illegal IMO.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.
Every employer from the corporation all the way down to the small time contractor should go to jail if they knowingly hire an illegal IMO.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.

Just imagine what everyone thought about you.
If you can provide sources for the declining rate of illegal immigration and the solutions with the fines, that'd be nice. Stop yelling and start to decide the problem. You have will, brain and hands, don't you. What are you waiting for?
The solution is hefty fines for anyone renting a home to or providing a job to, illegal immigrants. They will be wanting to head south real soon.
There are 5 rail lines crossing the US Mexican border. Set up detention/ relocation centers at the borders and send starving Mexicans a minimum of 200 miles into Mexico once/week. I'd even go so far as to have ICE foot the bill.
Illegals head south and the US goes into a recession like youve never seen. Who is going to pick crops for 5 bucks a day? You guys are clueless.
Every employer from the corporation all the way down to the small time contractor should go to jail if they knowingly hire an illegal IMO.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.
redneck and white trash are two separate entities. White rednecks are cool...white trash is what you described...inbred trailer trash blaming blackie for their failures.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.

Just imagine what everyone thought about you.
They loved me. I have the ability to get along in any crowd. My brother couldn't stand them for 10 minutes. But I told them how lucky they were to not be in the city and drank and smoked them down. They ask my buddy when I'm coming back. I had fun but would hate to live with those redneck hicks no offense.

If anything they thought I was a fancy clothed city slicker.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.
redneck and white trash are two separate entities. White rednecks are cool...white trash is what you described...inbred trailer trash blaming blackie for their failures.
I'm sure these people were racist because they dont know any blacks. Usually the more you know the less you stereotype all blacks. Like i know 90% of all blacks are good people. I just ask you to do something about the 10%. Get it down to 5% like us white people.
Armendariz and her husband came to Tucson a decade ago with a son and daughter, meaning to stay just long enough to earn some cash and head home to the Mexican state of Sonora.

Awww. Too bad, so sad. Sure, earn cash, send it BACK to mexico, pay NO taxes and let LEGAL citizens pay for their health care, schooling, etc. PAY IN to staying here? Oh hell no.

Now that her name is known....arrest her, her brood, and send her ass back to where she wants to go with NOTHING. She earned it illegally and..drumroll..NEVER PAID TAXES. Either send her south, or toss her ass in jail for tax evasion.
Illegal = Criminal.

No, you can't blame them, but they are criminals...period. So are the companies that willfully hire them and take jobs away from poor white folks on welfare. And the trailer parks that they have infested and kicked out the white people with dreams of a double wide.

What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.
redneck and white trash are two separate entities. White rednecks are cool...white trash is what you described...inbred trailer trash blaming blackie for their failures.
I'm sure these people were racist because they dont know any blacks. Usually the more you know the less you stereotype all blacks. Like i know 90% of all blacks are good people. I just ask you to do something about the 10%. Get it down to 5% like us white people.
69% of all criminals are white. At least in 2011. Probably higher now.

FBI Table 43
What would you rather live in a trailerpark full of blacks whites gays mexicans jew or Arabs? In what order?
Blacks rednecks in trailer parks are cool as shit.
Mexicans, I love their women.
Jews...don't live in tp
Arabs, despite what I say, are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Gays...don't really care to hear them buttfuck
White trash is the scum of the world. Crackheads, meth heads, whores, and drunks.
Omg I went up north michigan. All white town. No jobs. Everyone hunts then goes to the bar and talks about hunting. Then we go to this guys house and the girl had horrible teeth and diabetes and they were smoking and playing eucher. It was so depressing. The hottest girl was wearing close 5 years out of style and a bad haircut. She was wearing a dress you'd wear if you were a bridesmaid. Pathetic!

I love the country but not the rednecks.
redneck and white trash are two separate entities. White rednecks are cool...white trash is what you described...inbred trailer trash blaming blackie for their failures.
I'm sure these people were racist because they dont know any blacks. Usually the more you know the less you stereotype all blacks. Like i know 90% of all blacks are good people. I just ask you to do something about the 10%. Get it down to 5% like us white people.
69% of all criminals are white. At least in 2011. Probably higher now.

FBI Table 43
Your lucky but not really. Arrests were down in 2014 but whites were still the biggest criminals again by far.

Five things we learned from the FBI s big report on crime - The Washington Post

"White men made up a significant majority of the people arrested in the United States last year. A hefty majority of all people arrested were white(68.9 percent), with more than twice as many white people arrested (6.2 million) as black people (2.5 million)."

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