The only solution for the gay marriage atrocity (If anyone has interest in solutions)


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
How is it possible the immoral act of the national recognition of homosexuality has reached a point where it can't be defeated by American law?

The answer is because the government has once again over-reached it's bounds. Marriage is being sanctioned by the government? who cares. What ever reasons the government got involved with marriage, the government needs to get out of it.

The answer is to let the churches marry people and get the government out.

Tax breaks? The government needs to cut taxes on everything anyways.

It's imperative conservatives get onboard of removing the government from marriage , because what the left-wing has done is make the nation officially accept homosexuality.

Let homosexuals get married by the wiccans.

If homosexuals had to get married at a church, you'll see how fast they drop the issue.
"The only solution for the gay marriage atrocity (If anyone has interest in solutions)"

It's a 'solution' in search of a 'problem' that doesn't exist.

Indeed, the Constitution has already resolved the issue.
I have a solution: Arm yourself and rise up, this tyrannical Obama administration must be stopped! The Muslim homo fascists have destroyed the Christian way of life! LOOOOOL.
"The only solution for the gay marriage atrocity (If anyone has interest in solutions)"

It's a 'solution' in search of a 'problem' that doesn't exist.

Indeed, the Constitution has already resolved the issue.


Then there shouldn't be any issue with allowing all mature willing companions to form marriage groups as they choose so we don't violate the 14th Amendment and Civil Rights Act.


Funny how the ones that tend to scream the loudest about separation of church and state have no qualms with the state redefining a word coined by the church
Funny how the ones that tend to scream the loudest about separation of church and state have no qualms with the state redefining a word coined by the church

Agreed. They want the government to interfere with the church but the church can't interfere with the state. They can't have it both ways.

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