The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

Since the criminals in question will ignore all your new laws, what impact will it make, exactly?

So are we discussing this seriously or not? Just let me know.

Sounded like a serious question to me, one that you obviously don't have an answer for.

How do we get guns away from criminals?

What's the plan?

Step by step, please.


1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

1. Didn't stop the California guy, he waited MONTHS for it. and what about someone who thinks their life is at risk? Will the police provide 24-7 coverage while the person waits?

2. Criminals will still be Criminals, no impact.

3. How does knowing who owns the guns stops someone from going nutters and shooting people?

4. Infringement. The government will make the price so high only the rich will be able to afford it. Why do you hate poor people?

5. So basically when someone doesn't follow your laws above to the letter, you get to ban them from ever owning a legal gun again. Banning by increments.

6. Again, you lower the bar to misdemeanors to create a de-facto ban. you then lower the bar for mentally unstable to limit it even further. de facto ban.

Each one of these is open to abuse by you to prevent all gun ownership. Go fuck yourself.

How do we get guns away from criminals?

What's the plan?

Step by step, please.


1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

Great list. How about instead of going after pot smokers they wage a war on illegal gun sales. I saw a news piece on Detroit where the cops set up a fake barber shop and caught a bunch of guys with all kinds of semi's, auto's, ak's, gats, assault rifles, etc. It's just too fucking easy to get an illegal gun. And I'm sure Smith and Wesson love it that way.

How do we get guns away from criminals?

What's the plan?

Step by step, please.


1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

Apply your 'rules' to recent mass murderers, which ones would they have stopped?
6. would have solved Vegas. They were both total loons, like several here.
Since the criminals in question will ignore all your new laws, what impact will it make, exactly?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

I can see that increasing regulations on initial purchases would slow things down a bit over time, but I can't get past the old "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" thing.

There's obviously a problem, I don't own a gun (unless you count the Super Soaker™ in the garage), but I don't see a clear and effective answer to this question.

That's because you don't see the obvious, when guns are outlawed having one makes them an outlaw, and we shoot first them and ask questions later.

We only have to gun down a few hundred people holding guns they aren't allowed to own before the word gets out.

All talk, no balls. Fuck off Joe.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

I can see that increasing regulations on initial purchases would slow things down a bit over time, but I can't get past the old "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" thing.

There's obviously a problem, I don't own a gun (unless you count the Super Soaker™ in the garage), but I don't see a clear and effective answer to this question.

That's because you don't see the obvious, when guns are outlawed having one makes them an outlaw, and we shoot first them and ask questions later.

We only have to gun down a few hundred people holding guns they aren't allowed to own before the word gets out.

All talk, no balls. Fuck off Joe.
Talk huh, well that's how it would work, and why don't you learn how the Internet works little man...
Still no one has even tried to refute the point of the thread.

The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

The only real result, will be to completely disarm the law-abiding members of the population... or turn the ones who don't surrender their guns, into criminals.

Is this the real goal of the leftist gun-haters?
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Since the criminals in question will ignore all your new laws, what impact will it make, exactly?

So are we discussing this seriously or not? Just let me know.


The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

So did you want to discuss my ideas or were you just pretending that you were interested in actual discussion?

Listen, every single other 1st world nation has far less gun related death than we do here. Why is that? Do we not have the right laws? Do we not enforce our laws well enough? Do we have too many dark skinned people? You tell me.

I took a stab at some ideas that would allow upstanding citizens the opportunity to own an endless amount of guns and try to cut down on people who shouldn't have weapons at the same time. I'm trying to have a discussion about it, are you?
Still no one has even tried to refute the point of the thread.

The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.
Total ban and confiscation is impractical and possibly illegal. In any event, no one is proposing it. What is being proposed are better background checks, national registration and limited controls on ammunition. The goal is not perfection. The goal is a modest but real reduction in needless slaughter and the beginning of a slowly developing evolution in public consciousness about the role of firearms in our society.
From a liberal perspective: There are restrictions on other constitutional rights, such as free speech. Why can't there be similar restrictions on the types of guns available?

