The "Palestinians" Gave Up Sovereign Claims Long Ago

LOL !!!!!!!!!!! This has to be one of the more hilarious posts I've read here...apparently the essence of the establishment of the PLO entirely eludes you---as does the content of Resolution 181. The PLO was established as a political representative for the disenfranchised native population of Palestine---with the avowed aim of repatriating the land stolen by Zionists in 48...your conclusion that they relinquished claims to their own land is quite bewildering. As for 181...this was a non-binding recommendation, it did not contain a default clause that awarded land to the Jews should the native population vote it down...please attempt to educate yourself before posting gibberish...

Codger---if there is anyone confused here----it is you. The PLO----was established as a quaisi militant nationalist movement in OPPOSITION to the partition of the palestine mandate. The PARTITION of palestine does not involve THEFT Do you claim that MUSLIMS STOLE PAKISTAN from HINDU INDIANS? ----or perhaps you want to claim that the people of southern sudan STOLE southern sudan from ARAB MUSLIMS who rule from KHARTOUM. The PLO is an ARABIST organization----devoted to creating an 100% arab natiionalist middle east-----essentially ---a caliphate

The PARTITION of palestine does not involve THEFT

There was no partition. It was theft.
Dennis Ross can sue you for libel- and win; in a heartbeat.

Clinton to Arafat: It’s All Your Fault

Abu Ala himself even admitted that the PLO was to blame:

Qureia described a tense face-off with President Bill Clinton on the third day of the Camp David summit, when the Israelis laid out a map showing how the West Bank could be divided between Israeli and Palestinian control. Qureia insisted that the Palestinians were entitled to all the West Bank land Israel conquered in 1967, with only minor modifications in the form of territorial swaps.

At that, he said, Clinton lost his temper and asked Qureia what his proposals were.

"I said, 'Mr. President, I don't have proposals. My proposal is the 1967 borders,' "Qureia recalled."I told him this is the basis, the term of reference of this process. He said, 'But you should offer a proposal.'

"I told him, 'Mr. President, I cannot take my hand, part of my body [and] give it to somebody else.' "

Qureia asked Clinton to show him "what things realistically he needs that will not affect the viability of our [Palestinian] state, the contiguity of our land, because this is the future of the Palestinian people."

Qureia said Clinton became angry and said, " 'Sir, you hold personally the responsibility for the failure of the summit. If you want to address speeches, go to the United Nations Security Council, address speeches there. Don't waste my time here.' "

"Didn't we dance for joy at the failure of Camp David?" asks Nabil Amer, formerly one of Arafat's chief aides. "After two years of bloodshed, we are now calling for what we rejected."

To End the [Palestinian] Violence :: Daniel Pipes

And you might also want to see the interview of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, done by Elsa Walsh in The New Yorker (March 24, 2003). In the interview, the ambassador attacks Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat in the sharpest tone. He refers to a meeting between Arafat and President Bill Clinton in January 2001, at which Bandar was pressuring the Palestinian leader to accept Clinton's proposals. This offer, Bandar says, gave the Palestinians 97 percent of the territories, all of Jerusalem - excluding the Jewish and Armenian quarters and the right of Jews to pray at the Temple Mount - and $30 billion in a "compensation fund."

Pressuring Arafat, Bandar tells him: You won't get anything better. Bandar asks whether the PA chairman would prefer Ariel Sharon to Barak - in light of the upcoming elections in Israel - and then he presents Arafat with an ultimatum: If you do not accept the Clinton offer, this means "we go to war"; no Arab state will rally to support you.

Profiles: The Prince : The New Yorker

"Atwan: Arafat Signed Oslo Accords Hoping Jews Would Flee" (November 20, 2004)

Yasser Arafat agreed to sign the Oslo Accords because he expected that the agreements would lead thousands of Jews to flee Israel.

Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi, said Arafat said so when they met in Tunis, days before he returned to the Gaza Strip. "The man told me, 'Listen, Abdel Bari, I know that you are opposed to the Oslo Accords, but you must always remember what I'm going to tell you. The day will come when you will see thousands of Jews fleeing Palestine. I will not live to see this, but you will definitely see it in your lifetime. The Oslo Accords will help bring this about.'"...

As an added bonus:

Best. Deal. Ever.
The untold story of Condi’s Peace-Process Anguish.
by Condoleezza Rice | October 23, 2011

But we digress. The fact is that the would-have-been "Palestinians" had given up their claims to OUR land long ago.

