The Official Republican Debates Thread

Nono.. Don't ask that one to explain anything. He'll come back with 8 million pics in one post that you'll have to scroll thru because HE doesn't know how to edit them down, and thinks its someone ELSES problem to fix it..
Nono.. Don't ask that one to explain anything. He'll come back with 8 million pics in one post that you'll have to scroll thru because HE doesn't know how to edit them down, and thinks its someone ELSES problem to fix it..

Having taken the time to fully explain the one incident of posting a large photo to you after you posted -
Dude.. You seriously need to stop the shit. If you don't know how to use Photoshop to edit your ridiculous fucking pictures down to something normal, don't fucking post them.

And, you're wrong.. It's not a "moderators problem" - it's your fucking problem.

Stop the shit.

You exaggerating the situation to Gunny like a 3 year old spoiled child,
In whatever thread the delapitated trailer was posted.. You told him to resize it, or you'd delete it.. He said he can't, and that's a moderators problem...


I now know for certain that you are truly a fucked up person. You state that you are a ‘manager’, just what do you manage? People??? Do people work for you? How long do they stay before they escape being around you.?

It’s 12:30pm on a Saturday night and you, a 37 year old emotionally unstable childless woman, all alone at a keyboard. Sad!

My current negative rep’, all from you Shattered. It started when some one accused you of siding with me. I guess you are really showing them. Go on throw some more at me a stomp you feet, and say errrrrrr! You are so emotionally unstable, I bet you are pissed now. Well little girl I don’t care.
Having taken the time to fully explain the one incident of posting a large photo to you after you posted -

You exaggerating the situation to Gunny like a 3 year old spoiled child,

I now know for certain that you are truly a fucked up person. You state that you are a ‘manager’, just what do you manage? People??? Do people work for you? How long do they stay before they escape being around you.?

It’s 12:30pm on a Saturday night and you, a 37 year old emotionally unstable childless woman, all alone at a keyboard. Sad!

My current negative rep’, all from you Shattered. It started when some one accused you of siding with me. I guess you are really showing them. Go on throw some more at me a stomp you feet, and say errrrrrr! You are so emotionally unstable, I bet you are pissed now. Well little girl I don’t care.

and who got busted posting under multiple ID's?

So you could create others who agree with you - that is sad
Anyone else watch this? Thoughts?

I thought McCain did the best. Brownback clearly distinguished himself as the religious right conservative. Romney and Huckabee did well. Tancredo was all about immigration but didn't shine elsewhere.

I think the people who helped their standing were McCain, Romney, and Brownback (Brownback will get his bump from the South.)

Everyone else won't get that much of a bump.

MSNBC's Matthews Rationalizes Clinton Question from GOP Debate
Posted by Brendan Jones on May 4, 2007 - 11:59.
While being interviewed on Friday's “Today” show by Meredith Vieira, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews attempted to explain the rationale behind a bizarre question he posed to Republicans the night before at the debate he moderated. Matthews had asked the presidential candidates: "Seriously, would it be good for America to have Bill Clinton back living in the White House?"

Republicans laughed in unison, with Mitt Romney retorting: "You have got to be kidding."

On the May 4 "Today," from the site of the debate, the Air Force One pavilion at the Ronald Reagan Library amd Museum in Simi Valley, California, Matthews defended his question:

"If I offered that same question up to Democrats or independents, it would be kind of mixed on the independent side, and on the Democratic side they would be cheering like mad. So, it really is this sort of a cultural question about the Clintons that becomes so iconic. 'Do you like the ? Do you viscerally like them?'"

I thought they all agreed they didn't want Clinton back in the White House. I thought that was an interesting response. Because, I thought, you know, Republicans are having a hard time uniting and one thing they unite around is they don't want the Clintons back in the White House. And yet when you say, 'What do you think about Bill Clinton back in the White House?' they all sort of guffawed. Well, that's a particularly Republican response."
Seriously, this is emotive rhetoric, dismemberment is not the only option. The way the progeny is killed in this procedure was barbaric and unnecessary. Saying that they think there may be more complications than they thought from requiring the death of the progeny before hand was not considered strong enough after the testimony of many doctors giving a different viewpoint.

So, disagree if you wish, but this "dismemberment" garbage is emotive rhetoric.

They simply gave the progeny a way of dying far less discomfiting than first being delivered almost all the way by forceps then killed before delivering the head without any painkiller. If you have ever watched an injured infant project you would not be promoting such a death for them.

ahhhh, so you THINK it is rhetoric? :)

then do a google on's what i have found no1 and it is not very pretty! oh, and if the source is not good enough, you can easily find one that you do accept.....

it was not an irrational emotional rhetoric no1...

