The NYPD effed up

Actually pieces of shit is a better description.

Oh, they are deadbeats spending their "work week" sleeping in the streets around Wall, what jobs do they have?

Many of them are college students skipping class or skipping life talking about stuff they have no clue about.

They probably have no clue about Solyndra because their leaders didn't tell them about it. You don't even know about Solyndra....dumbass.

Calling them deadbeats ruins your credibility. I you have any.

deadbeats would not be out protesting.
They do when thier gubmint checks cease coming in.
I have friends who went to the protests with the intention of being arrested.

I'm sure you do, there's nothing like the leeches fucking over the taxpayer. Right? good job dimoRats.

Judging from the videos that I've seen, not all the protestors are democrats. Now you might consider them left wing, but some are Libertarian, and at least 2 Republicans.
The Mayor should put in the NYTimes the COST of these protests on the NY taxpayers. The additional police needed, the overtime pay, etc.

These protesters would slither out of town the next day.

Unless the point of their actions is to drag the country down further into economic ruin...
Which is where I believe Obama wanted it all along.This way the government runs it all.
The only economic engine that runs the country is government.Obama said it himself...

The time for profit is not now.
How much wealth do people need.
We need to spread the wealth around....Those famous words to Joe the plumber. :cuckoo:

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