I sure am glad that we have cleared that up once and for all.

Camp David was a load of crap. The liars are still pimping it as a good deal.
No. There was partition- and then the Arabs attempted theft.

We won't allow theft here in OUR land.

Where do you learn your crap?

Poor tinnie is desperate----he is SO desperate to deny the fact that the UN
ratified a partition of palestine -----but afraid to respond "THE UN NEVER RATIFIED A PARTITION OF PALESTINE"------because that statement is blatantly untrue-----so instead he simply reaches into his oily bag of islamo nazi idiocy and farts out "where do you learn
that crap?" in islamo nazi pig circles-----such rejoinders are considered CLEVER

He is not alone----the very first muslims I knew well were from INDIA-----they insisted that the MOGHUL EMPIRE ------consisting of all of India ruled by muslims and the filth of shariah-------is the CONTINUING CORRECT SITUATION in the Indian subcontinent
De facto, by rejecting UN 181 in 1948- the resolution that was going to establish two states here, they gave up claims to a state.

And de jure, in 1964 with their PLO Charter, they gave up all sovereign claims:

"THE PALESTINIAN NATIONAL CHARTER" (Al-Mithaq Al-Kawmee Al-Philisteeni), Adopted in 1964 by the 1st Palestinian Conference

Article 24: This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area.

Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations - Palestine National Charter of 1964

Anything unclear?

the Jews gave up claims when they went to Egypt to work.
No. There was partition- and then the Arabs attempted theft.

We won't allow theft here in OUR land.

Where do you learn your crap?

Poor tinnie is desperate----he is SO desperate to deny the fact that the UN
ratified a partition of palestine -----but afraid to respond "THE UN NEVER RATIFIED A PARTITION OF PALESTINE"------because that statement is blatantly untrue-----so instead he simply reaches into his oily bag of islamo nazi idiocy and farts out "where do you learn
that crap?" in islamo nazi pig circles-----such rejoinders are considered CLEVER

He is not alone----the very first muslims I knew well were from INDIA-----they insisted that the MOGHUL EMPIRE ------consisting of all of India ruled by muslims and the filth of shariah-------is the CONTINUING CORRECT SITUATION in the Indian subcontinent


OK list the actions made by the Security Council to implement the partition.
Tinny is playing another game of semantics-------the PARTITION became a fait accompli------with the war against the jews in palestine initiated by arabs as a response to the partition issue-----as he knows

got that everyone?---- tinnie claims a resolution of the UN----vanished ----because muslims did not want it and so attacked jews instead. When the smoke cleared and there was a truce line-----tinnie claims------ A PARTITION RESOLUTION never existed because the UN HAD FAILED TO FORCE IT ON MUSLIMS
Tinny is playing another game of semantics-------the PARTITION became a fait accompli------with the war against the jews in palestine initiated by arabs as a response to the partition issue-----as he knows

got that everyone?---- tinnie claims a resolution of the UN----vanished ----because muslims did not want it and so attacked jews instead. When the smoke cleared and there was a truce line-----tinnie claims------ A PARTITION RESOLUTION never existed because the UN HAD FAILED TO FORCE IT ON MUSLIMS

Forcing the partition on the Palestinians would have violated international law and the UN charter.

That is why it didn't happen.
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LOL now Tinnie is calling the palestinians idiots-----because the UN and the world had NO INTENTION of doing anything other than walking away and
letting muslims move on with their genocide of jews ------but somehow it did not turn out that way-----those EVIL JEWS DEFENDED THEIR LIVES . There are lines in the koran supporting Tinnie's POV------My fave is the one about some jew in Yathrib----who on seeing the hordes of muslims descending on his town for a rape, pillage and murder fest------destroyed some of his more valuable possessions-------for so doing the characters in the koran describe him as EVIL FOR DEPRIVING MUSLIMS OF THEIR RIGHTFUL BOOTY

of course the next problem is WHAT TO DO with the fact that a war did take
place--------as I see it-----the only option left to TINNIE-----is an attack on the jewish population of Israel-----and any place in which there were jews in the Middle east------and KILL THEM ALL I have good news for Tinnie-----in fact thare were British troops in some of the countries of the middle east who were nicely cooperative with the ensuing pogroms------that should MAKE YOUR DAY -----may you and yours experience your plan for jews
Dennis Ross can sue you for libel- and win; in a heartbeat.