(btw, does it make you ''feel good'' to say that....emotional to DISMISS your opponent before doing ANY research on the issue? hmmmm? tsk, tsk!!!)

read up, dismemberment IS THE LEGAL ALTERNATIVE.... for late term abortion...

they dialate the women, stick foreceps insided and squeeze them togeter over and over until the fetus is BROKEN APART, then removed by the foreceps, counting each arm, leg, head, torso, etc, making certain to get all of the PIECES, then she is vucumed/suctioned out, to get the other remains... :(

that seems MUCH more inhumane and painful to the child to be imho!

dilation and evacuation
Dilation and evacuation is the most common form of second trimester abortion. It is commonly referred to as a D&E.

Approximately 11% of abortions are performed in the second trimester. In 2002, there were an estimated 142,000 second-trimester abortions in the United States.[1] The second trimester of pregnancy begins at 13 weeks gestation. For first-trimester and early second-trimester abortions, the pregnancy may be ended by vacuum aspiration alone (D&C abortion). Sometime in the second trimester, however, it becomes necessary to use instruments to help remove the fetus. This instrumental procedure is known as dilation and evacuation (D&E).

The first step in a D&E is to dilate the cervix. This is often begun about a day before the surgical procedure. Enlarging the opening of the cervix enables surgical instruments such as a curette or forceps to be inserted into the uterus.

The second step is to remove the fetus. Either a local anesthetic or general anesthesia is given to the woman. Forceps are inserted into the uterus through the vagina and used to separate the fetus into pieces, which are removed one at a time. Lastly, vacuum aspiration is used to ensure no fetal tissue remains in the uterus (such tissue can cause serious infections in the woman). The pieces are also examined to check that the entire fetus was removed.

If the fetus is removed intact, the procedure is known medically as intact dilation and extraction or "intact D&X".
And the neighborhood refers to which one of us as such??

You never let up with the lies do you?
You know "V" an I. You know us and we know you.

Wait.. yer all part of the same friggen trailer park? That explains even more... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Same village, but neither of us are in a trailer park.
I live in a very nice spacious house.
RSR has a trailer on a small plot of land.

Let's be a little careful what personal info we give out without RSR's consent. And before you get yourself all worked up, this is just a friendly reminder to keep it from going somehwere it doesn't need to.
Let's be a little careful what personal info we give out without RSR's consent. And before you get yourself all worked up, this is just a friendly reminder to keep it from going somehwere it doesn't need to.

Maybe you could clue me in as to just what is objectionable about that post.
Maybe you could clue me in as to just what is objectionable about that post.

Technically, nothing is wrong with THAT post. I did not say there was. It is however flirting with giving out personal information; which, without RSR's consent is a no-no.

I simply cautioned you against going too far. For all I know you might not have ever even read the board policy on personal privacy. I feel better mentioning it now, than having to deal with an accidental or purposeful breech of that rule.
ahhhh, so you THINK it is rhetoric? :)

then do a google on's what i have found no1 and it is not very pretty! oh, and if the source is not good enough, you can easily find one that you do accept.....

it was not an irrational emotional rhetoric no1...

(btw, does it make you ''feel good'' to say that....emotional to DISMISS your opponent before doing ANY research on the issue? hmmmm? tsk, tsk!!!)

read up, dismemberment IS THE LEGAL ALTERNATIVE.... for late term abortion...

they dialate the women, stick foreceps insided and squeeze them togeter over and over until the fetus is BROKEN APART, then removed by the foreceps, counting each arm, leg, head, torso, etc, making certain to get all of the PIECES, then she is vucumed/suctioned out, to get the other remains... :(

that seems MUCH more inhumane and painful to the child to be imho!

Tsk. Tsk... It is after the child has been injected. At least read more than just on the anti sites there, Care. I also notice you didn't have much to say on the fact that the youngest that an early birth has survived was at 20 weeks saying that they are not viable is no longer an option.
Technically, nothing is wrong with THAT post. I did not say there was. It is however flirting with giving out personal information; which, without RSR's consent is a no-no.

I simply cautioned you against going too far. For all I know you might not have ever even read the board policy on personal privacy. I feel better mentioning it now, than having to deal with an accidental or purposeful breech of that rule.

Let's be a little careful what personal info we give out without RSR's consent. And before you get yourself all worked up, this is just a friendly reminder to keep it from going somehwere it doesn't need to.

He is close to be being a cyber net stalker
Tsk. Tsk... It is after the child has been injected. At least read more than just on the anti sites there, Care. I also notice you didn't have much to say on the fact that the youngest that an early birth has survived was at 20 weeks saying that they are not viable is no longer an option.

Oh, I agree on the 20-21 weeks old baby surviving and actually going home with her mother, after about a year in the hospital, I believe.....? A whole story was done on one of the 24/7's about it.... This was about a year or so ago I think?

And as far as your tsk, tsk....

Can you provide a link that says the baby is injected with a pain killer before they dismember it with foreceps during a D & E? I don't see that in the medical description of a D & E?


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