The only Democrat who has a chance to defeat President Donald Trump

Orange Snowball coming to take you SS, Medicaid, and retirement benefits. Keep it up, 007.
Holy cow dude... you must have scored some good drugs earlier tonight.

That's been a Democrat scare tactic bullet point for decades, every time a republican runs for any office, pushed especially hard in areas with large segments of senior citizens. It's never happened and never will, but they'll keep shouting it.
A big part of the voting that elected Trump was voting against Hillary. None of the current Democrat candidates carry the kind of baggage Hillary has.

I think several of them could beat Trump. There is a pretty potent anti-Trump sentiment on both sides of the aisle.
Well evidently my sig line triggered you enough to copy and paste it.

Own it.

That is why I have it there, and I guess it works.
Actually it did not work. And I'm not a leftist. You own your sig. Damn, you are thick headed.
Well... whatever.

And yeah, I'll own my sig line forever.

So what's you're point? Why did you copy and paste it?

Say something that's understandable.
Everything I post is understandable.
"So what's you're point? Why did you copy and paste it?"
To show you how negative you are.
Weird... I don't see anything negative in my sig.

Care to point out what you think is negative?
For starters.


Yikes, you'd prefer TOXIC TO LEFT WING IDIOTS?
He’s polling around 3% which means he has no chance in spite of how much you may respect him.

(Democratic primary voters)
Howard Dean
Wesley Clark
Joe Lieberman
Richard Gephardt
Al Sharpton
John Kerry

John Edwards
Carol Moseley-Braun
Dennis Kucinich
Don't Know

Poll: Dean Pulls Away In Dem Race
(Democratic primary voters)

John Kerry didn't jump into the race at the last minute. He spent a lot of time building a constituency, organization and infrastructure that came through.

Bloomberg hasn't. Neither have any of the other "also rans".

Also, not sure if Kerry is a good example, as he is the ONLY Democrat to lose the popular vote for President since 1988.
At some point most Americans eventually grow up, And see socialism as a fairytale.... But then again some fuck ups never grow up

Really, the only fairy tale I've seen is capitalism... you work very hard and get rich.

You work very hard and someone else gets rich... that's the problem.
Expecting someone else to pay for your way I see... socialism 101
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color!

How often does that happen?
Well, why don't you educate us, bitch.
“Hope and change” was a fraud... Only fucking retards believed in such a thing. Lol
A streamlined campaign slogan that apparently left you in the dust.
It was never meant for people Obama disagreed with... Barry never represented anybody other than his supporters. That’s the way it should be
John Kerry didn't jump into the race at the last minute.

Nor did Yang, who we're discussing. Try to keep up.

My apologies... I thought we had moved on to Bloomberg as the flavor of the day.

Reality- Either Biden will win it with establishment support, or the left lane will decide on Warren or Bernie...

Unlike 2004, where there wasn't a real big gap in what they believed, it was just who came off as the most likely to beat Bush.

Kerry came off because he was a Veteran, and everyone forgot about all the times he hung out with Jane Fonda.
While his chances of becoming the communist party, I mean democratic party nominee for 2020 presidential candidate are between slim and marginal; Andrew Yang is the one communist, errr democrat that has a legit chance of defeating Donald Trump.

Yang is intelligent, very well spoken, polished, and presents what he believes to be ideas and solutions. My politics are libertari-right, and while I disagree with just about everything Yang stands for politically, I find him to be a likeable person. All the other democrats are vicious, hateful despicable forms of the worst sewage possible - and yes that would include Michael Robinson (aka Michelle Obama) if that hateful tranny should enter as a late candidate.

Agree or disagree with Yang, his speaking skills are outstanding, he is likeable, and yes he actually has a platform outside of impeachment. Let's be clear, if Yang pulls off an upset and becomes the nominee, for the first time in decades, perhaps centuries, the democrats won't have to rely on voter fraud, voter intimidation, people voting 73+ times, rigged voting machines, dead people voting and illegals voting to have an honest chance of winning. If Yang is the nominee, Trump will not be able to win using insults and bully tactics like in 2016, he will have to refine his approach to defeat Yang. Can Trump do this? Yes he can. Like Trump or not, just like Yang, the man is highly intelligent.

I will close this out by stating that while I disagree with Yang's politics, I respect him.