Clinton to Arafat: It’s All Your Fault

Abu Ala himself even admitted that the PLO was to blame:

Qureia described a tense face-off with President Bill Clinton on the third day of the Camp David summit, when the Israelis laid out a map showing how the West Bank could be divided between Israeli and Palestinian control. Qureia insisted that the Palestinians were entitled to all the West Bank land Israel conquered in 1967, with only minor modifications in the form of territorial swaps.

At that, he said, Clinton lost his temper and asked Qureia what his proposals were.

"I said, 'Mr. President, I don't have proposals. My proposal is the 1967 borders,' "Qureia recalled."I told him this is the basis, the term of reference of this process. He said, 'But you should offer a proposal.'

"I told him, 'Mr. President, I cannot take my hand, part of my body [and] give it to somebody else.' "

Qureia asked Clinton to show him "what things realistically he needs that will not affect the viability of our [Palestinian] state, the contiguity of our land, because this is the future of the Palestinian people."

Qureia said Clinton became angry and said, " 'Sir, you hold personally the responsibility for the failure of the summit. If you want to address speeches, go to the United Nations Security Council, address speeches there. Don't waste my time here.' "

"Didn't we dance for joy at the failure of Camp David?" asks Nabil Amer, formerly one of Arafat's chief aides. "After two years of bloodshed, we are now calling for what we rejected."

To End the [Palestinian] Violence :: Daniel Pipes

And you might also want to see the interview of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, done by Elsa Walsh in The New Yorker (March 24, 2003). In the interview, the ambassador attacks Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat in the sharpest tone. He refers to a meeting between Arafat and President Bill Clinton in January 2001, at which Bandar was pressuring the Palestinian leader to accept Clinton's proposals. This offer, Bandar says, gave the Palestinians 97 percent of the territories, all of Jerusalem - excluding the Jewish and Armenian quarters and the right of Jews to pray at the Temple Mount - and $30 billion in a "compensation fund."

Pressuring Arafat, Bandar tells him: You won't get anything better. Bandar asks whether the PA chairman would prefer Ariel Sharon to Barak - in light of the upcoming elections in Israel - and then he presents Arafat with an ultimatum: If you do not accept the Clinton offer, this means "we go to war"; no Arab state will rally to support you.

Profiles: The Prince : The New Yorker

"Atwan: Arafat Signed Oslo Accords Hoping Jews Would Flee" (November 20, 2004)

Yasser Arafat agreed to sign the Oslo Accords because he expected that the agreements would lead thousands of Jews to flee Israel.

Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi, said Arafat said so when they met in Tunis, days before he returned to the Gaza Strip. "The man told me, 'Listen, Abdel Bari, I know that you are opposed to the Oslo Accords, but you must always remember what I'm going to tell you. The day will come when you will see thousands of Jews fleeing Palestine. I will not live to see this, but you will definitely see it in your lifetime. The Oslo Accords will help bring this about.'"...

As an added bonus:

Best. Deal. Ever.
The untold story of Condi’s Peace-Process Anguish.
by Condoleezza Rice | October 23, 2011

But we digress. The fact is that the would-have-been "Palestinians" had given up their claims to OUR land long ago.

I sure am glad that we have cleared that up once and for all.

Camp David was a load of crap. The liars are still pimping it as a good deal.
Gee. The whole world disagrees with you- including those who were actually there.

Must be lonely to be you.
Tinny is playing another game of semantics-------the PARTITION became a fait accompli------with the war against the jews in palestine initiated by arabs as a response to the partition issue-----as he knows

got that everyone?---- tinnie claims a resolution of the UN----vanished ----because muslims did not want it and so attacked jews instead. When the smoke cleared and there was a truce line-----tinnie claims------ A PARTITION RESOLUTION never existed because the UN HAD FAILED TO FORCE IT ON MUSLIMS

Forcing the partition on the Palestinians would have violated international law and the UN charter.

That is why it didn't happen.

Please cite the chapter and article that it would have violated.

Thank you.
So if mexico invades and the us rejects a plan to give mexico everything wesrt of mississipi, the us loses any claim to statehood?
I saw the word nazi...

The nazis.supported.the.zionists and israel's right to exist

See:.edwin black, the transfer agreement

I saw the word nazi...

The nazis.supported.the.zionists and israel's right to exist

See:.edwin black, the transfer agreement

Have you ever heard of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and leader of the would-have-been "Palestinians"?

