The numbers will continue to increase. You yourself will probably catch the Wuhan. Don't panic. You probably won't die.

i do get flattening the curve means extending it

Then you get it wrong

Good article on herd immunity above

For herd immunity to work without a vaccine...70% would have to get it.

How many dead would that be if 245 million get this horror?


Look at the data. Ignore the Democrat blabbermouths.
Watch the second video, the end of the video explains that this is all about control and the government testing how American react to their loss of freedom

Look at the data. Ignore the Democrat blabbermouths.
Watch the second video, the end of the video explains that this is all about control and the government testing how American react to their loss of freedom
Oh look...batcrap crazy shit.

They're poisoning us with contrails too right?
yeah....well... just ask the front line respiratory therapist and nurses who are the ones actually caring for CV patients. Ask them about how it feels holding up phones so their family can see them on facetime for the last time, unable to be with them as they die alone.
2-3 months in and look where the world is..... Now. Multiply x 4-6 and envision next March. You can wash your ass with a garden hose. Buy more microwave popcorn and pray for free internet.Grow weed.Go fishing.RRRNNNN I suspect all the fish will be fished out within a year.Open the house eves and maybe some bats will nest in there. Is hurricane season here yet ?

Social distancing is imperative

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