Mr. Yang has no chance of winning the nomination. He has had too much involvement in the Private Sector that is condemned by his party.

Kamala bragged about having never worked a minute in the Private Sector, and is considered qualified.

Yang, and now that doofus Bloomberg, are too tied into building their own lives independent of government to really be worthwhile as a Presidential candidate for the D's. BTW, we haven't seen Bloomberg's tax returns yet. About time, with all the whining we've heard about that "issue" this year.
Mr. Yang has no chance of winning the nomination. He has had too much involvement in the Private Sector that is condemned by his party.

Kamala bragged about having never worked a minute in the Private Sector, and is considered qualified.

She's barely polling higher than Yang
While his chances of becoming the communist party, I mean democratic party nominee for 2020 presidential candidate are between slim and marginal; Andrew Yang is the one communist, errr democrat that has a legit chance of defeating Donald Trump.

Yang is intelligent, very well spoken, polished, and presents what he believes to be ideas and solutions. My politics are libertari-right, and while I disagree with just about everything Yang stands for politically, I find him to be a likeable person. All the other democrats are vicious, hateful despicable forms of the worst sewage possible - and yes that would include Michael Robinson (aka Michelle Obama) if that hateful tranny should enter as a late candidate.

Agree or disagree with Yang, his speaking skills are outstanding, he is likeable, and yes he actually has a platform outside of impeachment. Let's be clear, if Yang pulls off an upset and becomes the nominee, for the first time in decades, perhaps centuries, the democrats won't have to rely on voter fraud, voter intimidation, people voting 73+ times, rigged voting machines, dead people voting and illegals voting to have an honest chance of winning. If Yang is the nominee, Trump will not be able to win using insults and bully tactics like in 2016, he will have to refine his approach to defeat Yang. Can Trump do this? Yes he can. Like Trump or not, just like Yang, the man is highly intelligent.

I will close this out by stating that while I disagree with Yang's politics, I respect him.

Mr. Yang has no chance of winning the nomination. He has had too much involvement in the Private Sector that is condemned by his party.

Kamala bragged about having never worked a minute in the Private Sector, and is considered qualified.

Yang, and now that doofus Bloomberg, are too tied into building their own lives independent of government to really be worthwhile as a Presidential candidate for the D's. BTW, we haven't seen Bloomberg's tax returns yet. About time, with all the whining we've heard about that "issue" this year.
The whore slept her way to her position obviously... Just ask Willie Brown
He’s polling around 3% which means he has no chance in spite of how much you may respect him.

(Democratic primary voters)
Howard Dean
Wesley Clark
Joe Lieberman
Richard Gephardt
Al Sharpton
John Kerry

John Edwards
Carol Moseley-Braun
Dennis Kucinich
Don't Know

Poll: Dean Pulls Away In Dem Race

I get your point except John Kerry had huge name recognition. Whereas .....who are we talking about again? Do you get my point?
While his chances of becoming the communist party, I mean democratic party nominee for 2020 presidential candidate are between slim and marginal; Andrew Yang is the one communist, errr democrat that has a legit chance of defeating Donald Trump.

Yang is intelligent, very well spoken, polished, and presents what he believes to be ideas and solutions. My politics are libertari-right, and while I disagree with just about everything Yang stands for politically, I find him to be a likeable person. All the other democrats are vicious, hateful despicable forms of the worst sewage possible - and yes that would include Michael Robinson (aka Michelle Obama) if that hateful tranny should enter as a late candidate.

Agree or disagree with Yang, his speaking skills are outstanding, he is likeable, and yes he actually has a platform outside of impeachment. Let's be clear, if Yang pulls off an upset and becomes the nominee, for the first time in decades, perhaps centuries, the democrats won't have to rely on voter fraud, voter intimidation, people voting 73+ times, rigged voting machines, dead people voting and illegals voting to have an honest chance of winning. If Yang is the nominee, Trump will not be able to win using insults and bully tactics like in 2016, he will have to refine his approach to defeat Yang. Can Trump do this? Yes he can. Like Trump or not, just like Yang, the man is highly intelligent.

I will close this out by stating that while I disagree with Yang's politics, I respect him.

I think it's interesting that you throw the term "communist" around since the only "communist" is married to tRump.

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