He was very close to Hitler and the other Nazi leadership, actively recruited Bosnian Muslims for them, and wanted to set up death camps here like they had in Europe.,_Amin_al_Husseini_und_Adolf_Hitler.jpg

Not much has changed: Palestinian TV broadcasts racist programs calling Jews "monkeys and pigs"

NY Israel Day Parade Photos: Terror Supporters Inc. | Israellycool

"Mein Kampf For Sale, In Arabic" (18/03/2002)

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain...
So if mexico invades and the us rejects a plan to give mexico everything wesrt of mississipi, the us loses any claim to statehood?
The US didn't violently oppose statehood.

The Philistines did.

Oh well. That'stheir choice.

Some did. Hence the war.

Palestinians nevwr violently opposed statwhood. They oppose occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing at the hands of alien invaders eslousinh an ethmic statw.which declares race to be one's.nationality and denies equal.rights to.all its citizen-subjects
I saw the word nazi...

The nazis.supported.the.zionists and israel's right to exist

See:.edwin black, the transfer agreement

Have you ever heard of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and leader of the would-have-been "Palestinians"?

He was very close to Hitler and the other Nazi leadership, actively recruited Bosnian Muslims for them, and wanted to set up death camps here like they had in Europe.,_Amin_al_Husseini_und_Adolf_Hitler.jpg

Not much has changed: Palestinian TV broadcasts racist programs calling Jews "monkeys and pigs"

NY Israel Day Parade Photos: Terror Supporters Inc. | Israellycool

"Mein Kampf For Sale, In Arabic" (18/03/2002)

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain...

So? The world zionist congress proposed alliance with hitler in WWII

You really fon't want to use that line of argument if you want the Zionists to look like anything other than nationalsocialists who set out to fo a.dtate.for.their.own conception of a master.race
So if mexico invades and the us rejects a plan to give mexico everything wesrt of mississipi, the us loses any claim to statehood?
The US didn't violently oppose statehood.

The Philistines did.

Oh well. That'stheir choice.

Some did. Hence the war.

Palestinians nevwr violently opposed statwhood. They oppose occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing at the hands of alien invaders eslousinh an ethmic statw.which declares race to be one's.nationality and denies equal.rights to.all its citizen-subjects

Let's try reality- k?

The simple fact is that the would-have-been “Palestinians” could have had a state in peace, but chose war on MANY occasions- INSTEAD:

The would-have-been “Palestinians” would have had a state IN PEACE in 1937 with the Peel Plan, but they violently rejected it.

They would have had a state IN PEACE in 1939 with the MacDonald White Paper, but they violently rejected it (and Jews would have even been restricted from BUYING land from Arabs).

They would have had a state IN PEACE in 1948 with UN 181, but they violently rejected it (and actually claimed that the UN had no such mandate!).

They could have had a state IN PEACE in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza from 1948-1967 without any Jews- because the Arabs had ethnically cleansed every last one; but they violently rejected it. In fact, that's exactly when they established Fatah (1959) and the PLO (1964).

They could have had a state IN PEACE after 1967, but instead, the entire Arab world issued the Khartoum Resolutions:

A. No peace with Israel
B. No recognition of Israel
C. No negotiations with Israel

They would have had a state IN PEACE in 2000 with the Oslo Accords, but they violently rejected it- as always.

And as soon as Israel pulled every single Israeli out of Gaza, what did the would-have-been “Palestinians” do? They immediately started shooting thousands of missiles into Israeli population centers, they elected Hamas (whose official platform calls for jihad with no negotiations until Israel is destroyed) to rule them, and they have dug tunnels crossing into the Negev to kill and kidnap Israelis.

And even afterwards, Ehud Olmert made his subsequent generous offer that went far beyond even that of Barak. The would-have-been "Palestinians" rejected it.

They had many chances.

They threw them all away because destroying Israel was higher on their priority list. It still is. Here is their "President" Abbas speaking recently:


Abbas vows: No room for Israelis in Palestinian state

[ame=""]Abbas Zaki of Fatah Admits, "Wiping Out Israel Main Goal"[/ame]

PA Religious Official Publicly Calls for Genocide of Jews

[ame=]PA Mufti: Muslims will kill Jews in name of Islam - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Nabil Shaath: We'll Never Accept "Two-States for Two Peoples" Solution [/ame]

Oh well. That’s their choice. Game over for them. They won’t have a state here in OUR land.

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