Honestly, until something happens and a case that directly covers this is taken to the Supreme Court, I'm not sure anything will change. Court cases that guns-rights activists use as support are also used by gun-control activists.

Free Speech isn't an unalienable right.
Still no one has even tried to refute the point of the thread.

The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

The only real result, will be to completely disarm the law-abiding members of the population... or turn the ones who don't surrender their guns, into criminals.

Is this the real goal of the leftist gun-haters?

there is no point to the thread ... your partisan hackery is based totally on the assumption our government as a whole allows that to happen

not in this life :eusa_whistle:
So are we discussing this seriously or not? Just let me know.


The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

So did you want to discuss my ideas

See the answer I already gave. You quoted it. Try reading it.

Or are you simply going to continue pretending I'm the one dodging the discussion?


The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

How do we get guns away from criminals?

What's the plan?

Step by step, please.


1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

1. Didn't stop the California guy, he waited MONTHS for it. and what about someone who thinks their life is at risk? Will the police provide 24-7 coverage while the person waits?

2. Criminals will still be Criminals, no impact.

3. How does knowing who owns the guns stops someone from going nutters and shooting people?

4. Infringement. The government will make the price so high only the rich will be able to afford it. Why do you hate poor people?

5. So basically when someone doesn't follow your laws above to the letter, you get to ban them from ever owning a legal gun again. Banning by increments.

6. Again, you lower the bar to misdemeanors to create a de-facto ban. you then lower the bar for mentally unstable to limit it even further. de facto ban.

Each one of these is open to abuse by you to prevent all gun ownership. Go fuck yourself.

Lets try some federal laws that go after the gun manufacturers or whoever it is in the loop that is flooding guns into the black market.

I bet this is like illegal immigration. Its not the workers fault. I would swim the Detroit river to get into Canada if they had $200K a year jobs over there for me. We have an illegal employer problem.

And the gun companies can't be innocent. They make x amount of guns a year. How many is that? Now how many people are buying guns legally each year? I bet the numbers don't add up. And the fact that we don't know these numbers tells you how powerful the gun lobby is. :eusa_shhh:
Since the criminals in question will ignore all your new laws, what impact will it make, exactly?

So are we discussing this seriously or not? Just let me know.


The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.
Says who? The facts of reality don't agree with you.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

A gun ban isn't going to happen and isn't practical. Let me know when you're ready to discuss honestly.

How do we get guns away from criminals?

What's the plan?

Step by step, please.


1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

Apply your 'rules' to recent mass murderers, which ones would they have stopped?

Over time I'd like to think most of them. In a short time frame, I don't know...not many. This is not an overnight solution.
Since the criminals in question will ignore all your new laws, what impact will it make, exactly?

So are we discussing this seriously or not? Just let me know.

Sounded like a serious question to me, one that you obviously don't have an answer for.

But it's not a serious question.

Let's put it this way. Are there criminals in Japan? Are there criminals in every other industrialized country in the world?

Of course there are yet they dont have the issue with access to firearms that we do.

Now you can see why that isnt a serious question.

How do we get guns away from criminals?

What's the plan?

Step by step, please.


1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

1. Didn't stop the California guy, he waited MONTHS for it. and what about someone who thinks their life is at risk? Will the police provide 24-7 coverage while the person waits?

2. Criminals will still be Criminals, no impact.

3. How does knowing who owns the guns stops someone from going nutters and shooting people?

4. Infringement. The government will make the price so high only the rich will be able to afford it. Why do you hate poor people?

5. So basically when someone doesn't follow your laws above to the letter, you get to ban them from ever owning a legal gun again. Banning by increments.

6. Again, you lower the bar to misdemeanors to create a de-facto ban. you then lower the bar for mentally unstable to limit it even further. de facto ban.

Each one of these is open to abuse by you to prevent all gun ownership. Go fuck yourself.

You're not smart enough to discuss serious topics. Sorry Marty, go lie back down.

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